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This study was conducted in response to what appears to be some typists’ and stenographers’ attitudes about serving as personal secretaries in the Amabra State civil service.

This is the occupational schedule for personal secretaries” in the Anambra State Civil Service.

It is known that some civil servants in Anambra state hire glorified typists who are unqualified to execute the tasks of personal secretaries.

However, the goal of this study is to look into the actual duties performed by these personal secretaries, as well as what obstacles they face and how effective and efficient they are in carrying them out.

The survey included thirty personal secretaries. At raw ma job, which affects their productivity. Among these issues are frequent breakdowns of office machines and a shortage of competent secretaries.

Based on the findings, it was advised that the chief executive chairman pay urgent attention to the chairman that needs to be repaired, and that the chairmen ensure that secretaries have appropriate materials for their jobs in order to increase their secretarial productivity.

The study also recommends that personal secretaries receive in-service training to boost their efficiency, as well as the usage of new office machines such as computers, electric typewriters, and word processing machines.

Chapter one


Background of the Study

The civil service was modelled after the British civil service; in fact, the British were the first to establish civil services in each of these territories during the colonial period.

When we talk about civil service, we mean the machinery made up of the personnel of the several ministries who advise and execute policies. According to Koont (1993), there are four major classes of civil service.

Nwachukwu (1988) identifies four classes: administrative, executive, clerical, and manipulation. The administrative class appears to be the most prestigious and lucrative since it has the most direct interaction with ministers, which involves various types of secretaries.

It will be clear that every association, government, club, and union has a secretary. These are secretaries to the municipal, state, and federal governments.

There are many degrees or classes of secretaries in both state and federal ministries, such as assistant secretaries, deputy secretaries, and permanent secretaries. It is vital to highlight that none of these have undergone official training or possess the specialised skills required to perform secretarial jobs.

1.1 Originally, a secretary was someone in whom absolute trust was placed, who could compose letters for a king or great nobler and keep the content to himself, as defined by Lucy T (1990), i.e. he is qualified with the word confidential.

In business circles, the secretary would write his employer’s business and social letters all by hand and keep the information classified as secretary to himself, white he disseminates those that are meant for internal consumption before the development of the typewriter and it twice bother shorthand.

According to Ahaefule (1986), a secretary is an office worker who performs his job by combining his major abilities of shorthand and typewriting with other competencies such as filing and telephone tactics.

The project will seek to investigate and highlight the interested dustier schedules for personal secretaries in local government offices and civil service, as well as how they value their jobs.

An excellent secretary should plan his employer’s travel and hotel reservations, as well as fill out his employer’s personal and business correspondence:

a secretary is a reflection of his organisation in the sense that he keeps all organisational confidential information private. Secretaries in an office have the following work schedule:

(a) Conduct office correspondence.

(b) Maintain accounts and records.

(c) Oversee new member registration, as well as subscription and cancellation collections.

(d) Plan programmes for the members.

(e) To carry out the decision of the managing committee.

(f) To advise the managing committee on matters relating to the organization’s family and other assets, ensuring that they are appropriately preserved and safe against exploitation.

(h) Convene a meeting of the managing committee members and compile the necessary documentation and meeting minutes.

As done in the Raw Materials Research and Development Council Awka, secretary of an embassy: The secretary of an embassy, high commission, or diplomatic mission ranks next to the minister or high commissioner and serves as the establishment’s leader in the absence of the ambassador, overseeing the establishment’s secretarial tasks. His position requires a great level of responsibility and confidentiality.

He provides beneficial advice to the head of the establishment and should plan his employers’ travel and hotel reservations, as well as fill up his employers’ personal and business correspondence:

a secretary is the mirror of his organisation in the sense that he keeps all organisational confidential topics private. Secretaries in an office have the following work schedule:

(a) Conduct office correspondence.

(b) Maintain accounts and records.

© Manage new member registration, subscription collection, and cancellations.

(e) Plan programmes for the members.

(f) To carry out the decision of the managing committee.

(g)To advise the governing committee in matters relating to the family and other assets of the organisation that are appropriately managed and kept secure from any

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