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1.0 Background for the study

It is widely acknowledged that radio is one of the most common, effective, and inexpensive modes of communication known to humans. It now allows for the global dissemination of information.

In any developed or emerging civilisation, radio will have a significant impact on cultural promotion. Because radio is generally inexpensive, portable, and uses dialects or local languages, many people listen to it more than they do television or read newspapers.

It is difficult to dispute that we spend a significant amount of time interacting with the media. Despite the pervasiveness of media, particularly radio, in our lives, many people are dissatisfied with the media industry’s performance and the quality of content given. We criticise but consume.

There is no doubt that radio is a vital tool for promoting culture. This is because it is the most common and likely has the most potential for socialisation.

Using programs that educate people on cultural goals such as family planning campaigns, political campaigns, how to enhance family techniques, preventative and corrective health care, and the distribution of religious messages.

Daramola(2003), for his side, asserts that:

Radio has the power to influence history and culture; it is a significant tool for social change, as well as a mobilising and socialising agent. The government frequently uses radio to disseminate propaganda material, mobilise people, and rally support for a specific policy or development initiative. Radio contributes to the formation of the global village, as it is termed globally.

As a result, the researcher conducted a study on “Radio and the Promotion of Culture” to learn how people are educated through the usage of radios. Using the selected Hausa programme “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” at FRCN, Kaduna.

In Nigeria today, the FRCN has significantly improved culture, particularly in the northern states. Culture can be described as the complete way of life of a people. Every community, whether civilised or uncivilised, has its own way of living.

This way of life is passed down from generation to generation, and it is organically ingrained in the youth through numerous avenues of communication, one of which is electronic media such as the FRCN. Radio Nigeria serves the purpose of transmitting information or messages to its intended audience. People receive information through this means.

Nwuneli (1985) defines communication as the sharing of experiences between two or more persons.

Nwosu (2007) defines communication as the process by which we seek to convey our thoughts, ideas, or feelings to others.

According to Goldevin (1991), communication is the exchange of information through an established conversation between planners and project participants, beginning with the design stages and progressing through implementation and evaluation.

According to the definitions above, communication includes sharing information, ideas, opinions, feelings, and experiences with others. For communication to reach its intended audience, it must go through a medium such as Radio Nigeria.

The media is a collection of several things bundled into one, and it is split into two types: broadcast and print media. The media facilitates information dissemination, cultural transfer, and news entertainment.

As a result, the broadcast media plays an important role in educating members of society and informing them about the need of preserving their culture.

The Federal Radio Cooperation of Nigeria (FRCN) is seen to have the potential to break the illiteracy barrier and contribute to the general development of society. This viewpoint has been endorsed by various authority in mass communication.

1.1 Statement of Problem

Since its inception in 1932, radio has focused on promoting Nigerian culture. Culture has been described as one of the most significant concepts to emerge from modern social sciences.

This means that a civilisation cannot survive in isolation from culture, and no culture can exist until it is embodied in human society. No civilisation can function without cultural instructions, and the relationship between culture and society is analogous to the one between body and mind.

Based on the aforementioned reasons, the Federal Radio Cooperation of Nigeria (FRCN) Kaduna developed a programme named “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” with the goal of promoting Nigerian culture and enhancing radio’s contribution to culture.

Against this context, this study seeks to determine the perspective of the program “Tuna Baya Shine Roko”. Similarly, it inspires Nigerians and provides an accurate account of Nigerian culture. As a result, this study looks at the “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” initiative for cultural promotion.

1.2 Objectives of the Study

This study aims to accomplish the following objectives:

1. Determine the audience’s awareness of the programme “Tuna Baya Shine Roko”.

2. Determine the degrees of understanding of the program “Tuna Baya Shine Roko”.

3. Determine the extent to which the programme “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” effects audience behaviour.

4. Investigate the extent to which the “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” programme improves Nigerian culture.

5. To investigate audience reactions to the programme “Tuna Baya Shine Roko.”

1.3 Significance of the Study

Radio has long been regarded as the most efficient medium for promoting culture and public enlightenment.

The study would help stakeholders such as the government, communication professionals, nongovernmental organisations, academia, students, and scholars gain understanding about radio and culture.

Furthermore, better awareness of people and their cultures aids in social integration and understanding. This is really significant for all stakeholders. Finally, the study provides a foundation for future research in a related area.

1.4 Scope of the Study

The study focusses on the promotion of culture through radio, using the FRCN, Kaduna broadcast “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” as a case study.

1.5 Limitations of the study

The researcher encountered some problems over the course of this research endeavour, which include the following:

Financial constraints: The researcher worked with a very limited budget, making it difficult to cover the logistical necessities of this endeavour, such as transportation and materials.

Respondent accessibility: From the start, it was challenging to find persons willing to participate in the study, such as through interviews.

Similarly, some of the respondents from the designated group struggled to understand the questionnaire’s questions.Finally, the time frame for completing this investigation was extremely short. The researcher requires extra time to thoroughly investigate all areas of the project.

1.6 Research Questions.

The research questions are as follows.

1. To what extent is the audience aware of the programme “Tuna Baya Shine Roko”?

2. How well do you comprehend the programme “TunaBaya Shine Roko”?

3. How much does the programme influence the audience’s behaviour?

4. To what extent does the “Tuna Baya Shine Roko” project help to improve Nigerian culture?

5. How did the audience react to the programme?

1.7 Definition of Terms.

RADIO: In this work, radio refers to a piece of electrical or wireless equipment that both receives and sends information.

PROMOTION: In this study, the term promotion refers to an activity that encourages people to believe in and recognise the role of culture in helping anything prosper.

CULTURE: In this study, culture refers to the customs, ideas, and social behaviours of a specific people or community, particularly at a given time.

FRCN stands for Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria.

COMMUNICATION: is the sharing of experience between two or more people.

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