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Relevance And Uses Of Phonetics In Junior Secondary School

Relevance And Uses Of Phonetics In Junior Secondary School

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Relevance And Uses Of Phonetics In Junior Secondary School


This research investigates the relevance and application of phonetics in junior secondary schools in the Esakor West local government area of Edo State. To determine this, the research examines the concept of language, its functions, and language skills.

English phonemes, including vowels and consonants, are also investigated. Based on the foregoing, efforts are being aimed towards analysing the data acquired using the study approach utilised to obtain the data. As a result, a summary of the findings is offered, followed by a discussion, conclusion, and recommendations to wrap up this study.

Chapter one


Background of the study.

The English language has undoubtedly established itself as Nigeria’s lingua franca. As a Lingua Franca, English is clearly the formal or official language of the country. This status explains the high price Nigeria sets on it.

Being a foreign language, the abilities must be learnt rather than acquired. Because the language is required for the efficient functioning of the country, the Federal Republic of Nigeria has often proved its commitment to promoting and developing the language in the country. As a result, the government uses a multifaceted approach or strategy.

Incorporating English as a subject of study into the school curriculum is an important component of these initiatives aimed at assuring the expansion of the English language in Nigeria. A curriculum planner is particularly interested in speaking skills, which enable learners to speak the language in the same way as native speakers do.

Phonetics and phonology are the aspects of English that cater to this interest. Akande (2002) defines phonetics as the study and description of the physical aspects of human speech sounds. It is separated into Articulatory Phonetics, Auditory Phonetics, and Acoustic Phonetics.

Phonology, on the other hand, is the process of arranging speech sounds into a language’s system (Akande, 2002). The phonology of English language is researched at the segmental and supra-segmental level.

Segmental phonology studies the English language’s consonant and vowel phonemes, whereas supra-segmental phonology examines stress, rhythm, intonation, and tone.

A learner’s ability in speaking English is typically determined by how well he or she has internalised the features of the English language sounds system.

It is unfortunate that most pupils at all levels of school are unable to distinguish English phonemes due to excess or under differentiation and reinterpretation for their home tongue(s) (Alabi, 2002). In addition, students face numerous challenges when encountering English consonant clusters that do not exist in their home language.

Students have a low level of command of stress and intonation patterns in English because it is so different from their native languages, which are mostly tonal in nature.

The students generally pronounce the English words as they appear orthographically in their native languages or dialects, which makes their conversation somewhat incomprehensible to the outside world.

Statement of the Problem

Since 1989, when Oral English or English Paper 3 (Test of Orals) became a mandatory paper to be written in the Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WAEC and NECO), Nigeria has made concerted efforts to guarantee that candidates for these exams do well.

In pursuit of this goal, the Federal Government, through the Ministry of Education, invests a significant portion of its resources each year in recruiting, training, and retraining English language teachers in order to achieve the citizenry’s proficiency in spoken English and reap the many benefits that come with it.

As a result, there are different perspectives on the effects of teaching phonology in Nigerian secondary schools. While some believe that the material improved the pupils’ spoken English.

The pessimist claims that, despite the teaching of Oral English, there is still a notable speech gap among kids in our secondary schools. They believe that some pupils have turned to their Mother Tongue (MT) to relieve their fear about speaking English. This school of thinking believes that only a small percentage of these pupils speak English well, most likely due to their background.

Given the preceding rationale, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the validity or otherwise of the statements. The title is “The Influence of Teaching Phonology on Junior Secondary School Spoken English.” Students from Esakor West Local Government Area, Edo State.

The study’s objectives

The study’s aims are:

The purpose of this study is to look at the relationship between phonetic instruction and academic achievement among junior secondary school pupils.
To discover a substantial association between teacher qualifications and phonetic teaching in junior secondary schools.
To determine the relevance and applications of phonetics in junior secondary school.
Research Hypotheses

Ho: There is no substantial association between teaching phonetics and junior secondary school pupils’ academic achievement.

Hello: There is a considerable association between phonetic instruction and academic performance among junior secondary school students.

Ho: Phonetics has no relevance or uses in junior secondary education.

Hello, there is relevance and use of phonetics in junior secondary school.

Significance of the Study

This study seeks to determine how the teaching of phonology in secondary schools affects the spoken English of senior secondary school students in schools located in Esakor West local government area, Edo State.

Students and teachers were chosen at random for the project work. Thus, one hundred and twenty students and teachers were used as the source for this project’s experimental hypothesis.

Scope and limitations of the study

The study’s scope includes the relevance and application of phonetics in junior secondary schools in Esakor West local government area, Edo State. The researcher faces various constraints that limit the scope of the investigation;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

1.7 Definition of Terms

Phonetics is the study and description of the physical characteristics of human sounds.

Phonology is the study of how speech sounds are patterned and organised into a system for a certain language.

Acoustic Phonetics is a branch of phonetics concerned with how sound waves travel between a speaker and his listener.

Auditory phonetics describes how sounds affect the human ear. It explores how the hearer perceives sounds.

Articulatory phonetics: This is another branch of phonetics that deals with the description of how speech sounds are formed, including the human speech organs involved and the source air stream that is altered throughout the generation of speech sounds.

Mother Tongue (MT): This is the learner’s native language.

Mother Tongue Interference: This occurs when a learner’s (student’s) native language is reflected in their English language usage. Interference is a serious challenge for non-native English learners.

Foreign Language: Language other than the learner’s native language. Foreign languages in Nigeria include English, French, and Arabic.

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