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Chapter one

The Problem and Its Setting

1.1 Introduction

The internet, sometimes known as the NET, is the latest buzzword in the computer industry. It has taken the world by surprise with its cutting-edge technology that connects people and computers all across the world. Adomi (2008) defines the internet as a loose collection of computer networks that are linked together globally via several backbone networks.

It emerges as an instructional tool by providing a good source of accurate knowledge and solutions to difficulties in an academic setting. According to Awoleye siyanbola and Oladipo (2008), core scientific findings can be linked back to the institution

and the deployment of these inventions has resulted in huge economic gains for the country. It’s no surprise that the University of Uyo is focussing on improving its information and communication policy.

Jagboro (2004:21) describes the usage of the Internet in higher education as a tool for scholars to communicate and exchange project data. Though it has significant drawbacks, such as privacy concerns and the difficulty of searching for and finding important information.

However, it is more informational, somewhat fast, and available 24 hours a day. The Internet provides a broad base that allows for a variety of research information, such as full articles, report summaries, and abstracts (Renny, 2006).

According to Ifeoma (2010), the internet plays an important role in allowing undergraduate researchers to access a wide range of information from all over the world.

With its introduction, teachers and students can collaborate without physical contact to attain the same goal as traditional higher-education study methods. Lecturers exchange ideas and communicate successfully because the internet has made teaching, learning, and research more accessible.

It is a mega (super) tool in the realm of information technology (IT) that has broken down the defensive barriers of time, location, and language, transforming the world into a “Global Village” with a shared outlook, access, colour, and taste.

For developing countries like Nigeria to flourish and achieve economic and social status, they must be fully prepared to enhance and empower its academic institutions, both in terms of science and technology.

As a result, University of Uyo undergraduates in their various fields will require quick, easy access to credible information. While the use of the internet is heavily influenced by elements such as reasons, undergraduate experience, the availability of online capabilities and services, and the academic goals of students at their institutions.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Nowadays, browsing the internet has become the most popular pastime among modern people because it provides several benefits and leads to a more convenient existence. Addicts spend too much time on the internet.

They prefer to stay at home and immerse themselves in a virtual world rather than going out and connecting with real people. In this situation, their social skills and relationships may deteriorate.

The vast volume of material on the internet may contain harmful and inappropriate messages for children, such as pornographic images. Although the challenges of using the internet are significant, there are several strategies that may be implemented to maximise its benefits.

However, it still has several downsides that are worth considering, and the causes and potential solutions will be examined. As a result, this study will look into the internet usage patterns of undergraduates at the University of Uyo.


The study’s objectives are to:

1. To determine the objective of utilising the internet.

2. To ascertain students’ experience in using the internet

· Examine internet resources often used by University of Uyo undergraduates.

1. Determine the level of satisfaction of undergraduates with the internet.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The Internet provides a channel of communication that has expanded the potential of library contact beyond the physical library to include users, colleagues, and other professional activities, as well as relationships with library users.

The findings of this study will thus be beneficial to University of Uyo undergraduates as a source of evaluation for their activities.

This work will thus be extremely beneficial as relevant reference papers for newspaper electronic news, online journalism, media house owners, communication art professors, information and communication technology, students, and media critics.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

This study is exclusively open to University of Uyo undergraduates.

It focusses on undergraduate students from the chosen department because all students cannot be reached.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

The scope of this investigation was limited due to a lack of funding for a large project. Furthermore, time was a critical component during the course of this academic activity, and there was no room for expansion beyond these limitations. The issue had no effect on the study’s findings.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Internet: The Internet is the world’s largest computer network, a network of networks spread throughout the world.

Usage: This is how words are used in a language.

A pattern is a consistent way in which something happens or is done from a different perspective.

The University of Uyo is a higher education institution located in Akwa Ibom State’s capital city.

An undergraduate is a student in a college or university who has not yet earned a bachelor’s degree.

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