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Effect Rate Of Fertilizer Application On Vegetable (Telfairia Occidentalis)

Effect Rate Of Fertilizer Application On Vegetable (Telfairia Occidentalis)

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Effect Rate Of Fertilizer Application On Vegetable (Telfairia Occidentalis)


In 2014, field trials were undertaken at the Imopoly Farm, Imo State Polytechnic Umuagwo, to assess the effect of fertiliser application rate on vegetable (telfairia occidentalis). The treatments included nine fertiliser types:

Aleshinloye grade A, Aleshinloye grade B, Sunshine grade A, Sunshine grade B, Pace setter grade A, Pace setter grade B, and Neem compost.

Fluted pumpkin was used as the test crop. The fertiliser types were sprayed at two different levels (0 and 60 kg N ha-1). The treatments were distributed in a randomised full block design with three duplicates. Data were obtained on fluted pumpkin growth metrics, nutritional composition, and yield qualities.

Fertiliser types significantly influenced the evaluated parameters (P<0.05). Regardless of fertiliser type, 60 kg N ha-1 produced the greatest vine length, number of leaves, nutritional composition, fresh shoots, and seed yields.

Although the highest performance of fluted pumpkin in terms of growth and fresh shoot output was obtained with neem compost fertiliser, the results were equivalent to those obtained with tithonia compost.

The highest P (0.83%), K (0.82%), Mg (3.20%), Ca (0.48%), Fe (4.63%), and protein (4.60 mg/kg) contents of fluted pumpkin shoot were obtained from plants treated with poultry manure, while plants treated with no fertiliser recorded the lowest values for all nutritional attributes assessed.

Neem compost (86.1 kg/ha), followed by tithonia compost (62.7 kg/ha), produced the maximum seed output of fluted pumpkin when compared to other fertiliser types. Although neem compost and poultry manure outperformed tithonia compost in terms of yield and nutritional composition

there is no significant difference between the two treatments’ results. Finally, different fertiliser types benefited fluted pumpkin growth, nutritional composition, and yield.

Chapter one

1.1 Introduction

In Africa, indigenous vegetables remain popular in rural regions, where they are frequently thought to be more nutritious than exotic veggies. Telfairia occidentalis, sometimes known as fluted pumpkin, is a leaf and seed vegetable native to Southern Nigeria and grown in the forest zone of West and Central Africa (the main producers are Nigeria, Ghana, and Sierra Leone). It most likely originated in southeast Nigeria and was spread by Igbos, who have been cultivating this crop from time immemorial.

The leaf has considerable nutritional, medical, and industrial value, since it contains 29% protein, 18% fat, and 20% minerals and vitamins.The nutritional content of pumpkin seeds varies from that of leaves.

Seeds and leaves have protein levels of 20.5g and 2.9g, respectively [5]. Seeds have significant nutritional and calorific values, making them essential in diets.

Fluted pumpkin is an important ethnobotanical plant in Igbo mythology, nutrition, and agricultural systems. The iron content of the leaf extract determines whether it can be used as a blood tonic for a weak patient.

Nitrogen is frequently associated with the development of leaf tissues. This is one of the most important aspects for increasing crop output. It is a component of all proteins and chlorophyll. Plant tissue often contains more nitrogen than other nutrients.

Nitrogen treatment is used to promote quick vegetative development in crops. It encourages luxuriant growth and increases the number of leaves. These promote photosynthesis and the partitioning of photosynthesis rate into economically important sections of the plant.

It is also important for reproduction and helps plants absorb phosphate and potassium. However, the nitrogen requirement for vegetables in Nigeria’s savannah zone is 50kg N/ha or higher [8].

It has been claimed that 100kg N/ha is good for vegetables with dual purposes (leaf and fruit). The optimum rate for producing fluted pumpkin is 16kgN/ha.

In Nigeria, farmers recognise the need for soil amendments and use accessible resources such as crop waste, farmyard manure, and chicken waste [10]. Awodun, Akanbi, and Ojetayo et al. recently conducted a detailed assessment of the utilisation of organic fertiliser as a nitrogen source for crops.

This sort of fertiliser enhances the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil, resulting in a better crop growth environment and increased production of economic plant parts.

Organic fertiliser supplemented with inorganic ingredients designed to restore the soil and promote plant fertility. It releases nutrients into the soil in a form that plants can easily absorb, activates soil microorganisms, and increases bacteria, which aids in the decomposition of organic matter and converts it into nutrients that plants can easily absorb.

This will result in increased plant growth, healthier harvests, and more fruit yield. It decreases the demand for chemical fertilisers, lowering production costs and indirectly increasing income.

Organic crops have higher amounts of 21 critical elements than conventionally cultivated counterparts, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin C. Organic crops also had lower amounts of nitrates, which can be harmful to the body.

Although numerous research operations have indicated improved crop performance with fertiliser application, one approach by which plants can demonstrate their potential genetic capabilities is to provide them with a suitable amount and type of fertiliser at the appropriate time.

Research is therefore required to recommend fertiliser types for sustainable production of Telfairia occidentalis in Umuagwo, the Guinea Savanna zone of south-west Nigeria.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

According to Jariene, the seeds include roughly 50% fat, 30% protein, sugar, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, phytosteroles, phytotin, lecithin, oxycerotine, tyrosine, salicylic acid, and resins.

The seed oil also contains glycerides of linoleic, oleinic, palmitin, and stearine acids. Pumpkin seeds include omega-3 fatty acids, which serve to prevent atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

They also increase the metabolism of stored lipids. Oil-cake fats derived from pumpkin seeds contain over 60% omega-3 acids, which is twice as much as cod liver oil. In China and the United States, pumpkin seed powder is used to make salad dressings and baked goods.

In Europe, the seed oil is used as a salad oil, while in India it is utilised for cooking and lighting. The seed is used medicinally to prevent kidney stones. Seeds are consumed as an antihelmintic.

In Mauritius, an infusion of the seeds is used internally to treat hypertension and prostate problems, and externally to cure erysipelas.

Seeds are an important element of Nigerians’ diet; they are eaten as a meal and used in local soups. In southwestern Nigeria, pumpkin seeds are used as a substitute for “egusi” melon (Citrullus vulgaris Schrad) seeds.

Melon seeds are ground and used as a thickening in the popular “egusi” soup. Pumpkin seeds can be used alone or in conjunction with green vegetables.


Main goal

• The effect rate of fertiliser application on the vegetable (telfairia occidentalis). Specific Objective

• Analyse fertilizer’s chemical composition and nutritional effects on Telfairia occidentalis.

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