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Chapter one

1.1 Introduction

The ultimate goal of management is to help organisations achieve their objectives. In the words of Koontz (1980), “managing requires the creation and maintenances of environment in which individuals work together in groups towards the accomplishment of the common objectives” .

Management has encountered significant problems since improper methodologies were used towards the fulfilment of organisational objectives. There are numerous techniques to management.

For example, some businesses are authoritative, exploitative, benevolent, and exploitative, whilst others adopt consultative and participative management styles.

These approaches have both advantages and disadvantages. In other words, as a result of the aforementioned issue, businesses face numerous challenging managerial challenges. The welfare of wonders receives little or no attention because the primary goal of a business organisation is to achieve its aims.

As a result, the firm’s aims are undermined because the employees are not driven and cared for. Motivation issues range from inadequate to a complete absence of motivation.

Management frequently becomes rigid in their way of motivation, and as a result, their expectations are not realised. It is important for management to understand what motivates specific individuals at a specific moment and place.

It is true that what motivates one person at a certain time and place will not motivate another. The expectation of gaining something from everything one does is the motivator that drives the individual to work.

By definition, motivation is the willingness to do something and is conditioned by the action’s potential to meet some need for the individual. Decenco (1988).

The notion of job satisfaction is concerned with the sensation that results from evaluating the sum total of influences on the job, which include the nature of the job itself, the compensation, the promotion opportunities, and the form of supervision.


The totality of these effects creates a sense of dissatisfaction (Brunebag, 1981). As a result, the level of attention paid to motivation, job satisfaction, and job appraisal determines how well organisations achieve their goals.

This study focuses on the utilisation of motivation and satisfaction totals to boost productivity at Akwa Ibom State Transport Company Limited in Uyo.

It is accomplished by determining the extent to which the effect of motivation and job satisfaction can be used to improve the standard of productivity or services in the organisation, as well as determining what issues are currently associated with the appreciation of motivation and job satisfaction in order to achieve higher productivity.

1.2 Historical Background of Akwa Ibom State Transport Company Limited, Uyo:

Inception: The mass transit system existed before the government became aware. They have recently been more concerned about the state of the nation’s transport sector. In 1988, they resolved to commence on and implement the federal mass transportation project.

Over the years, several state governments and private companies have taken initiatives to improve public transport, both intra and intercity. The first privately operated intercity transport services were annual travel services, such as Ekene Dill Chukwu, Inyang Ette, and Utuks; later, state government transport services arose as the Beneela line (now Edo line).

Sescot in the old Cross River State, north central line, etc. all these transport companies failed because of inadequate findings and lack of cautious management (Newswatch, April 11, 1989, page 14-15).

Recognising the current common transport challenges, the federal government in January 1988 organised a task force on urban transport to look into ways Akwa Ibom State Transport Company (AKTC) is a product of this initiative

which was implemented in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the state’s then-governor, Col. Tuned Ogbene. He was tasked with doing an in-depth analysis of the problems and making recommendations. Its implementation evolved into a corporation (AKTC) in February 1998. This corporation is governed by the Companies Act of 1986.

Ownership: Akwa Ibom State Transport Company Limited began operations in April 1988. The enterprise was first supervised by task groups established by the Uyo administration. The corporation has increased its routes.

Transportation was initially intra- and inter-state, but has since expanded to include the entire country. The number of automobiles has also increased.

Staff Strength
Since its foundation, the corporation has been managed by task teams. There was no accurate record of staff strength. Employees are dissatisfied with the motivating and job satisfaction strategies used by the management of Akwa Ibom State Transport Company Limited.

The relationship between motivation and job satisfaction on employee performance at Akwa Ibom State Transport Company Limited, Uyo, is not well maintained. The leadership style at Akwa Ibom State Transport Company Limited in Uyo is inefficient.

1.3 The Statement of the Problem

A wide range of issues have been identified as impeding the overall business sector. No firm has achieved significant economic and social success without a sufficient supply of cooperative labour or personnel.

So the major problem addressed by this research is “the impact of motivation and job satisfaction on employees’ performance at Akwa Ibom Transport Company Limited in Uyo.”

Employees regularly complain about their salaries, working conditions, and supervision. These complaints indicate that things are not going well between the staff.

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