With the ever-expanding use of technology for communications, the demand for strong cryptographic methods is continually growing. The implementation of cryptographic algorithms in modern networked systems is crucial to ensure the security and confidentiality of data.
Standardized encryption algorithms have emerged to allow users anddevelopersaquantifiableandthoroughlytestedlevelofsecuritywithintheirsystems.While much research has been done to improve the security of traditional ciphers such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and the now-defunct Rivest Cipher 4 (RC4), there are opportunities for the development and improvement of alternative ciphers based on graphic methods.
Encryption using graphic methods, such as Visual Cryptography(VC)and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC),givehigh levels of security, and demonstrate alternative approaches to achieve secure methods for the ever-expanding online world.This thesis proposes an alternative word-oriented symmetric stream cipher based on graphic methods called Coordinate Matrix Encryption (CME), which offers quantifiably high levels of security and an on-singularmapping of plain text to cipher text.
Thefocusofthisthesiswastoexplorethesecurityofferedbyalternativegraphicmethods, in comparison to traditional classical methods, as well as the difficulties faced in implementing these alternative systems. It is hypothesized that graphic-based methods would offer higher levels of security with lower overheads than classical methods, and that the proposed CME system would prove secure against attack.
The proposed system was implemented in Java along with four comparable algorithms, both graphic-based and traditional, which were AES, RC4, ECC, and VC. The algorithms were all tested for security and efficiency, and the comparative results show the high levels of security achievable by alternative graphic-based ciphers.
The resistance of the proposed 8-bit CME system to brute force attacks was shown to be 157,899 orders of magnitude higher than that of a 128-bit key in traditional ciphers such as AES. Examination of the avalanche effect of the CME
scheme showed that less than 0.5%ofallbyteswithintheciphertextremainedinthesamepositionwhenasinglebitof the plaintext was altered. While the RC4 scheme offered the best efficiency in terms of time required to encrypt and decrypt the data, the CME scheme had lower memory requirements and was faster in the setup execution.
Further research into alternative graphic methods is required to explore the applications of alternative systems such as CME. The security offered by the proposed CME scheme makes it an ideal candidate for post-quantum cryptographic research.
The system’s alternative key structure and non-singular mapping allow for resistance to known and chosen plaintext attacks, and these features require further exploration. Further comparative analysis between traditional and graphic-base deciphers is required to determine whether alternative graphic methods are able to offer higher security for lower overheads. Optimization of the CME scheme requires further testing, to ensure it has competitive advantage, and it is able to be implemented in application development.
There is currently little standardization in stream ciphers to replace RC4, and as such the opportunity exists for an optimized version of CME to assist in this particular space in applications such as TLS that utilize stream ciphers for encryption on a day-to-day basis.
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The use of cryptography for securing information can be traced back to early human civilizations. Transforming information so as to prevent unauthorized access is a necessity in the digital age. The standardization of algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) provides for a quantifiable level of security.
The ability to rigorously prove the security of a standard algorithm allows users to have confidence in the security of their implementation. It also allows programmers and developers to build around predefined structures for secure systems. Standard algorithms such as AES have
undergonemanyiterationsoftestingandresearchtoprovidethenecessaryconfidencein their security.Modern symmetric ciphers use a Feistel design. This involves multiple rounds of operations for encrypting blocks of data. These operations include substitutions and transpositions, as well as adding individual round keys. The security of these symmetric ciphers rests on the security of the key, usually a binary string of at least 128 bits. AES gives the option of 128, 192 or 256 bit keys. Due to the rising tide of research into
quantum computing, and the introduction of Grover’s Algorithm(Grover,1996),it is now recommended that symmetric encryption systems use keys greater than 128. The effect of quantum computing on security is discussed in chapters 5 and6.
The current security climate, stoked by events such as the release of Edward Snowden’s files from NSA surveillance programs, and the subsequent increase in encryption implementation by firms such as Apple and Facebook, has thrust cryptographic research to the forefront of social consciousness. As such, the demand for better, stronger, faster encryption methods is increasing globally.
To meet this demand, new cryptographic algorithms must be developed. On this basis, the research in this thesis revolved around the creation of an alternative symmetricst reamcipher called Coordinate Matrix Encryption (CME), using a matrix based key structure.
The implemented CME scheme gave a theoretical security to brute force attacks that outstripped the compared standardized algorithms,a more pronounced avalanche effect, and remained competitively efficient in execution.Cryptography is a hierarchical science that may be divided into several sub-layers. At the highest layer, cryptographic protocols are used to provide security in various applications such as online banking, remote login and secure e-mail.
These protocols rely on cryptographic algorithms to convey these messages securely. In other words, cryptographic algorithms can be considered as the core for these cryptographic protocols. These algorithms perform the mathematical transformations to provide data protection.
Examples for these algorithms are the RSA public key system and the Advanced Encryption (AES) symmetric key algorithm. At the lowest level of this hierarchy, we have the components that are used to build these cryptographic algorithms. In the case of symmetric key algorithms such as block ciphers, stream ciphers and hash functions, Boolean functions and S-boxes represent these primitive components.
Since the security of the cryptographic algorithms depend on these Boolean functions building blocks, one can argue that the overall system security also depends on these primitives. This study aims to investigate the application of cryptographic models to graphics.
The general objective of this study was to study graphics based on cryptographic models. It was guided by the following objectives.·
To determine the security benefits of graphic based systems in comparison to classical block ciphers
To evaluate the level of security provided by graphics based systems.
What are the security benefits of graphic based systems in comparison to classical block ciphers?
How is the level of security achieved in the proposed method
The use of encryption in technology underpins the security of modern life. The burgeoning Internet of Things has resulted in a high demand for secure algorithms to protect personal data, such as the integration of asymmetric encryption technologies in to banking applications and email, the use of encrypted smart card chips in bank cards and industry access cards, and the need to secure newly networked devices from smartphones to gadgets to electric bicycles.
As computer technology increases in speed and performance,andradicaldevelopmentssuchasShor’sAlgorithmthreateningthesecurity of current public key systems (Shor, 1994), the importance of and demand for strong cryptography is growing rapidly. The use of symmetric encryption algorithms such as the industry standard AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for the security of data has been implemented, and traditional encryption methods built on Feistel cipher design have received numerous improvements and upgrades in recent years.
However, the security possibilities proposed by alternative ciphers based on graphic methods, and those that use alternative key structures is under-developed in comparison. The motivation of this study is to develop and evaluate the possibilities of security and efficiency offered by alternative graphic-based ciphers and key structures.
The constant expansion of computing technology requires that researchers continually develop and test new methods of encryption. As such, the realm of ciphers based on graphic-methods and the security offered by alternative key structures such as graphs or polynomial curves is of high importance in cryptography.
The strength of alternative key structures, such as the matrices employed in the proposed CME system, is in the dramatically increased key space, which is discussed in
Chapters 3, 4 and 5. The size of the key space, and resistance to traditional attacks makes alternative key structures, such asthose proposed in the CME scheme,a highly attractive prospect for future research and implementation.
The research conducted in this study was performed through the analysis of the efficiency and security of four well-developed and researched algorithms(Visual Cryptography, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, Rivest Cipher 4, and the Advanced Encryption Standard), as well as the proposed CME system. The tests were performed over many iterations to provide stable results, and the different algorithms were then compared in pairs.
The result of this experimental design suggested that the proposed CME scheme offered a highlevelofsecuritywhileremainingcomparativelyefficient,thoughmoreoptimisation may be required to ensure a truly competitive design.
The study was conducted using Javast and ard implementations of ECC, RC4andAES,as well a substring-oriented version of VC specifically developed for the purpose of the experiment. All the algorithms were tested for efficiency and security, with criteria developed based on prior studies and reviewed literature.
The memory requirements, the time required at each stage, and the key space were among the testing criteria. For the relevant algorithms, the avalanche effect and the frequency distribution of the cipher text was also examined.

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