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Evaluation Of Guidance And Counseling In Secondary School

Evaluation Of Guidance And Counseling In Secondary School

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Evaluation Of Guidance And Counseling In Secondary School


This study examined the advice and counselling services provided at Abubakar Gumi College in Sabo, Kaduna. Efforts were made to analyse the conditions, the quality of counsellors available, and the level of awareness among pupils. The results revealed that, despite being qualified, the Guidance Counsellor is inefficient and inadequate.

The guidance initiative is poorly organised, with no amenities such as guidance counselling offices, libraries large enough for group counselling, laptops, and shelving, among other things.

Students also express no interest in the programme because their interests were not piqued. All of these flaws have contributed to students’ poor academic performance on both internal and external exams.

Chapter I.


Background to the Study

Guidance and Counselling had been conspicuously absent from our educational system until lately. Many students lack the necessary skills to perform effectively in the workplace since there is no career guidance.

A large proportion of pupils have been unable to assess their potential and seek to select a vocation that will provide them with employment satisfaction; this could be related to either not listening to a guidance counsellor or not obtaining any advise at all.

It is therefore vital to expose our pupils to numerous strategies or ways of picking the correct vocation; this cannot be overstated. It has been discovered that most schools do not have a functional guidance and counselling department;

instead, there is a miniature office occupied by teaching staff who provides skeletal guidance to students on a wall while still teaching his or her entire weekly period, resulting in insufficient time for guidance and counselling services.

In light of this, schools are encouraged to have a sound and effective guidance and counselling program led by a competent counsellor to fulfil the specific requirements of their pupils.

Abubakar Gumi College in Kaduna is located in the southern part of the city, in Chikun Local Government, Sabo Locality.

The school is fairly large, with a population of roughly two thousand, eight hundred pupils, thus it clearly requires the services of more than one experienced guidance counsellor to address the students’ needs.

As an employee of the school. I agree that there is a guidance counsellor, but this study will evaluate whether it is consistently operational, how qualified and adequate the workers are.

The purpose of the study

The research is intended to evaluate and avoid the different problems associated with students pursuing courses that have no relation to our society, thus the necessity to enquire whether the students had no direction while in secondary school. Specifically, this study.

1) Investigate present guidance and counselling programmes in our secondary schools, with a focus on Christ Ambassadors’ College.

2) Determine the amount to which accessible guidance counsellors participate in the program, as well as the level to which students utilise the available guidance counsel.

3) Develop ideas for improvement and promote an effective guidance counselling program in our secondary schools.

4) Identify ideas for improving and promoting an excellent guidance counselling program in our high school.

Significance of the Study

The National Policy on Education called for the inclusion of guidance and counselling programs in school curricula. However, since this adoption, one would anticipate the level of discipline in our schools to improve;

however, there appears to be a present increase in acts of indiscipline, riots, and poor academic performance. Controlling huge institutions has grown increasingly difficult, and Abubakar Gumi College in Kaduna is one such example.

This study will investigate the functionality of guidance services, the issues they face, and how they might be improved. It is envisaged that guidance aid provided in secondary schools will be highly beneficial in assisting students in achieving academic achievement, resolving personal or emotional issues, and teaching them how to deal with and handle complex interpersonal relationships with others.

The study is expected to improve communication between students, counsellors, and school administrators, as communication is a critical component of effective and successful counselling.

The research findings will assist the government in strengthening guidance in our secondary schools. Furthermore, this study will be valuable to other scholars working in this subject.

Research Questions

1. How much do students know about guiding and counselling.

2. How appropriate and qualified are the staff in charge of guiding and counselling at Christ Ambassadors’ College?

3. Are there sufficient facilities for guide services?

4. Does the school provide the environment and encouragement required for the services?

5. What is the counselor’s interaction with the pupils and other members of staff?

6. Is there a functional guidance service in the school?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This scope looked at the issues, limits, support, and encouragement provided to guidance in secondary schools.

However, due to time constraints and the study’s permissible duration, the research was limited to Abubakar Gumi College in Kaduna.

It looked at the counselor’s effectiveness, students’ understanding of the service, and the connection between the counsellor, the students, and the school’s administration.

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