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In the production and distribution of very manufacturing organisations, product planning, distribution, and administration are extremely important. A manufacturing company must go through a number of steps before producing a high-quality product.

These include planning for both short- and long-term needs, conducting consumer and market research, testing the product, and releasing it onto the market through various distribution channels.

The purpose of this study is to outline the actual role that Nigeria Bottling Company plc, Enugu plays in the management, distribution, and product planning processes.

This is accomplished by compiling data from specific issues that are typically related to product planning, identifying problem areas, and then suggesting corrective actions.

The research questions created for this purpose served as the basis for the questionnaire’s questions, which were then analysed using the chi-square (x2) test and percentage. The researcher then discussed the results and came to a recommendation and conclusion.


It is intended that by making wise and efficient decisions in these crucial areas, managers will be helped in developing, distributing, and overseeing their products. For instance, the business should hire top talent and provide them with sufficient training.Section I


The study’s background is covered in 1.1

The American Marketing Association defines a product as anything that can be offered to a market for consideration, purchase, or consumption. This includes tangible items, services, people, organisations, and desires.

A product according to Stanchion’s definition in Marketing Fundamentals. A product is a collection of both material and immaterial qualities that satisfy customers. Product planning includes all of the processes that help a business choose which product to market.

Product planning and management, therefore, comprises all the activities that enable a company to determine what it will market of product in order to satisfy customers’ needs and wants, respectively.

Management deals with all those who have supervisory responsibility, ranging from the chief executive down to the first line supervisor. In this case, management is regarded as box, that is, those who direct the work of others and their own through their own offers and efforts of others.

This entails the process of efficiently organising and controlling the activities of the business division in charge of actually converting raw resources into final goods. This covers every task that is necessary. in the distribution and storage of the company’s products.

This answers the queries of.

A vendor should choose the right kind of outlets for his product.

b. Which specific middlemen are there in each kind of route and.

c. How to operate a distribution network for optimal performance. The business should be aware of the level of channel control that is ideal. By managing the channel, the producer aims to guarantee that this product will receive the required sales push in addition to any other crucial components required to show the product correctly and delight clients.

The business should put out the required effort to ensure that the product’s quality is under control.

Product quality: The manufacturer must consciously choose the degree of quality that will be incorporated into the product. Higher quality products are typically more expensive to produce than lower grade ones, which means they sell for more money.

Since quality has many facets, the choice of quality level should take into account the price range that will appeal to the majority of potential customers. It is dependent upon or related to. Things like the calibre of the raw resources utilised in the manufacturing procedure

Product quality is generally high to the extent that any of the aforementioned factors are good or high, as the case may be. These factors include the product itself, quality controls during production, product packaging or dressing, price, product durability, buyer expectations, and overall appreciation.

To prevent shortages and excess inventory, the quality of the product must match demand at any given moment.

To know what kind of goods to manufacture and when to produce it, the corporation must always be on the lookout. It is necessary to decide who to produce for the (target market), how to produce, and how to clone such a product.

As stated by Reuben M. Smith and Charles A. Scheve. Making sure a product meets the needs and wishes of customers in its market is the fundamental objective of product management. Then, a lot of markets erroneously believe that customers share their wants and feel and act in certain ways.

This is an incorrect assumption made by marketers. leads to unsuccessful marketing There were not many producers a century ago or before. Consumers outweighed producers in this sellers-oriented economy, where consumers’ wellbeing received little to no consideration. The marketing philosophy of production was widely accepted.

Everything that was produced needed to be eaten. This suggests that the benefits the items offer to customers as a whole constitute the whole produce notion. Product quality, packaging, branding, and other crucial outside features received no consideration.

An increasing number of producers enter the market throughout time. This led to the idea that among the producers who were available, consumer preference was based on convenient products with attractive packaging and a strong brand image. This is referred to in marketing philosophy as the “product concept.”

Manufacturers were compelled by this circumstance to invest time in product packaging, labelling, branding, and other related tasks.

The market is now more complex as a result of developments in communication and technology, as well as the introduction of industrial equipment into the marketplace.

The marketing concept came about during this age. Here, producers and manufacturers are first trying to ascertain what the true demands and desires of the market are.

Only then can they choose the ideal typeface, colour, packaging, branding, and labelling to best meet the needs of both future and current customers.

Product planners have to make an effort to balance the company’s resources—men, money, machinery, and materials—with what it can produce in order to satisfy customers and maximise earnings within the constraints of the resources at hand.

Due to the complexity of today’s business, several organisations are using a variety of strategies to stave off competitors and maintain their position in the market. There are a lot of new things coming out on the market all the time.

Innovative companies are effectively carrying out their duties; profitable but outdated products are updated and some are removed from circulation.

Companies set their products apart from the numerous on the market with distinctive and admirable packaging design, strong branding, and attractive labelling. comparable goods available.


Planning and overseeing a product is a difficult undertaking that is included in the majority of commercial operations nowadays.

The issues with product planning, distribution, and administration at NBC PLC Enugu are highlighted.

Obtaining raw materials is proving to be problematic for the organisation. That is the cause.

a. What basic material was prohibited from being imported by the federal government?

b. Local suppliers occasionally don’t have enough to offer the business.

c. The corporation must modify the local inputs to bring them up to standard record level.

d. The company’s lack of town trucks makes it difficult to transport the raw materials.

f. The raw materials are typically large and heavy.

Planning and developing new products is another area where the corporation is struggling.

The corporation operates in an economy that is severely constrained by hyperinflation and instability, which is the reason. These days, buyers are quite picky about what they choose to spend their money on.

An additional issue facing the corporation is the heightened rivalry from businesses such as 7-Up bottling PLC. Competitors of the corporation frequently produce high-quality goods that are similar to those of NBC. Even in cases where NBC excels in terms of quality and diversity, competitors benefit from a higher liquid content, as seen in the case of 7 against Sprite and lower costs.

The organisation faces bottle breakages and pilfrages in the distribution and product management areas due to a shortage of trucks.

The study’s objective is as follows:

The sole focus of this study is on product management, distribution, and planning. It attempts to explain the true nature of NBC PLC’s involvement in these tasks. The study uses data from a thorough literature review as a foundation to accomplish this.

This study’s major goal is to establish specific issues that are typically related to product planning, distribution, and management at NBC PLC. Once the problem areas have been identified, a remedial remedy proposal must be made.

The study will look into the areas related to the company’s usage of raw material procurement. How the business designs its products.

The process used to create this product. How decisions are made by management and employees, what distribution channel is chosen, and how the products are handled from manufacture to consumption.


The researcher has put up the following research question for the sake of this study.

1. Do you have trouble obtaining the raw materials your business needs?

2. Do you prepare your product before it is manufactured?

3. Do you have any issues in organising and overseeing your product line?

4. Do you typically satisfy demand at the busiest time of day?

5. How does distribution handle your company’s distribution system?

6. Do customers actually need your products, or do they always complain about their poor quality?


This study examines PLC Enugu, a Nigerian bottling firm that produces

One example is Coca-cola.

ii. Sprite

iii. Fantat (Orange and Quinine)

iv. Krest

v. Water with tonic

vi. Chapman

vii. Carbonated soda


It is advantageous to the writer since it allows him to personally review nearly everything, which broadens his expertise and exposes him to a wide range of business topics,

particularly during the cross-research phase. Additionally, when the study’s recommendations and suggestions are put into practice, the flaws that were discovered during the investigation will become evident.

The writer, having gathered information from the research, will have the opportunity to express a more elevated viewpoint on the topic (Nigeria Bottling Company PLC Enugu).

Additionally, the exposure and knowledge that this initiative would generate about Nigerian Bottling Company PLC Enugu may aid in drawing in a variety of people and groups to make the necessary investments in the company as mandated by the Authority.

Finally, the polytechnic might use this project work to gauge the performance and earnestness of the student or writer, since it is commonly accepted that exams alone do not provide a meaningful evaluation of one’s ability or knowledge.

1.8 The Meaning of the Term

There is a need to clarify some production know-how, some of which have already been covered, due to product misconceptions and improper product positioning.


One of the product’s variable attributes is how the branding is organised. One component of product policy is branding. Due to the fact that it involves communication, it also appeared to be a stage of promotional policy.

The two main questions surrounding brand policy are whether to employ a blanket brand or an individual product brand belonging to a family. There is a dilemma regarding whether to offer pricing brands for the same brand across the entire product line.


The capacity of management to place a product correctly in the market is a key factor in determining business profit. It is said by William Stanton.

A product’s place in the company’s image that it represents is in relation to its competitors’ products. William Stanton continues by stating that businesses are attempting to market their products more.


This area of marketing deals with the movement and storage of products. Intermediates that are frequently not regarded as being a part of the marketing channel,

such as public transit houses and insurance organisations that take part in the movement and towing of goods, are included in the physical distribution channel.

The purpose of these agents, who do not take thrift to genuinely own the items they handle, is to facilitate the flow of goods.

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