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Impact Of Social Networking Site On Employee Performance

Impact Of Social Networking Site On Employee Performance

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Impact Of Social Networking Site On Employee Performance

Chapter one


1.1. Background.

Social networking is causing dramatic or dynamic changes in the environment, but it is clear that it is doing so. Social networking is an online means of connection that allows people to develop relationships, share ideas, communicate information, and unite society through sentimental streams.

In today’s fast-paced world, social networking is rapidly expanding. People use social networks to vent their human feelings. People link to LinkedIn for professional purposes, Facebook and MySpace for personal reasons, Twitter for social networking, and Personalised Blogs for personal views and perspectives. The motivation for using social networks can vary, but the ultimate rationale of connecting is to develop social contacts and share (Ehrlich, 2011).

Social networking is not only for the youthful generation. It appeals to people of all ages and generations. The way we use and respond to social networks is neither good nor evil; it is simply different.

Using and connecting to social networks has become an integral part of everyone’s daily lives. People no longer ask for email addresses or mobile numbers; instead, they ask each other for their social network IDs to maintain long-term interactions (Avalos, S. 2011).

Every organisation uses social networking platforms for professional purposes such as developing customer relationships. As a result, it has become necessary for organisations to create workforces that are responsive to changing circumstances. Employee performance determines an organization’s production and profitability, and its employees have a strong connection to social networks.

In other ways, social networks generate risks, opportunities, threats, weaknesses, and strengths for businesses. Risk in the sense that social networks are real-time communication mediums, allowing organisations to communicate and spread information in real time that they may not wish to share with people outside of the organisation.

Opportunity in the context of a competitor’s employee sharing knowledge about a future plan on a social media platform that can be used for the organization’s benefit. Organisations may face a threat if their staff communicate internal company information on social media platforms that competitors can use.

Social networking can be an organization’s vulnerability if it has a negative impact on productivity. Similarly, social networking becomes a strength for organisations when it is utilised to develop strong relationships with employees, direct them in the right direction, collect information about employee behaviour, and teach them (Flynn, 2011).

Social networking affects all areas of the economy by influencing employee skills, productivity, qualification/knowledge, and motivation. Organisations use social networking to strengthen employer-employee relationships by improving employees’ skills, productivity, motivation, and knowledge.

Organisations evaluate their personnel and manage their contributions to maintain a positive image through social networking. Some organisations direct their staff to use social media ethically while representing the organisation.

To accomplish all of this, organisations are developing policies surrounding the use of social networking (Flynn, 2011); yet, it can be stated that social networking has a significant impact on employee performance in terms of skills, productivity, knowledge and motivation.

Guarantee Trust Bank plc was established in 1990 as a limited liability company permitted to provide commercial and other banking services to the Nigerian general public. The bank began operations in February 1991 and has since evolved to be one of Nigeria’s most renowned and service-focused banks (GTB, 2015).

Guarantee Trust Bank plc became a publicly traded corporation in September 1996, and it won the Nigerian Stock Exchange President’s Merit award that year, as well as in 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009.

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1.2 Statement of the Problem

Some studies claim that using social networking sites makes employees happier and thus more productive (AT&T, 2008; Bennett et al., 2010; Leidner et al., 2010; Li & Bernoff, 2008; Patel & Jasani, 2010)

while others consider social networking site use to be a reason for decreased productivity because it can waste time and be addictive (Accountemps, 2010; Nucleus, 2009; O’Murchu et al., 2004; Rooksby et al., 2009; Shepherd, 2011; Wavecrest, 2006).

These studies that argue that using social networking sites reduces productivity in the workplace focused solely on the time wasted as a result of social networking site use and ignored potential indirect benefits such as increased job satisfaction, higher organisational commitment, lower absenteeism, higher retention rates, higher innovative behaviour, and increased productivity.

Studies claiming that the usage of social networking sites in the workplace adds value to organisations failed to scientifically quantify the positive benefits of social networking site use on work-related outcomes.

This study attempts to resolve this controversy by empirically studying the direct and mediating effects of job satisfaction, organisational commitment, absenteeism, turnover intention, and innovative behaviour on the relationship between the intensity of social networking site use and job performance.

1.3. Objective of the Research

The study’s broad purpose is to assess the impact of social networking sites on employee performance, while the specific objectives are as follows:

To determine the effect of social networking sites on employee performance.

To investigate the impact of social networking websites on the privacy and security of an organization’s information.

To assess the potential benefits of social networking sites for business in an organisation.

1.4. Research Questions.

What is the effect of social networking sites on employee performance?

What influence do social networking sites have on the privacy and security of an organization’s information?

What are the potential benefits of using a social networking site for business in an organisation?

1.5. Significance of the Study

The impact of social networking site use in the workplace on employee performance is significant for a variety of reasons. First, professionals in charge of human resource departments will benefit from understanding the relationships revealed by this research.

Understanding the relationships between employee performance and productivity, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, absenteeism, turnover intention, innovative behaviour, and job performance can help organisations determine whether to allow or prohibit the use of social networking sites in the workplace.

Organisations are looking for ways to boost workplace productivity. If the use of social networking sites is one of these methods, organisations will be able to add it to their arsenal of practices for improving job satisfaction, organisational commitment, absenteeism, turnover intention, innovative behaviour, and, ultimately, job performance.

Second, this study adds to the existing literature on social networking, employee performance, job satisfaction, organisational commitment, absenteeism, turnover intention, innovative behaviour, and job performance.

The study’s findings will demonstrate whether the idea that happy workers perform harder is valid in the context of workplace social networking site use.

1.6. Scope and limitations of the study

The study’s focus is on the impact of social network sites on employee performance. Data from this research will be used to determine and establish whether the use of social network sites reduces or increases productivity.

Because of the nature and subject of the study, only educated professionals will be included in the category of workers who are more likely to use the internet as part of their job and, during this course, utilise social networking sites as a side hobby.

Workers may be exposed to difficulties such as network security, cybercrime, pornography, internet marketing, and advertisement, and this study will touch on all of these areas while reviewing the prior literature on the subject.

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