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Influence Of Fathering Style On Social Adjustment Among Adolescents

Influence Of Fathering Style On Social Adjustment Among Adolescents

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Influence Of Fathering Style On Social Adjustment Among Adolescents


This study looked at the impact of fathering style on social adjustment among adolescents in Surulere LED, Lagos State.

Four hypotheses were developed to guide the investigation.

To accomplish this goal, the researcher developed four hypotheses to lead the study:

Fathering approaches have no substantial influence on teenagers’ social adjustment.

There is no substantial relationship between fathering approaches and the likelihood of early pregnancy in female teenagers.

There is no major cultural impact on fathering style and adolescent social adjustment.

There is no significant effect of religious fathering style on teenage social adjustment.

The sample included 200 participants drawn from four senior secondary schools in Surulere LED, Lagos State, using stratified random sampling. A well-structured questionnaire was employed to collect replies from the respondents.

The outcome was analysed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA) at a significance level of 0.05. Fisher’s protected t-test formula was employed to conduct a pairwise analysis of differences in-group means (X) caused by the influence of fathering styles on adolescents’ social adjustment. The results of the data analysis were as follows:

Fathering techniques have a considerable influence on teenagers’ social adjustment. It was also discovered that there is no significant religious influence on fathering style and teenagers’ social adjustment.

Chapter One: 1.0 Introduction Early pregnancy occurs when a girl-child gets impregnated as a result of premarital sexual behaviour. As a result of civilisation and education, many girls today engage in premarital sexual practices. There is little doubt that traditional values have been abandoned in favour of a liberal sexual outlook.

According to Abe (1996), 63% of adolescents believe virginity is unimportant, but old-fashioned recreational intercourse appears to be the norm for many youths, with the consequences of early pregnancy, abortion, and, ultimately, death or damage of the reproductive organs. Nwobi (1997) defines family as a network of people who are deeply connected by a social or blood link.

The father is the head of the family and the breadwinner, while the children must follow the father’s orders or directions. To raise relevant and responsible children in society, fathers must embrace a specific leadership or parenting style.

1.1 Theoretical background Arione (1994) used two typologies to describe fathering styles: demandingness and responsiveness, which when combined result in four fathering styles.

Arione describes authoritarian fathers as both responsive and demanding. They establish clear, acceptable criteria for responsible behaviour that are congruent with children’s development and provide explanations for their decisions.

They are also compassionate, friendly, caring, and attentive to children’s needs, willing to negotiate their expectations. Authoritarian fathers are simply demanding, not responding. They value compliance to regulations above all else, inhibit give-and-take between father and child, and fail to consider their children’s needs.

Permissive fathers are also indulgent; they are attentive but not demanding. These fathers are kind, accepting, and tolerant of their children’s impulses. They also place minimal demands on the child for mature behaviour, but they use little or no punishment and avoid asserting their authority.

Permissive fathers have lately been distinguished from neglecting-rejecting fathers, who do not make many requests due to their disengagement and lack of demand or responsiveness. As a result, the girl child who cannot receive what she wants from her father has turned to using what she has outside the family to acquire what she wants.

As a result of the child’s early pregnancy, there has been an increase in sexual activity. Sexual indiscipline among adolescents in secondary schools includes an increase in premarital sex, promiscuity, prostitution, teenage pregnancy, teenage marriage and motherhood, illegal abortions, child abuse and abandonment, and abortion-related premature death for teenage moms.

The main focus of Newswatch (1985) was the increasing prevalence of teen pregnancy, which was entitled “Children Having Children”. The situation has become more serious because sexual indiscipline is intimately linked to illegal crimes such as abortion and child abuse. Teenage pregnancy can lead to teenage marriage, also known as a “shotgun marriage.”

This option is frequently associated with medical, social, and psychological risks and issues. For starters, a girl’s body is still developing, and if nourishment is inadequate, such a teenage girl is a poor obstetric candidate.

For another, there are psychological issues linked with adolescent marriage, such as “shotgun” marriage, which leads to dropping out of school, shame, and degradation for the teenagers and their families.

There are financial ramifications and a lack of psychological support for the adolescent mother. Dropping out of school frequently puts the girl into a poverty cycle, while the high prevalence of illegitimate pregnancy imposes a large financial burden on taxpayers.

Finally, single parenthood appears to be on the rise among adolescents as a result of early pregnancy due to premarital sexual activity, with implications for the psychological well-being of both the child and the mother, as well as long-term social implications for society (Kuforiji, 1998).

It is a well-known fact that more youths participate in sexual intercourse at younger ages. Rafiu (1994) discovered that in a sample of 100 secondary school students, 48% of boys and 36% of girls reported having sexual intercourse by the age of 15.

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