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The research, titled “Effective Marking of Television Services in Enugu Metropolis,” was conducted to provide recommendations that, if implemented, would improve the performance of service organisations.

During the course of the study, it was discovered that Enugu Television (ETV), which happened to be the researcher’s case study, used the integrated marketing concept to achieve its set objectives, their advertiser, their viewer of mutual benefits, and that they also had to put more effort into their services.

To address ETV’s research concerns based on the findings, which include an inability to fully implement the marketing concept in terms of consumer happiness in their operations.

To provide the best television services, ETV’s management must employ a variety of approaches, including understanding their customers’ grievances through public relations strategies and field surveys.

Management should periodically organise workshops and seminars to educate employees on how to improve efficient customer relationships.

In conclusion, if these ideas are effectively implemented, they will help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the services supplied or offered by Enugu Television (ETV) to its countless clients.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Enugu State Television Channel 50 may be traced back to the founding of Eastern Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation (ENBC). On October 1, 1960, ENBC launched its second regional radio and television station.

Following the Federal Republic of Nigeria’s formation of 12 states, the stations became Eastern Central State Broadcasting Service (E.C.S).

Broadcasting Corporation of Biagra (B.C.B) was established during the civil war between 1976 and 1970. From 1977 to 1982, it was known as Anambra Broadcasting Corporation (A.B.C). Later, it was renamed Anambra Broadcasting Services (A.B.C.), which included both television and radio services.

Chief Jim Nwaobodo’s administration recognised the necessity for the television station and launched her maiden media transmission tour on October 1, 1981.

It only operated for viewers in Enugu, a radius of roughly 12 km, because the massive transmission equipment had yet to be erected in the main studio at the independence layout Enugu.

On March 27, 1982, Chief Jim Ifeanyichukwu Nwobodo, the then-governor of Anambra State, officially launched and opened it for state-wide transmission.

During the administration of Navy Captain Alison Madueke, the Radio/TV Station was merged into one independent transmitting station, which included Anambra Television (A.T.V) and Anambra Broadcasting Services (A.B.S) Enugu. In 1994,

Enugu State was formed from the other 19 states, and the station was renamed Enugu State Broadcasting Service (E.S.B.S) for radio and E.T.V. Channel 50 for television.

Enugu Television (ETV) channel 50 is still the country’s state government-owned television station. The station is the first in Black Africa to transmit ultra-high frequencies (UHFs).

The station maintains area offices in Lagos, Nsukka, Aluka, Onitsha, and Abuja.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Many viewers have recently expressed concerns about the performance of Enugu television (E.T.V), with some claiming that the television does not present enough entertaining and educative games, while others have complained of distorted audio and vision, as well as late and delayed news broadcasts.

The circumstances or situation described above imply that there may have been lapses in the television station’s service marketing that have had a significant impact on the station’s overall performance. This study seeks to investigate the establishment’s prior performance in terms of marketing or service.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. Determine whether E.T.V’s services are designed to ensure customer pleasure.

2. Determine the extent to which E.T.V. programmes and activities are integrated to achieve the organization’s objectives.

3. Determine whether E.T.V. customers are truly satisfied with the quality of services provided by the company.

4. Evaluating the television station’s overall success in improving its services.

5. Determine the impact of the station on the market.

6. Evaluate the organization’s marketing policies.

7. Finally, give valuable suggestions for improving or boosting the station’s performance.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study is really important for everyone. The organisation under studied is clearly in a position to benefit greatly from the study’s conclusion or findings. It will become more conscious of their current performance in terms of customer,

advertiser, and viewer happiness, as well as the need to enhance and create the necessary resources and equipment in order to improve the efficacy and efficiency of television service delivery.

The study’s conclusions are used by both students and researchers. Students are educated, while researchers seeking solutions to specific problems will use it as a foundation for further exploration.

The research will also help service organisations better comprehend the fundamental concepts of marketing practice.

The study focuses on the marketing of television services, particularly the effective performance of the Enugu State-owned television station (E.T.V.).

1.5 Scope of the Study

Like any other service, television services are provided by a variety of organisations, individuals, and governmental entities. As a result, its marketing techniques will be heavily influenced by the seven Ps of the services marketing mix: product, pricing, location (distribution), promotion, people, physical evidence, and process.

The study assesses E.T.V.’s ability to adequately discharge their television services.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

Several problems hampered the researchers’ ability to realise the project’s dream. The most crucial are time, money, and a lack of cooperation among respondents.

i) Time constraints

A research of this complexity necessitates a considerable amount of time to carry out a carefully monitored study; nevertheless, the researchers had very little time to perform their research while also attending to other critical academic issues. The time constraint can be better appreciated if we consider the regular interruptions in the school calendar.

ii) Financial constraints.

This type of research demands a significant amount of money, particularly for travelling from place to place in quest of information. As a result of the high cost and limited funding, some regions that should be covered are not.

iii) A lack of cooperation among respondents

So far, we’ve learned that Nigerians’ attitudes towards students and researchers in general are highly negative. Many respondents contributed significantly to the information gathering process; some concealed information for reasons best known to them,

while others provided incorrect information. These issues hampered the potential of bias elimination and even prevented the availability of some critical points that would have been added to this work.

1.7 Definition of Terms


This is the process of anticipating, identifying, and conceptualising consumers’ needs and desires in exchange for the achievement of both individual and organisational goals.


The marketing management approach maintains that the primary responsibility of all business organisations is to understand the nature of consumer demand for products and services and to meet that demand through production and distribution of goods and services.

Service Marketing

The marketing process includes organisations that acquire in order to supply services. Services are intangible activities or benefits that one party might offer to another that do not result in the owner or anything else. Their productivity may or may not be linked to a physical commodity.


These are services provided by a television station to meet the demands of its clients or users. Some services, such as advertisements, are paid for by sponsors, but others, such as educational and informational programmes, are paid for or sponsored by the government on an individual basis.


This refers to the level of operation geared towards meeting the demands and desires of the public. Alternatively, it can be defined as the ability to complete a specific event.


This is an abbreviation for Enugu State-owned television station Channel 50. E.T.V. will be used in the majority of instances during the course of this study.

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