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Factors Associated With Substance Abuse Among Youths in Anambra East Lga. Anambra State

Factors Associated With Substance Abuse Among Youths in Anambra East Lga. Anambra State

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Factors Associated With Substance Abuse Among Youths in Anambra East Lga. Anambra State


This study explored the factors associated with substance abuse among youths in Anambra East Local Government Area (LGA) of Anambra State, Nigeria. Utilizing a triangulation design that integrates both qualitative and quantitative research methods, the study employed self-completion questionnaires, interviews with area chiefs, and personal observations to gather data. The study involved a sample of 120 youths and 120 community members from a total of 2,189 households across four villages in the Anambra East LGA.

Sampling methods included stratified and simple random sampling to select households, youths, and community members. Data were analyzed by converting responses into frequencies and percentages.

The findings revealed that alcohol was the most commonly abused substance, followed by painkillers (opioids), weed, and cigarettes. There was hesitancy among some respondents to disclose use of harder drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and tramadol due to legal concerns.

According to the gateway theory, which suggests that the use of one substance can lead to the experimentation with other drugs, the study indicates that the consumption of alcohol and other legal substances like painkillers and cigarettes may be increasing.

The study highlighted various factors influencing drug and substance abuse among youths, the community’s initiatives to address the issue, and the preparedness of national and law enforcement agencies to combat substance abuse.

The findings aim to provide valuable insights for government officials, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to develop effective strategies in the fight against drug and substance abuse in Nigeria.

consumption of illicit brews and trafficking of drugs.



1.1 Background Information

Drugs, defined as substances that alter physiological or psychological functions in living organisms, can have both beneficial and harmful effects. They are consumed in various forms, such as injections, chews, smoke, or sniffs.

Ghodge (2003) describes drugs as substances that, beyond their role in maintaining health, modify bodily processes when consumed. In medicine, drugs are used for their curative or preventative properties against diseases.

However, the misuse of drugs, often termed as drug abuse, occurs when substances are used for non-medical purposes or beyond recommended guidelines. Substance abuse generally includes the consumption of substances like tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs, which can adversely affect health.

Psychoactive substances, when used without medical supervision, can lead to pathological drug dependence, a condition where individuals are unable to stop using drugs despite significant harm to themselves or others.

In Nigeria, drug and substance abuse among the youth has been on the rise. Ndetei (2004) reports that the trend of drug consumption in Nigeria’s urban areas has increased over recent years, with youth turning to both licit and illicit substances as coping mechanisms. This rise in drug consumption has been linked to increased crime rates and domestic violence.

The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate among drug users injecting drugs is alarmingly high, ranging from 68% to 88% (Ndetei, 2004). Cannabis Sativa (weed) is the most commonly abused drug, followed by heroin, opioids, cocaine, benzodiazepines, inhalants, and amphetamine-type stimulants. Regions like Anambra and Mombasa are notably affected by drug problems (Chege, Mungai & Oresi, 2020).

This study aims to explore the factors contributing to alcohol abuse among youths and young adults in Anambra East Local Government Area, Anambra State.

The focus will be on the circumstances that foster substance abuse, using the frameworks provided by Kessel and Walton (1965), which include incitement, opportunity, example, and accessibility.

The choice of Anambra East LGA is driven by its reputation for illicit brewing, drug trafficking, and high consumption rates, making it a significant area for this investigation.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The rising trend of drug and substance misuse among youths is a pressing issue not only in Anambra State but across Nigeria. If not addressed through effective intervention measures, the future of the younger generation is at risk.

Many youths have become addicted to substances, leading to a loss of interest in traditional life milestones such as marriage, with some even neglecting their conjugal responsibilities, thus threatening the procreation process.

Various factors contribute to this growing problem. These include dysfunctional family environments, peer influence, easy access to alcohol and drugs, social media impact, unemployment, and stress. The severe financial implications of substance abuse are particularly burdensome for impoverished individuals, exacerbating their economic difficulties.

If unchecked, this issue could result in a significant increase in crime rates and a potential loss of an entire generation’s productivity. Thus, there is an urgent need to investigate the underlying factors driving substance abuse among youths.

This study aims to shed light on these factors, raise awareness about the harmful effects of substance misuse, and provide valuable reference material for future research on this critical topic.

1.3 Research Objectives

The main objective of this study is to examine the factors influencing drug and substance misuse among youths in Nigeria and to make recommendations aimed at curbing this issue.

The specific objectives are to:

  1. Identify the most abused drugs and substances in Anambra State.
  2. Determine the factors contributing to the initial use and ongoing abuse of drugs and substances among youths.
  3. Identify the specific problems associated with drug and substance abuse for both youths and the broader community.
  4. Identify community initiatives and strategies employed to combat drug and substance abuse.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. Which drugs are the most commonly abused in Anambra State?
  2. What are the probable causes of drug and substance abuse among young people in Anambra State?
  3. What specific problems do drug and substance abusers face?
  4. What community initiatives and strategies are being employed to combat drug and substance abuse?

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