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ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of sales promotions on mobile phone purchase decisions. The scholarly research effort provides insight into the perspectives of numerous authors on the project’s subject matter, as well as an assessment of sales promotion on mobile phone choice.

The study provides an in-depth historical backdrop for the company being reviewed. In order to attain his goal, the researcher chose to apply the descriptive research approach. The research population consists of 24 MTN Ahmedu Bellow Way branch Kaduna employees.

For this study, a sample size of twelve was chosen at random from both management and customers. The following hypotheses were developed for the research: the null hypothesis (Ho). The alternative hypothesis (HI). Ho: The null hypothesis states that sales promotions have no meaningful impact on customer purchasing behaviour.

Hi: The alternative hypothesis: Sales promotions have a major impact on customer purchasing behaviour. The collected data was presented and analysed, and the findings revealed that sales promotion has a considerable impact on consumer behaviour.

The researcher made useful recommendations that sales promotion should not be treated as an emergency tool, but rather as an integral part of the company’s marketing activities,

and that sales promotion should be adequately planned and prepared by implementing necessary measures that will yield tangible results for the organisation.

Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

The success of any firm is heavily dependent on customer patronage. In order for any firm to effectively push its products to consumers, promotional campaigns must be carried out to communicate with the ultimate consumers.

Without promotion, customers may be unaware of the existence of the particular product, resulting in low patronage. Many promotional tactics are used to communicate with consumers, but sales promotion is the most effective since it offers consumers an additional incentive.

Alexandra (1960) viewed sales promotion“as a marketing activity other than personal selling, advertising, public and public relations that induces and stimulates consumers purchase and dealers effectiveness”.

The significance of sales promotion campaigns is evident at the moment of purchase, where they are utilised to supplement personal selling and advertising; nonetheless,

they are rarely used alone as a promotional strategy. In marketing, the use of all promotional techniques is referred to as the promotional mix.

Sales promotion, as a successful promotional tactic, tends to function “as a direct inducement that offers an extra, values, or incentives on the product to the sales force, distributors, and the ultimate consumers with the primary objective of creating an immediate sale”.

Sales promotion is typically used as a strategy to accelerate the selling process and maximise sales volume by gaining market share. The acceleration tool encourages customers to buy more of a brand and shortens the purchasing cycle for both the trade and consumers by urging them to take more immediate action.

As the use of sales promotion increased, businesses began to consider what they hoped to achieve through their promotional campaigns. Because not all sales promotion campaigns are designed to achieve the same goals,

marketers must plan sales promotion programmes by conducting situation analysis to determine the sales promotion target audience.

While the primary goal of most consumer sales promotions is to entice consumers to buy, a marketer’s goal may be to defend current market share or grow consumption through enhanced marketing activities.

1.1 Statement of General Problems.

Sales promotion campaigns are an excellent way to communicate with the target market by offering additional incentives to buy. Firms construct sales promotion activities to help them achieve their organisational goals. Despite their successes, these companies encountered significant difficulties during their campaigns.

The growing usage of sales promotion in firms’ marketing programmes is becoming too much for them to handle because it represents a fundamental shift in strategic decisions on how these organisations offer their products to consumers.

Many marketing experts have questioned the increase in sales promotion activities, specifically the absence of sufficient planning and administration of sales promotion programmes.

Furthermore, research and literature have demonstrated that many companies’ over-reliance on sales promotion has resulted in the sales promotion trap.

This is because many firms utilise extensive sales promotion activities to differentiate their products from competitors’ offerings, resulting in lower profit margins for the competing enterprises.

Many businesses fall into the trap because of the effectiveness of their sales promotion initiatives, which eventually leads to a competitive edge that other businesses seek to replicate.

Finally, there is a lack of media timing and support for sales promotion activities, which are crucial and should be synchronised with media advertising campaigns.

Sales promotion without media advertising may render the campaign useless, as consumers must be informed of promotional offers in order to drive their interest and positive attitude towards the business.

1.2 Background of the Study

Companies cannot connect all customers in a vast, broad, or diverse market, thus they must divide the market into groups of consumers or segments with specific needs and interests. It is consequently critical for a corporation to understand which market niche to better serve.

Before achieving the goal, a thorough understanding of customer behaviour and deliberate strategic thinking are essential. To create the greatest marketing plans, managers must first understand what distinguishes each category.

Modern marketers are studying consumer behaviour and responds to the benefits offered by the goods, such as if people choose quantity above low price.

In order to increase consumer benefit, marketers will be able to better understand how to please each type of these customers. It needs a thorough understanding of customer behaviour and smart strategic thought.

The overall goal is to identify groups of similar customers and potential customers, prioritise them, understand their behaviour, and respond with appropriate marketing strategies that satisfy the different performance of each chosen division,

thereby increasing company revenue. This can be accomplished, however, by market segmentation, which is the dividing of purchasers into groups that may require different products and marketing strategies.

According to Michael Porter (1970, P. 37), with the appropriate segmentation, the right list can be obtained, advertising outcomes may be improved, and customer satisfaction can be boosted, leading to a better reputation.

Nelson (1984, p. 125) explains that the United States in the 18th century provided a comprehensive segmentation of its people based on statistical analysis of household and geo-demographic data.

In recent decades, the market has been segmented according to a variety of general parameters. For example, industrial or public vs private market segmentation differs significantly from consumer market segmentation, but all have comparable goals.

Regardless of the sort of segmentation used by a marketer, the secret behind marketing programmes is to recognise consumer differences and effectively highlight those differences in order to provide maximum pleasure to each division.

1.3 Objective of the Studies

This study examines the impact of sales promotions on the selection of mobile phone service providers with the explicit goal of attaining the following objectives.

– To determine the impact of sales promotion throughout the organisation.

– Investigate how sales promotion might be used to improve the organization’s image and reputation.

– Investigate how an effective targeting and incentive system could significantly increase sales.

– To increase market domination for the company’s products.

– Make advice on how to increase the company’s marketing performance through sales promotions.

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