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Influence Of Behavioral Counseling On Deviant Behavior Among Secondary School Student In Fct Abuja

Influence Of Behavioral Counseling On Deviant Behavior Among Secondary School Student In Fct Abuja

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Influence Of Behavioral Counseling On Deviant Behavior Among Secondary School Student In Fct Abuja


This study looked at the impact of behavioural counselling on deviant behaviours among secondary school students in FCT Abuja. The study used a descriptive survey research design method. The study’s target group was secondary school counsellors in the FCT.

A simple random sample strategy was employed to choose 133 respondents from secondary schools in Abuja. The school counsellors were given the questionnaire “behavioural counselling and deviant behaviour among secondary school students Questionnaire”.

The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study discovered that aberrant behaviour is caused by a lack of effective parental upbringing.


Chapter one




1.1 Background of the Study


Deviant conduct varies by society. It is evident that what is considered normal behaviour in one culture may be deemed aberrant in another. For example, in the northern regions of the state, body covering is a very big culture and is highly revered as tradition demands, but in the southern region, it is not allowed because it violates our cultures’ ethics.

However, in the north, it is their type of dress that cannot be infringed; if it is, it is considered deviant behaviour, and the person will be sanctioned or murdered as their culture allows. However, deviant behaviour should be discouraged in order to promote development and growth.

According to Opong (2008), aberrant behaviour is an illness that undermines openness, fairness, and fair play. Education is the hallmark of development for bringing about change and growth.

Pertinently, it is on the basis of this that governments at all levels are concerned with making education a top priority in order to ensure that everyone achieves it and to develop effective policies that will promote the educational growth of citizens (Angel, 2016).

The role of education in metamorphosing citizens cannot be overstated; Agi (2015) asserted that education is the art of bringing a person from the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge and insight. This suggests or implies that an educated person can contribute to society’s beneficial growth and development.

According to Eremus (2015), norms and regulations are not followed in our schools, since there are numerous examples of examination malpractice, truancy, bullying, extortion, sexual offences, dishonesty, drug offences, dressing violations, other porous behaviours. He stated that this negative attitude indicates a deviation from the normal functionality of the student’s behaviour.

Angel stated that school has become a location for committing many forms of crimes, and he urged the government, parents, and school officials to wake up and assure the correct elimination of deviant behaviour in our educational system.

According to Asute (2014), the value of education in altering individuals cannot be overstated; Akinade (2014) sees education as a guiding light that leads people to knowledge. This means that a well-educated person will contribute to the country’s positive development.

Solomon (2010) explained that the dos and don’ts are not followed in our schools because there are many atrocities such as cases of extortion, sexual offences, bullying assault, dishonesty, uncordial behaviour, drug offences, and dressing offences, which have been the cankerworm or virus in our society.

Barr. S. (2010) says that aberrant behaviour is a significant impediment to the achievement of quality education in our educational system. Secondary schools have a crucial role in teaching future leaders who will shape the nation’s political, economic, and cultural landscape.

Ideally, a contentious teacher and a committed school administration offer children with critical social and intellectual skills. With the government’s ban on physical punishment in 2001 as a tactic for handling indiscipline in schools, school administrators are left with the options of suspension, expulsion, and manual labour, with an emphasis on guiding and counselling the victim. Guiding is more about directing, educating, and coaching.

For example, a tour guide guides, instructs, informs, and teaches. He or she should have travelled that route several times to conduct research and become acquainted with the area. A tour leader builds confidence by holding hands and providing first aid if necessary. In contrast, counselling is cultural.

Culturally, an older, more knowledgeable person not only listened to the client, but also reprimanded and trained him/her using proverbs, wise sayings, folk tales, and some songs and dances. Guidance and counselling have existed in one form or another since the dawn of human civilisation. People sought comfort and peace in family and personal relationships.

Counselling has only recently arisen as a component of the educational system, with strong roots in the principles of individual independence, rights, dignity, and worth as a human being (Narayama, 2002:2). Guidance and counselling are two phrases that are commonly used interchangeably, yet they have different meanings.

Narayana (2002:34) defines guidance as “assistance given to an individual in making intelligent choices and adjustments.” It focusses on achieving one’s full potential. In other words, it facilitates issue solving rather than solving problems.

Gustard (1953) defines counselling as a learning-oriented process in a one-on-one social environment. The counsellor uses psychological skills and knowledge to assist the client in achieving their goals within the context of the total personnel programme.

The guidance and counselling movement began in Europe and the United States in the nineteenth century, but did not gain momentum until the beginning of the twentieth century.

Between 1905 and 1909, the Pioneers, one of whom was Frank Parsons of Boston, United States of America, focused on providing occupational information. Guidance in African schools is still a relatively new concept.

Due to economic and social changes that have resulted in the weakening of the structures of traditional society, boys and girls in schools need to be fully guided regarding the relationship between health and the environment, life-learning skills, the knowledge and attitudes that lead to success or failure in life, for example, different vocational avenues, understanding the requirements, demands, limitations, and prospects of vocational development (Narayan).

Guidance is becoming increasingly important in Kenya as the country faces many new problems that require special psychological or social services outside of education (Mutie and Ndambuki 1999:11).

Our Kenyan students have not been particularly exceptional. Kenyan youth in today’s society face major issues such as HIV/AIDS, poverty, child abuse, internally displaced people as a result of tribal clashes, and widespread malpractice in counselling.

Counselling helps students pursue educational and vocational opportunities. It assists them in developing the values and attitudes necessary to become productive and useful citizens.

It will also help them develop self-esteem, a sense of identity, and values and beliefs that will guide their behaviour and shape their personalities. A lack of effective or appropriate guidance and counselling in schools may prevent students from discovering themselves, their potential, and interests.

Some students may attend school and leave with no idea what kind of jobs await them in the “blink” future. As a result, young people require more guidance and counselling than ever before, as they live in a much more complex world than ten years ago (Makinde, 1984:177).

In schools, if teachers and students work well together, students learn in four practical ways. Young people gain degrees of freedom in their lives as they become aware of and take advantage of opportunities. At it‟s best, counseling should enable people to throw off chains and manage life situations effectively (UNESCO, 2000:10).

The term counseling is used is used number of ways. For instance, counseling may be viewed as a series of definite direct contacts between a counselor and client aimed at offering the client assistance in adjusting effectively to himself / herself and the environment, as a series of intentions or as a psychological process in terms of its goals (June, 200:3-4).

The counselor must therefore go beyond mere interest in the subject and equip himself/herself with the relevant knowledge because counseling deals with complex domain of human behavior.




The Government of Nigeria in 2004 through its national policy on education highlighted the need for guidance and counseling services in Nigeria’s educational system to address the young people’s apparent lack of awareness concerning potential career choices and skills on how to deal with some social problems.

This called for the training of teachers in the field of guidance and counseling (Republic of Nigeria, 2007). This study calls for a evaluation on follow-up of what has transpired in our schools since then, for reports of rampant students‟ riot and property destruction have continued to feature up to this moment.

There seems to be a real social problem and this study actually seeks to find out the cause of this predicament, if it has to do with lack of adequate training among the teacher counselor or limitations put forward by the school administration or the laxity of the parents, the students deviance, or poor governance.

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