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Relationship Between Students Academic Achievement In Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination In English Languages And Integrated Science

Relationship Between Students Academic Achievement In Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination In English Languages And Integrated Science

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Relationship Between Students Academic Achievement In Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination In English Languages And Integrated Science


This study examines the relationship between students’ academic accomplishment in the Junior Secondary School Certificate Examination in English Language and Integrated Science in Udi Local Government Area, Enugu State, from 2006 to 2009.

The study was conducted to determine the association between students’ academic achievement in the junior secondary school certificate test in English language and integrated science.

This study must include twenty-three (23) junior secondary schools in the Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State. This was an ex post facto design. The JSSCE was the primary instrument used. The data were analysed using percentages.

The study’s findings suggested that the association between students’ academic achievement in junior secondary school certificate examinations in English language and integrated science in the study area was not encouraging.

It is recommended that students, instructors, the government, and curriculum planners work together to promote English language and integrated science instruction.

Chapter one


Background of the Study.

Education is one of the most significant components in achieving quick social and economic growth in any given nation. It serves as a conduit for the development of various types of human capital and the achievement of long-term growth.

It is the human resources that use the available physical and financial resources to provide the services and functions that ultimately lead to economic and social progress.

According to Onah (2008), education is a family process or actions designed to promote learning. It is the process of increasing learners’ knowledge and abilities so that they can utilise that information to better themselves and society. Education encompasses several techniques of imparting information with the goal of causing positive change in students’ conduct.

The most effective technique to build human resources and capital is through education within the context or framework of their level of comprehension.

Education of pupils is the most effective way for teachers to attain fulfilment and actualisation. The Junior Secondary Certificate test (JSCE) is a public test in Nigeria administered by each state’s Ministry of Education (MOE) to final-year junior secondary school students. Each state also sets and administers marks, prizes, grades, and certificates to all public schools within its jurisdiction.

Because English language and integrated science are intended to serve as the standard for admittance to senior secondary school as core subjects. A student who has been admitted is presumed to have the ability and skills required to deal with the academic obstacles.
According to Oga and Udemba (2007), English is one of the world’s major languages, with an estimated 5,000 spoken.

It is one of the most influential and rapidly expanding languages spoken around the world. One-fifth of the world’s land surface is spoken in English, either as a native tongue or as an official language. It is the most extensively learnt language in the world, particularly in non-native speaking areas.

Similarly, integrated science, as defined by Oladimeji in Ene (1991), is an amalgamated course designed to demonstrate the unity, fullness, and interconnectedness of the separate sciences of biology, chemistry, and physics, among others.

It lives up to its name by bringing together several fields of study into a coherent whole using the concepts and procedures that pervade natural science. The use of English as the primary language facilitates the effective and efficient dissemination of integrated science (New Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol. 27, p. 32, 2005).

Science is simply described as understanding of natural processes that are common to all humans and have existed from the beginning of time. It is the study of nature, including humans and their surroundings. The study of science is an attempt to find and improve human understanding of how the physical world works.

According to Otiji (2008), the early modern scientific period is thought to have begun in 1543, when the scientist Nicolaus Copernicus’ De Revolution Ibus was first written, which was based on the premise that the earth orbits the sun.

The development of science coincided with the iron era, which featured metals such as bronze, copper, and gold. It brought about the transfer of local technology into modern technology, which junior secondary pupils use as integrated.

Science is a subject. Today’s science and technology are claimed to have grown steadily from 300-500 BC to the present advanced stage, with the discovery of very advanced cutting-edge technologies.

It stems from man’s drive and curiosity to learn more about himself, his surroundings, and how to solve issues in order to make his life more pleasant.

Ofuebe (2007) defines science as a collection of knowledge, skills, and processes regarding the natural world. Science is more concerned with numerous investigative processes and actions aimed at producing, acquiring, and regulating information, skills, capabilities, and attitudes towards the natural aspects of the environment. These methods generate trustworthy and verifiable data for use in research and other areas.

Okebukola (2001) defines science as a human effort including the methodical study of an environment in order to create logical and rational explanations about nature and find solutions to the challenges that man faces.

According to Ekere (2003), science is an endeavour by humans to organise their observations about nature into meaningful systems of explanation. This experience involves knowledge of human acts on things, events, or circumstances, as well as the consequences of those activities.

Everett (1993) defined science as knowledge based on facts gained through diligent observation and experimentation that have been consistently verified. Through observation and testing, the scientist accumulates facts that appear to apply to his specific situation and attempts to classify them into some other system.

Science is defined as the study of knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the natural and physical world, which can be demonstrated, for example, by experimenting with new scientific and technological breakthroughs. It can also be a framework for organising knowledge about a specific subject, particularly one that deals with human behaviour or society.

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