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This study looked at juvenile violence and its effects on sociopolitical development. The study’s overall population is 200 inhabitants of Kogi state’s lokoja local government. The researcher collected data using questionnaires as the instrument.

Descriptive This study used a survey research design. The survey included 133 respondents who were public servants, elderly men, elderly women, and youths. The acquired data was organised into tables and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies.

chapter One


Background of The study
Young people’s violence is one of the most obvious types of violence. Assaults on young people, both deadly and non-fatal, add significantly to the worldwide cost of premature mortality, damage, and disability. Not only do victims of youth violence suffer greatly, but so do their families, friends, and communities. In Nigeria, youth violence is widespread.

Nigeria is or has become a hotbed of youth violence. Its occurrence and persistence have reportedly weakened and harmed the country’s social security. Aside from militancy in the Niger Delta region and terrorist attacks in North Eastern Nigeria,

other common violent activities include cult member confrontations, political clashes, religious clashes, land disputes, communal clashes, herdsmen/farmer clashes, and tribal and ethnic violence.

Democratic governance is a crucial aspect in the modern society for the preservation of human rights, continuous economic and social progress, accountability, and effective governance. This is because democracy, in its ideals and utilitarian value, provides equal opportunity, transparency, and the importance of human rights and freedom.

Though philosophical and ideological differences may justify any type of government anywhere in the world, the concept of democracy remains dominant in the pursuit of egalitarian society; it is the governance that undermines dictatorial tendencies and fosters group cohesion, participation, and benefit in any given political setting.

However, the viability of democratic government is dependent on a variety of circumstances, including group differences, environmental constraints, and the level of civilization and enlightenment in various civilizations.

In concept and principle, democratic governance provides opportunities for advancement and everything else that ensures human rights and freedom in society; thus, if the concept and principles of democracy are followed

, the fruits are indeed acceptable to every right thinking human being in the modern era. The abuse of the concept of democracy, which has been the norm in African nations, has rendered it meaningless in the eyes of the youth and other sections of society.

As a result, democracy has become synonymous with political violence, group dominance (ethnic, tribe, class, or party), the breeding environment for corruption, and the like.

The “democracy” in the African context has become a breeding ground for teenage violence and radicalization, to the point where thuggery and arms proliferation have become regular business among the youth and the merchants of death.

These scenarios have arisen as a result of certain variables that have damaged the essence of democracy in the interests of a few who have clung to power by luck, as well as others who have ignored democratic rules in the blind support and pursuit of indefensible goals.

Statement of the problem

The youth have become “sacrificial lambs” for the sake of the bloodthirsty political demagogues’ interests under the guise of “Democracy,” in which they are given the notion that they are fighting for their rights.

Whatever the argument for teenage involvement in political violence, particularly thuggery, the end truth is that it hampers democratic progress and youth participation in mainstream politics.

Aim of the study

The study’s aims are as follows:

determining the impact of youth violence on sociopolitical development

To discover why young people engage in political violence

To identify the elements that keep young people from engaging in political violence.

Research Hypotheses

The researcher developed the following research hypotheses in order to successfully complete the study:

H0: Youth violence has little effect on sociopolitical development.

H1: Youth violence has an impact on sociopolitical development.

H02: No considerations prevent young people from engaging in political violence.

H2: There are elements that discourage young people from engaging in political violence.

The significance of the research

The study will be extremely beneficial to students and kids. The research will provide a detailed picture of juvenile violence and its implications for sociopolitical development.

The study will provide a comprehensive understanding of why youngsters engage in political violence and how to address it. The study will also be used as a resource for other researchers who will be working on a similar topic.

The scope and limitations of the study

The study’s focus includes youth violence and its ramifications for sociopolitical development. The researcher comes upon a constraint that limits the scope of the investigation;

a) RESEARCH MATERIAL AVAILABILITY: The researcher’s research material is insufficient, restricting the scope of the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.


POLITICAL THUGGERY: Political thuggery is a form of societal violence that has wreaked havoc on Nigerian democracy. The threat has proven damaging to the viability of democracy in Nigerian politics, with thugs operating primarily in groups, victimising, terrorising, intimidating, and harming innocent citizens and politicians.

YOUTH: The period of one’s life when one is young, commonly referring to the period between childhood and adulthood. It is also characterised as “the youthful appearance, freshness, vigour, spirit, and so on.”

VIOLENCE is defined as physical force used to injure, damage, or kill someone or something.

POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT: Political development can ultimately be characterised as a rise in national political unity and political engagement.

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