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Chapter one


1.0 Background of the study.

Political development in Nigeria has recently gained prominence. This is based on the country’s stable democratic regime, which has existed since May 29, 1999.

As potent communication instruments, the mass media has had a significant impact on a wide range of political and social concerns, and continues to do so.

On the one hand, mass media can be utilised as political instruments for establishing a nation and promoting the legitimacy of a regime by shaping the country’s political culture and influencing its public opinion.

Mass media serve as watchdogs of governmental performance, with scholars in both political science and communication studies conducting extensive research to investigate the interaction between media and politics (Black, 1982). Mass media, unlike traditional media, can serve both uneducated and literate people.

The media has played an important role in lubricating the wheels of the country’s political mobilisation. They provided invaluable contributions to the country’s growth, as evidenced by their extensive political education, enlightenment, awareness, and consciousness-raising efforts, as well as the provision of discussion platforms, debates, and presentations.

These functions were demonstrated throughout campaigns for local, state, and general elections. It so gave the electorate the opportunity to project the manifestos and political party programs for the elections.

The mass media are organised modes of communication meant to reach a huge number of people without the need for personal touch. It is seen as the public’s guardian, examining political policies and programs, educating the masses, motivating and mobilising them to actively participate in political programs and activities.

In a democratic society, the mass media is critical to the political system. They are the fourth estate of the realm, autonomous, free, and accountable to the public. They raise awareness among residents of the challenges and issues confronting the state, as well as potential remedies and consequences. They also provide people with the information they require and might inspire them by displaying the thoughts of others.

In Nigeria, the media has become a tool for popular political reform. According to Akpan (1987), media information possesses enormous potential for change. Change in this case refers to learning, which occurs mostly when a large number of people are ignorant.

The media is required for information to better all elements of political life, and the electorate requires media information to fully participate in elections and understand their responsibilities.

Furthermore, Eze (1988) observes that any nation’s politics is significantly reliant on the mass media as forums for articulating and promoting ideas and topics concerning national affairs to the public.

As a result, the study will look at how mass media may help mobilise and galvanise people to create a stable and acceptable democratic administration.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

The goal of this research is to support the country’s ongoing and consistent efforts to instill democratic values in its citizenry. In effect, the objectives are:

1. To investigate the character of political programmes broadcast by radio stations.

2. Determine if the residents of Sabon Kawo have access to political programmes.

3. Determine the extent to which radio can mobilise the public politically.

4. Determine whether listeners have other sources of information for their political mobilisation efforts.

1.3 Research Questions.

To guide this investigation, the following research questions have been developed.

1. What is the nature of radio’s political programmes?

2. How likely is it that the residents of Sabon Kawo in Kaduna North Local Government would have access to political programmes?

3. To what extent has radio mobilised the public politically?

4. To what extent are people likely to get political mobilisation information from sources other than radio?

1.4 Statement of Problem

Ofoeze (1980) identified the existing crises that have hampered Nigeria’s nation-building and political development processes as crises of political participation. Perhaps it could be said that the political crises of recent years are the result of most people’s apathy with the country’s election condition.

Some politicians’ sectional interests, as well as their willingness to follow them, pose a threat to the survival of democracy in the state and throughout the country.

Aside from ethnic influence and bias among some media practitioners, which undermine professional ethics and money influence to serve the interests of others, the profession has also become an all-comer affair, endangering its reputation.

This study aims to answer the question: what is the impact of democracy in practice on the people of Sabon Kawo, Kaduna North Local Government, Kaduna State?

1.5 Scope of Study

The study focusses on “political mobilisation” by Liberty FM Radio Kaduna and inhabitants of Sabon Kawo in Kaduna North Local Government Area.

The challenges of ethnic dominance, mutual distrust, disinterest in the democratic process by a segment of the public, and illiteracy, which offers a fertile ground for power-hungry politicians, are also being addressed.

This study will also look at how the media can help to eliminate mutual distrust, provide effective political education, build strength and solidarity, and encourage participation in the democratic process.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study would be extremely important to the citizens of Sabon Kawo in Kaduna North Local Government Area, as well as Kaduna State as a whole, because it will highlight the relevance of mass media (radio) in political mobilisation in Kaduna North LGA.

The study will help journalism students comprehend the nature of the impact that the media and journalists have on people’s decisions and opinions on matters that concern them.

It will also help youth organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) by offering information on the appropriate approach and media to convey political mobilisation information.

It will be useful for media organisations to improve or adjust the character of their political programs based on the level of awareness raised.

It will also serve as a foundation for future studies.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms.

1. Mobilisation: To organise a group of individuals to work together to achieve a specific goal.

2. Exerted: Making an effort (mental or physical) to influence a change.

3. Manifesto: A written document in which a political party lays its promises and explains how it intends to fulfil them if elected.

4. Indispensable: Too essential to be without.

5. Realm: A field of action, interest, or expertise.

6. Nurture(ing): To care and protect as things grow.

7. Wallow(ing): To roll one’s self (mentally) around aimlessly.

8. Articulate (ing): To clearly express thoughts or feelings in words.

9. Galvanise: To generate rapid activity.

10. Bedrock: A base or foundation.

11. Beset: To affect in an unpleasant or detrimental manner.

12. Apathy: a lack of motivation or desire for a task.

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