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When the researcher chose the topic: Impact of Nigeria Television Authority on the Economic Development of Enugu Metropolis, she was motivated to discover how much (NTA) Nigeria Television Authority has contributed to the economic development of Enugu Metropolis.

The fact that the mass media plays an important part in a country’s growth is not a new statement. Mass media are widely recognised as communication mediums capable of reaching a diverse audience at the same time with a consistent message.

They regularly cover a wide range of topics including health, music, fine art, crime, sports, entertainment/political events, and the economy, among others. As a result, the purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of electronic media on the economic development of the Enugu metropolitan area.

The study used descriptive analysis and the survey approach. The primary investigation found that the media’s roles are inextricably linked to the economic development of the Enugu city.

The study thus recommends that the media should strive to be involved in the dissemination of news and information in response to a basic human need, which is the “right to know,” and that they should also analyse issues and facts contained in the news in accordance with a nation’s needs and interests.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

It goes without saying that the media is critical to a country’s progress. The mass media is widely recognised as communication channels capable of reaching a diverse audience simultaneously with a consistent message.

They frequently address a wide range of issues, including the economy (Meyer 2002, Soola 2004). The mass media disseminates ideas and new information to a specific audience in society.

According to Tosanisunm (2004), the mass media not only educates, informs, and entertains, but also persuades and catalyses social mobilisation. In other words, the mass media can be considered a powerful information service because of their ability to reach every segment of society. They have the ability to disseminate messages about issue ideas and products.

Radio and television are the electronic media on which this study focuses. The sophistication of these communication mediums distinguished them as modern miracles.

Just before the twentieth century began, a technique was developed in which an electromagnetic impulse could be delivered through the air without the use of wires, allowing for long-distance voice transmission.


Electronic media is the technology or institution used to simultaneously transmit information to a large and diverse audience. Although electronic media are channels for transmitting information to audiences via various sorts of media, they also reflect a man’s attempt to relate to and communicate with other males. It is clear to note the communication has been enhanced nationally and internationally with the use of technology.

Aniabona (2007) in his contribution to the impact of broadcasting in a developing context, noted that electronic media are powerful and effective. Instruments for achieving national goals such as widespread education for both children and adults in other to realize the set down objective in economic growth, healthcare, political and social awareness, political stability, self reliance and national identity among other things.

Basically, the media are described as performing three functions 18 roles of information, education and entertainment. These are the conventional social functions the media render to the public, but which is equality applicable in broader sense in economy development pursuit.

It may be claimed that via educating, enlightening and entertaining, the media thereby make the society, society members or the nation as well as the leadership of the very society aware of the need and need to undertake specific progress or procedures of economy growth.

Also related to these three main responsibilities of media is another role of persuasion, where media are considered as virile tools of applying persuasive attempts to influence people’s actions towards a particular direction. The mass media are consequently seen for their role in giving the public with vital knowledge to attain development or change aims.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

As stated previously, the impact of the electronic media notably television is huge despite, the issue faced them in executing their responsibilities.

One thing definite is that electronic media especisally assists in electronic development due to its simple reach and penetration to different and scattered listening audience, the literacy level notwithstanding.

But of all these influence and contribution to the political development of rural Nigeria, there are still situations of insufficient funding and poor management of the electronic media to properly carry out these affects of political development.

Then one begins to wonder how possible for these media to contribute to the economic development when they are underfunded and squander their revenue on surviving the business.

1.3 The Objectives of the Study

The aims of the study are the following:

1. Determine the significance of television for rural political development.

3. Determine the role of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in mobilising rural communities for economic and political growth.

4. Determine the role of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) in establishing the agenda for political development in rural areas.

5. Determine the obstacles that the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) faces in contributing to the political development of Nigeria’s rural communities.

1.4 Research Question.
Based on the aims outlined above, the following research topics will be addressed:

1. Does the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) have a major association with the political growth of Nigeria’s rural areas?

2. To what extent does the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) mobilise the rural population for political development?

3. To what extent does the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) set the agenda for discussions about rural political development in Nigeria?

4. What are the challenges that NTA faces in establishing the agenda for political development in rural areas?

1.5 Significance of the Study

This project topic will provide information for mass communication students, researchers, and scholars interested in furthering their studies. It would also aid in a full evaluation of the Nigerian Television Authority’s (NTA) impact on political development in Nigeria’s rural communities.

The initiative will also contribute to an examination of the Nigerian Television Authority’s (NTA) agenda-setting functions in rural Nigerian political growth. In other areas, it will investigate the level of emphasis that the media gives to concerns of political growth in Nigeria.

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