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Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The importance of assessing conflict management on organisational harmony cannot be overstated, as it has evolved into a virtual instrument for encouraging organisational development.

Certainly, for organisational development to occur, appropriate conflict management is required. As such, conflict management has become an essential component of every organisation or managerial setting in order to thrive.

Conflicts are an unavoidable element of organisational life since the aims of various stakeholders, such as employees and employers, are frequently contradictory.

According to Gordon (1997), disputes arise as a result of incompatible prospective relationships, which emerge when one party perceives that another party has hampered or will frustrate one or more of their concerns.

Johnson (2000) defines conflict as a struggle or contest between people who have opposing needs, ideas, beliefs, values, or goals, whereas Steers (1998) defines conflict as a process in which individuals or groups believe that others have frustrated or are about to frustrate their plans, goals, beliefs, or activities.

Conflict is an element of organisational life, and it can occur between individuals, between individuals and groups, or between groups.

Mayo (1949) claimed that productivity relied on worker relationships, and he split workers into two groups: management and employees. He emphasised that there must be friendly interactions between different groups of workers before any organisational harmony can occur or exist.

He went on to say that management should always prioritise the needs of other employees so that they feel a sense of belonging and, as a result, productivity increases; however, if management ignores the needs of employees

there will be no harmony and, as a result, productivity decreases. In a word, this researcher emphasises the necessity of conflict resolution or management as the foundation and primary dynamics of organisational harmony.

This study focuses on the impact of dispute resolution on an organization’s performance. It emphasises or focuses on the causes and forms of industrial conflicts, as well as the critical roles that trade unions and other key actors in conflict resolution play, as well as the impact or influence of conflict resolution on organisational performance.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

There are numerous issues confronting the organisation, and their consequences vary greatly. Some of these issues include a lack of a proper welfare package for employees, poor working conditions, a high rate of labour turnover, management’s nonchalant attitude towards workers, and low worker productivity, among others.

As a result of the issues listed above, there may be industrial conflicts between management and employees. With these problem statements in mind, the research focuses on a complete investigation of the impact of conflict on worker productivity, as well as how conflict resolution affects or influences worker performance.


Conflict is a broad topic, as seen in the introduction, and it is an important factor in organisational harmony and performance. Therefore, this research work will attempt to look at the influence of conflict resolution or organisational performance using Kaduna State civil service as a case study with the goal of proposing some solutions to industrial disputes or conflicts.

The aims of this investigation are as follows:

1. Investigate the role of conflict resolution and management in promoting and improving organisational performance.

2. To identify resolution mechanisms introduced by the Kaduna state public service in the resolution and management of conflict.

1.4 Statement of the Hypothesis

This study proposed the following hypothesis:

Ho: Conflict resolution and management have no substantial impact on organisational success.

Hi: Conflict resolution and management have a substantial impact on organisational performance.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This study is important for the following reasons:

i) It is an attempt to highlight the challenges encountered by Nigeria’s civil service, particularly prior to and during strike action.

ii) The study’s conclusions are also relevant to employee associations, trade unions, employers’ unions, the labour ministry, organisations, and society as a whole.

iii) It provides an opportunity to review all of the machinery put in place by the government to help sustain industrial harmony in the Kaduna state public service.

iv) Practicing managers will find this study to be a valuable resource because it identifies methods and instruments for dealing with industrial conflict in public organisations.

v) It is critical to investigate the role of the Kaduna state public service, as workers and trade unions play a crucial role in national unity.

vi) Finally, for those in academia and conflict researchers, this study will serve as a starting point for further research.

1.6 Scope of the Study

Industrial conflicts are still a problem that should be minimised. This study will focus on the origins, effects, and forms of conflicts that affect organisational effectiveness.

As a result, the purpose of this study is to investigate the potential causes of civil service dissatisfaction, as well as the impact that conflict resolution has on the functioning of public organisations. The study will gather data from target respondents who are civil servants in Kaduna state, as well as secondary sources such as textbooks, journals, and the internet.

1.7 Historical Background

The history of the Kaduna state civil service may be traced back to the former northern Nigerian regional public service, which was an offshoot of the Nigerian and southern Cameroonian public services, which originated in the colonial service or the United Kingdom.

Kaduna state, formerly known as the North Central State Public Service Commission, was established in 1954, alongside the premier’s office and the minister of home affairs. The previous public service was replaced by the civil service commission, which was founded in 1974.

The Kaduna state civil service commission now operates in accordance with the changes implemented in 1986 during the rule of General Ibrahim Babaginda.

The reform was intended to settle the uncertainties in the position of the political head and his senior civil service leader, as well as to breathe new life into the civil service by giving it purpose and direction, thereby revamping it to make it more efficient and effective.

The Kaduna State Civil Service consists of all state employees, including ministries and local governments. The Kaduna state civil service is led by the state civil service director, permanent secretaries, and other officials.

1.8 Definition of Terms

EMPLOYEE: This term refers to any worker or individuals who are employed by another person, organisation, or government.

EMPLOYER: This term refers to a person, firm, organisation, or government that pays others to work for them.

CIVIL SERVICE: This term refers to personnel of all categories (skilled and unskilled) who are gainfully engaged in any government organisation, agency, or service other than the military.

MANAGEMENT: Those who coordinate and control resources to achieve an organization’s objectives. This includes planning, organising, coordinating, and controlling the organization’s actions.

INDUSTRIAL disagreement: A disagreement, dispute, or difference of opinion between management and employees on employment terms or other work-related issues.

LABOR/MANAGEMENT RELATIONSHIP: This refers to the process by which employers and employees interact on the terms and conditions of employment.

COLLECTIVE BARGAINING is the process of negotiating, developing, administering, and interpreting a written agreement between union employees for a certain period of time.

TRADE UNION: A trade union is a collection of workers who share the same ideology and beliefs and gather together to bargain with employers about pay, working conditions, and other job-related issues.

ORGANISATIONAL HARMONY: This is the ideal state of peaceful coexistence and productive agreement between employers and employees.

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