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Epidemiology Survey For Schistosomiasis Among Pupils

Epidemiology Survey For Schistosomiasis Among Pupils

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Epidemiology Survey For Schistosomiasis Among Pupils

Chapter one


Schistosomiasis is a parasite disease affecting the urinary and digestive tracts caused by schistosomes. Bilharza detected schnstosome haematobuim, a species that infects the urinary bladder and is extensively found in Africa, in Egyptian mummies in 1851.

He also performed a urogential tract autopsy. Around 20 million people are infected with the schistosome parasite, and those who are severely affected face death. Billaries modified dictimery (1998) defined Schistosomiasis as a human infectious disease caused by blood flukes of the species Schistosome.

It is one of the most devastating parasite infections in humans, affecting millions of individuals in tropical and subtropical parts of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean.

Schistosomiasis poses a persistent hazard to up to 600 million people who do everyday activities related to water, such as swimming, washing, and bathing (Bayers 1984). Schistosomiasis affects several populations as a result of human interaction with infected water, including: (a) occupational (b) recreational (c) domestic (d) socio-cultural (Ukoli 1984).

Schnistasoma japonicum is one of three major species of schnstosomes that cause human illness. Four more species appearing considerably less regularly are interculum, S matter, S bovis, and S meking.

Schistosomiasis, often known as bilharziasis, is a long-term infection caused by blood flukes. Schisotosoma haematobium is the name of a schistosome that lives in a man’s urinary bladder, whereas schistosomes in the colon are known as. Schistosoma mansm, commonly known as Schistosoma japonicum,

According to Ramsay (1934), male and female worms are independent individuals, but the female is smaller and is carried in a groove on the underside of the male and lives in the host’s vein. The female deposits eggs in the bladder and colon, causing irritation and bleeding.

The eggs are expelled with body waste and end up in water contaminated by a variety of water snails, including bulinus, the intermediate host of schrostome haematobium. Schistosomiasis is widespread and related with poverty, substandard housing, insufficient sanitary facilities, and filthy human behaviour.

Schistosoma has been identified as a disease rampart and is extremely widespread in revenuer areas where humans come into contact with infected water while undertaking agricultural chores. Ishiehy Amagunze uses the river Afavu on an annual basis and has an agricultural base.

When people come into contact with infected water and marshy soil, there is a risk of disease, which manifests in people with symptoms such as haematuria, tenderness of the lower legs, and so on.

Its prevalence in Armagunze is increasing as people come into more contact with water bodies, making water bodies unsafe for agricultural recreational activities, enchangers farm work, and people’s use of the water contact relationship has increased alarmingly due to inadequate facilities and recreational features. Therefore, there is a need to redetemine the degree of Schistosomiasis in Ishelu Amagume, Nkanu local government.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

To assess the epidermology of Schistosomiasis among students of Ishielu Amagunze in Nkanu local government.

To teach students about the disease, its route of transmission, and measures to prevent and control it.

1.3 Statement of Problem

Amagunze has a number of slow-moving streams and bodies of water that are frequently visited by people. The exposed population consists of primary school students who swim and wash their clothes for extended periods of time. It is projected that water-borne illnesses like schistosomiasis will be common in the neighbourhood.

1.4 Hypothesis.

H0: The prevalence of schristosmiasis is higher in primary school children aged 6 to 12 years who have the most water interaction, such as swimming, food cleaning, etc.

Despite frequent water contact, H1 Schistosomiasis is not common among Amagunze students.

1.5 Justification.

Since all human activities require water, such as drinking, bathing, washing clothes, and agricultural purposes, there is a need for proper disposal of faces and urine to reduce the rates of Schistosomiasis infection, and students who come to the water should be screened before settling in the area.

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