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Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background of Study

According to Richter (2000), communication is the process of meaningful contact between humans. It is the act of conveying information as well as the process of exchanging meanings in order to achieve comprehension.

Communication is a process that involves a sender, a message, a channel, and a recipient. Though the receiver may not be involved or aware of the sender’s intention to communicate at the moment of communication, it is preferable if the communicating parties share some communicative similarity. As a result, communication can take place across huge temporal and spatial distances.

Daramola (2007) states that communication is pervasive. It happens everywhere, at all times. It’s all around us. As a result, we all communicate with one another at home, at work, at school, and in industry.

Organisations around the world are classified as high, medium, or low flyers based on how they interact with their operational environment in terms of social obligations, task completion, and service delivery to clients and employees alike.

The communication abilities of an organization’s managers determine how successfully it achieves its aims, meets its social responsibilities, or both. If managers communicate well, the organisation will most likely achieve its objectives, and the nation as a whole will benefit.

Today, there is growing concern, debate, analysis, and uncertainty around the world about how managers do their jobs – managerial performance in terms of administration – as well as organisational performance

– the measure of how successfully organisations do their functions. Thus, excellent communication is critical for every organization’s long-term survival.

Good communication is essential for effectively coordinating human and non-human resources into desirable and efficient working units. Effective communication with organisational managers or executives is important for two reasons.

First, communication is the mechanism by which managers do the tasks of planning, organising, leading, and controlling. Second, communication is an activity to which managers commit the majority of their time.

Managers rarely sit alone at their offices, thinking, planning, or evaluating options. In fact, managers spend the majority of their time communicating with subordinates, supervisors, and suppliers in person, by email, or by phone.

When they are not conversing with others in person or over the phone, they may be writing, dictating, or reading memoranda, letters, or reports that have been submitted to them.

In the same line, Lukaszewski (2006) stated that “the greatest ongoing area of weakness in management practice is the human dimension.” In good or poor times, there appears to be little actual comprehension of the connections between managers and employees, as well as their interactions.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Communication has long been regarded as a critical tool for effective performance and administration procedures in an organisation; however, most organisations in Nigeria have experienced a decline in productivity;

this could be due to staff negligence of designated duties simply because the administration unit did not say anything about it, or it could be due to poor operational structure and low logistic prospects.

Finally, the majority of the research has been conducted on communication, but not a single research has been conducted on communication as an indispensable tool for effective administration.

1.3 Aims and Objectives of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to analyse communication as an essential instrument for good administration. Other specific objectives are:

1. Determine the impact of communication on organisational administration.

2. Determine the extent to which communication influences organisational administration.

3. To identify the factors influencing an organization’s communication and administration.

4. Determine the relationship between communication and good organisational administration.

5. To propose a viable solution to the concerns outlined.


1. How does communication affect an organization’s administration?

2. To what extent does communication influence an organization’s administration?

3. What factors influence communication in the administration of an organisation?

4. What is the relationship between communication and good organisational management?

5. What are some feasible solutions to the mentioned problem?

1.5 Statement of Research Hypothesis

H0: Communication has no substantial impact on the effective administration of an organisation.

H1: Communication has a considerable impact on the effective administration of an organisation.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study on communication as an indispensable tool for effective administration will be extremely beneficial to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, in the sense that it will provide a conducive environment for the achievement of organisational goals, the improvement of worker morale, and increased productivity.

The research will also educate the administrative unit on the proper use of communication, as well as how to communicate with colleagues both within and outside of the organisation in order to ensure effective administration. Finally, the study will add to the corpus of existing literature and expertise in this field of study, providing a foundation for future research.


Because of staffing constraints, the study on communication as an essential instrument for good administration is limited to the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

1.8 Limitations of the Study

Financial constraints- Insufficient funds tend to restrict the researcher’s efficiency in accessing relevant resources, literature, or information, as well as in data collecting (internet, questionnaire, and interview).

Time constraints: The researcher will conduct this investigation while also working on other academic projects. This will reduce the amount of time spent on research.

1.9 Definition of Terms

Communication is defined as the transmission or exchange of information through speech, writing, or another medium.

Indispensable: Completely necessary; other people or things cannot function without them.

Effective: Achieving the desired or planned consequence.

Administration is the process or activity of running a business, organisation, etc.

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