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Chapter one


1.1. Background to the Study

In any culture we live in, the necessity for regulations to reach out and enhance the standards of the ruled is critical. The system must rely on a regular two-way flow of information between the government and the country’s citizens.

We have seen subsequent administrations, whether military or civilian, launch one programme after another aimed at improving the standard of living in rural or community areas, which obviously account for the majority of Nigeria’s population.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness that no nation can develop without deliberately undertaking the development of its community. Such development or transformation

however, is only possible when the community population in various areas participates in government-directed activities aimed at their own development as well as the development of the country.

The importance of information in policy making cannot be overstated. This is because a well-coordinated system of information transmission causes major social change. Without a doubt, communication is as old as man.

It was through the effective nature of communication, for example, Oputa J.S.C September, 20 1993 agreed with this when he said that “There is no doubt the mass media, the press, the radio, and all these have a tremendous impact of our behaviour modern man will readily agree that many of his attitudes, judgements, and stance on various social or political issues are heavily influenced or even shaped by his exposure to ideas and suggestions, feed in him by the mass media”

To accomplish the aforementioned goal, radio broadcasts serve as an instrument for transforming people’s daily lives. The programmes must reflect the issues and goals of the society they serve.

Furthermore, programmes designed to increase the individual’s social awareness and speed up national unity and cultural integration must also make the individual a because “we see the mass media of communication as possessing that magical awareness, creating innovative, knowledge imparting empathy raising, and knowledge and skill multiplying.”

It is commonly known that radio aims to inform, stimulate, educate, entertain, and mobilise citizens for development while also cultivating a responsible attitude on communal and national activities. Radio has been recognised as having the capacity to improve human life and create a viable society.

It is regarded as a powerful medium of communication. It appeals to both the senses of sound and sight. It encourages openness, accountability, and transparency, all of which are necessary for societal effectiveness in both economic and political development.

Radio has been described as a “theatre of the mind,” activating imagination through sound effects and a second voice. Radio is the primary means of mass communication for a greater segment of society.

People in communal areas can receive radio messages through their sets. It is quite inexpensive when compared to other forms of mass communication; it is also portable and timely.

This paper aims to determine the influence of Hit FM 95.9.



1.2. Statement of the Research Problem

This study investigates the contributions of radio to community farmer productivity. The goal is to study the widely held view that radio is used to introduce social change through the broadcast of development and social change programmes, rather than to serve solely.

It is commonly known that radio aims to inform, stimulate, educate, entertain, and mobilise citizens for development while also cultivating a responsible attitude on communal and national activities.

Radio has been recognised as having the ability to improve human life and create a functional society; radio is regarded as a powerful means of communication.

It appeals to the senses of sound and vision. It fosters transparency. Accountability and transparency are attributes that are critical to social, economic, and political progress.


1.3 Goals and Objectives of the Study

The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of radio on farmer production in the Calabar South local government area of Cross River State. The specific research aims include:

To determine why farmers in Calabar South listen to Hit FM 95.9.

To investigate the extent to which farmers in Calabar South use agricultural messages broadcast on Hit FM 95.9.

To evaluate the impact of Hit FM 95.9 on farmers’ practices in Calabar South.

1.4 Research Questions.

1. What are the motivators for listening to Hit FM 95.9?

To what extent do farmers in Calabar South use the agricultural messages broadcast on Hit FM 95.9?

3. What impact does Hit FM 95.9 have on farming methods in Calabar South?

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