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Background to the Study

The contemporary business landscape is characterized by fierce competition and rapid technological advancements, especially in the manufacturing sector (Rao, 2021).

In this environment, organizations are constantly seeking strategies to enhance employee commitment, as it directly impacts productivity, innovation, and overall performance (Sagie & Ayean, 2023).

One such strategy gaining prominence is the use of non-monetary incentives, which include recognition, career development opportunities, flexible work arrangements, and a conducive work environment (Okwudili, 2021).

These incentives are seen as crucial tools for motivating and retaining employees in the face of dynamic market conditions (Sagie & Ayean, 2023).

Employee commitment plays a vital role in the success of organizations, especially in highly competitive sectors like manufacturing (Robbins & Coulter, 2021). Non-monetary incentives have emerged as effective tools for enhancing this commitment (Sani, 2023).

By providing recognition for employees’ efforts and creating opportunities for career growth, organizations can foster a sense of belonging and loyalty among their workforce (Okafor, 2022).

Additionally, offering flexible work arrangements and a positive work environment contributes to job satisfaction and, consequently, higher commitment levels (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2020).

Non-monetary incentives are essential for building a committed workforce because they address intrinsic motivators beyond just financial rewards. Employees are motivated by factors such as recognition, autonomy, and growth opportunities (Wagas & Saleem, 2022).

When organizations provide avenues for employees to develop their skills, take on challenging tasks, and contribute meaningfully to the company’s objectives, it fosters a sense of purpose and commitment (Rahim & David, 2023).

This aligns with modern theories of motivation that emphasize the importance of intrinsic factors in driving long-term engagement and commitment (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2020).

Moreover, non-monetary incentives contribute significantly to employee motivation (Wagas & Saleem, 2022). Motivated employees are more likely to be committed to their organization’s goals and go the extra mile to ensure success (Rahim & David, 2023).

For example, a study by Okwudili (2021) on the effect of non-monetary rewards on productivity among government parastatals in Abia State, Nigeria, highlighted a positive correlation between these incentives and employee performance. This emphasizes the importance of implementing effective motivational strategies to drive commitment and productivity.

In addition to motivation and commitment, non-monetary incentives also impact employee engagement (Sagie & Ayean, 2023). Engagement refers to the emotional connection and dedication employees have towards their work and organization (Robbins & Judge, 2019).

By offering incentives such as flexible work hours or opportunities for skill development, organizations can create a more engaged workforce (Sani, 2023). This, in turn, leads to higher levels of job satisfaction and commitment, contributing to overall organizational success (Rahim & David, 2023).

Furthermore, non-monetary incentives align with modern theories of organizational behaviour and management (Rao, 2021). For instance, the expectancy theory suggests that employees are motivated when they believe their efforts will lead to desired outcomes (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2020).

Non-monetary incentives, such as recognition and career development opportunities, directly address these expectations, thus reinforcing employee commitment and motivation (Okwudili, 2021).

Additionally, these incentives promote a positive organizational culture that values and rewards employees based on their contributions (Sagie & Ayean, 2023).

In essence, the use of non-monetary incentives has become increasingly important in the contemporary business landscape, especially within the competitive manufacturing sector.

These incentives play a significant role in enhancing employee commitment, motivation, and engagement, which are crucial factors for organizational success.

By understanding the impact of non-monetary incentives and implementing effective strategies, organizations can create a motivated and committed workforce capable of driving innovation and achieving sustainable growth in dynamic market conditions.

 Statement of Problem

Employee commitment is a critical factor that directly influences organizational performance, productivity, and overall success (Sagie & Ayean, 2023). In the context of the manufacturing sector, where competition is intense and technological advancements are rapid (Rao, 2021), understanding the dynamics of employee commitment becomes paramount.

While non-monetary incentives such as recognition, career development opportunities, and a positive work environment have been identified as crucial factors in fostering commitment (Okwudili, 2021), there are several gaps in the existing research that need to be addressed.

Firstly, there is a lack of comprehensive studies that analyze the specific impact of different types of non-monetary incentives on employee commitment within manufacturing organizations.

While studies like those by Okwudili (2021) have shown a positive correlation between non-monetary rewards and productivity in government parastatals, the nuances of these incentives in the dynamic and competitive manufacturing environment remain relatively unexplored.

Understanding which incentives are most effective in enhancing commitment and why can provide valuable insights for organizational leaders.

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