Project Materials




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Chapter One:


1.1 Background of the Study

This chapter will address the following issues: Background to the study, Statement of the problem, The purpose of the study, Research Questions, Scope of the Study, Limitations of the study, etc.

Cooperatives are frequently defined as an autonomous group of people who have voluntarily joined together to achieve their common economic, social, and cultural needs and ambitions through a jointly owned and democratically run enterprise.

They are founded on the principles of self-help, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity. Cooperative members believe in the ethical qualities of honesty, transparency, social responsibility, and concern for others.

However, because they are unable to handle their problems on their own, people band together and pool their resources. Individual inability impedes societal economic development, ultimately affecting the common man.

Adequate measures and policies should be implemented as a remedy. The Nigerian government has attempted to relieve poverty by implementing a number of schemes and measures.

The Nigerian government has implemented numerous programmes to improve the lives of the people, including the Family Support Programme (FSP). Better Life Programme for Rural Women (BLW).

Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP), etc. The government had also increased the use of cooperative societies as a mechanism for properly implementing these projects.

Cooperatives are also viewed as a mechanism for government incentives and help to reach the grassroots level and achieve the desired results.
However, at this stage, the project tends to review the role of cooperatives in poverty alleviation.

Many advanced societies have embraced cooperative business models, while others are rapidly adopting them. This is predicated on the assumption that the organisation has a lot to contribute.

Undoubtedly, cooperatives can improve people’s standard of living. Historically, co-operatives have emerged in reaction to a challenging situation. Underprivileged people can band together to protect themselves by giving resources through collaborative action.

The majority of people in rural areas have a low income, which makes cooperative activity necessary. The government views cooperative organisations as a tool capable of augmenting government efforts in creating developmental capital and, as a result, promoting economic progress.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Poverty, without a doubt, hinders economic development and is one of the causes of the masses’ suffering, hunger, mass exploitation, and other social problems such as prostitution, bribery, rituals, armed robbery, adulteration of goods and services, corrupt practices, drug addiction, frustration, illiteracy, child abuse, a high morality rate, and other corrupt practices in which people engage in order to get rich quickly.

To put it simply, poverty refers to persons who have a poor income. In truth, the definition of poverty has long been debated, both historically and today. The role of cooperatives in developed economies.

Cooperatives in underdeveloped countries are working to generate job possibilities. Cooperatives, both directly and indirectly, can enhance people’s living conditions, among other things. Undoubtedly, cooperatives can help to alleviate poverty.


The primary goal of this initiative is to highlight the role of cooperatives in poverty alleviation in Enugu State.
This study aims to demonstrate the relationship between government and cooperative societies in addressing poverty.

2. To demonstrate the value and role of cooperatives in poverty eradication.

3. To agree and cooperate is the means via which the weak and downtrodden elements of society can contact the government.
4. To investigate the role of cooperatives in implementing government poverty reduction programmes.

5. To educate people on the value of group work.

6. Identify cooperative activities that can offer job opportunities, alleviate poverty, raise living standards, and, ultimately, diminish mass illiteracy.

7. Identify the type of co-operative.


The following are the implications of this study.
It is important for policymakers who are interested in developing poverty-reduction policies.

It is significant for the general population, who may discover what their cooperative may do to improve their life. Other researchers will certainly benefit. This will serve as a resource for other scholars working on similar or related topics.

It is crucial to the cooperative movement, thus any relevant information given will help the movement.

The researcher hasn’t departed. It is one of the requirements for being awarded a National Diploma. The research questions consist of the following:

1. What benefits can be gained from a cooperative society?

2. What percentage of Enugu state’s population is classified as poor, middle, or high income?

3. Which groups of people make up the majority of the cooperative society?

4. How does the cooperative society alleviate illiteracy?

5. Do you believe co-operatives can truly reduce poverty?

6. What drove you to join a cooperative society?

7. What are the activities of cooperatives in Enugu State?


The purpose of this study is to investigate how cooperative societies might be used to alleviate poverty in Enugu State. The role of cooperatives in relieving poverty in Enugu state will be highlighted.

The Ministry of Manpower Development and Poverty Reduction’s co-operative decision, as well as the membership and executive members of chosen co-operative societies, will be reinstated.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

There are certain challenges to the study, such as time constraints and the collection of research materials. The lack of materials in the school library as a whole is a major impediment to research work.

There are further factors, such as a shortage of funds.

Some responders demonstrated apathy. Despite these restrictions, the data collected is unbiased and relevant to the research subject.

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