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Influence Of Plantation Age On Characteristics Of Gmelina Arborea

Influence Of Plantation Age On Characteristics Of Gmelina Arborea

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Influence Of Plantation Age On Characteristics Of Gmelina Arborea


The study investigated the effect of age series on fibre qualities of Gmelina arborea planted in Mamu Forest Reserve, Anambra State. The study used three gmelina arborea stands that were 20, 22, and 27 years old respectively.

Wood samples were collected from the core, inner, and outer wood at 10%, 50%, and 90% of the tree’s merchantable height using the usual process (british standard specification, bs 373 (1989).

The study looked at the anatomical properties of Gmelina arborea wood over time, such as fibre length, fibre diameter, lumen width, and cell wall thickness.

The age series showed mean fibre lengths of 0.9676 mm, 1.0705 mm, and 1.1363 mm for ages 20, 22, and 27. The average fibre diameter was 0.0256 mm, 0.0269 mm, and 0.0249 mm, whereas the average lumen width was 0.0293 mm, 0.0161 mm, and 0.0179 mm.

Chapter One: 1.0 Introduction

Background of the study.

Wood poses a particular problem in application due to its diversity and the directional character of its basic structure. These are the sources of some of its appealing aspects, but they must also be handled and utilised in ways fit for their intended application.

The ways in which the structural traits of a specific species impact its properties and limit its uses and applications can be explored more closely (Jayeola et al., 2009). Many attempts have been made to define wood quality (Keith 1985)

But the definition proposed by Mitchell (1961) appears to be the most widely cited: “Wood quality is the resultant of physical and chemical characteristics possessed by a tree or a part of a tree that enable it to meet the property requirements for different end products”.

Because wood qualities influence many areas of the manufacturing process, wood quality must be described in terms of the value of the finished products. Furthermore, the definition must include serviceability and end-user features that may or may not have a direct impact on production but will continue to be relevant long after the product has been sold and installed. Wood fibres are often cellulosic materials derived from trees, straw, bamboo, cotton seed, hemp, sugarcane, and other sources.

Because wood fibre is a natural material, wood fibre products retain many of the natural properties of wood. This study focusses on the effect of age series on the fibre characteristics of Gmelin aarborea.

1.2. Statement of Problem

Wood has always been a valuable resource for mankind. It is quite versatile. The demand for wood has increased for a variety of applications. Unfortunately, most wood species in natural forests are on the verge of extinction due to excessive consumer demand, which has resulted in over-exploitation.

As a result, using plantation-grown wood species is a step towards meeting the demand for and consumption of wood and its products. Initially, G.arborea wood was established in the plantation with the goal of supplying fibrous raw material to Nigeria’s then-existing pulp and paper factories.

Several investigations on the fibre characterisation of G. arborea have been carried out based on its intended end use. However, little research is known on the impact of plantation age on the fibre qualities of this wood species. As a result, the purpose of this study was to close the information gap.

1.3 Objectives.

The overall goal is to look into the effect of plantation age on fibre qualities of Gmelina arborea and wood utilisation.Specific aims are to:

Investigate the fibre qualities of Gmelina arborea from various plantation age groups.

Determine the variation in fibre properties along bole length and across the radial direction of Gmelina arborea.


The study sought to determine the effect of age on the fibre qualities of Gmelina arborea on several end applications of wood, particularly timber production and pulp and paper manufacture.

1.5 Justification.

Wood is a natural, very changeable material. This variability is primarily due to changes in the anatomical structure of wood. Despite its broad range of applications, wood, like most other materials

should not be used without considering the conditions under which it will be used or the inherent features that will determine its acceptability. As a biological material, wood reflects the environment under which it was grown by varying its qualities in different directions.

Jane (1967) proposed that the elements of variation in wood structure are of practical value in the industrial context. It is critical to understand the variation in species, genera, and families of a tree species in order to study individuals of the same species and the variations that occur in the individual tree species as they grow older, from the pith outwards and from the bottom upwards.

Meanwhile, some tree species’ wood has no value as timber due to inherent features and variation in wood structure, and others have only local economic worth as timber due to scarcity or inaccessibility.

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