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Identification And Remediation Of The Causes Of Students Poor Performance In Mathematics And English Language In West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination Wassce

Identification And Remediation Of The Causes Of Students Poor Performance In Mathematics And English Language In West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination Wassce

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Identification And Remediation Of The Causes Of Students Poor Performance In Mathematics And English Language In West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination Wassce


The purpose of this research is to investigate the causes of student failure in Mathematics and English Language in the West African School Certificate (WASSCE) Examination in the Enugu Education Zone. Their prospective remedies were also investigated.

In other words, the purpose of this work is to identify the variables that contribute to students’ failure in Mathematics and English Language in the West African School Certificate (WASSCE) Examination in the Enugu Education Zone and propose solutions to address them.

Three research topics and four hypotheses were proposed and examined. The literature on all forms of service and instruction was thoroughly evaluated. The study used a survey design.

The study included a sample of 100 respondents, including teachers and students. The acquired data was analysed using percentages for the study questions and chi-square (X2) to test the hypothesis.

The results of the investigation revealed that several mathematics and English language teachers lacked qualifications. The number of periods allotted to the two subjects is inadequate.

Based on our findings, we proposed, among other things, that the government engage trained teachers to teach pupils in secondary schools. Teachers should provide pupils with enough educational materials and tools.

There should be appropriate time allotted for the two subjects. Governments should provide scholarships to all trainee teachers pursuing degree degrees in mathematics and English language. Teachers should be constantly supervised in schools to ensure their attention to their duties.

Chapter one

Introduction: Background of the Study.

Mathematics is a broad discipline of study that includes many different areas. Some of these deal with abstract concepts that are difficult to apply to our everyday lives. Teachers must properly explain and follow these complex concepts step by step to guarantee that students grasp them.

Mathematics, like any other field of study, is based on fundamental laws and principles, and when a student of mathematics has a weak foundation in these principles, it is difficult for that student to understand the topic (Mohammed and Luka, 2009).

The importance of mathematics cannot be overstated, as it is a crucial concern for educators and applies to all disciplines. Everybody must be involved in the mathematical process on a daily basis. Mathematics is already being used in fields such as engineering, research, health, and computing, as well as in everyday life.

Mathematics is used as an essential tool in many fields around the world, including natural science and social science, which is one of the reasons why higher education institutions in this country place a premium on credit passes in mathematics before offering students provisional admission to a wide range of disciplines.

Mathematics is a subject with a clear purpose and structure for all notable scholars worldwide, particularly in Nigeria, as well as all economic planners and policymakers, future employers, and the general people.

Despite all of the emphasis on the importance of mathematics, kids continue to struggle with the subject. Mathematics curriculum has experienced abrupt shifts in focus between its traditional and modern aspects (Nwosu, 2007).

Another extremely significant subject is English Language. English Language refers to the grammatical and lexical forms that educational native speakers employ in speech and writing.

The English language is the primary means of human communication. It is the most popular method for transmitting or exchanging knowledge, ideas, and feelings. It is utilised for interpersonal, intergroup, and international connections, as well as to improve understanding and cooperation among friends. Effective communication is impossible without understanding of the English language, especially when moving from one region to another, as is the case in Nigeria.

English language is invaluable in our lives, which is why it is taught and made compulsory in Nigerian primary, secondary, and higher education institutions.

It is evident that without understanding of the English language, it would be difficult to learn history, geography, and even mathematics. Despite the focus on the value of the English language. The researchers found that kids continue to score poorly in the subject, particularly in the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

According to Federal Ministry of Education statistics published in the Daily Sun on Monday, May 12, 2009, one out of every ten pupils who took mathematics between 2005 and 2008 succeeded. In 2008, just 11.44% (24,366) of 473,534 students passed mathematics, while 8.9% (104,232) of 401.385 applicants passed the English Language Examination in School Certificate Examination.

Given the importance of these two topics, Mathematics and English Language, one might wonder why there is such a high failure rate in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE). This is precisely the purpose of this research, to emphasise the advantages and disadvantages.

Statements of Problem

Any nation’s progress is dependent on its scientific and technological advancement, which can be constructed upon a solid mathematics education capable of performing efficient functions in nature (Edward, 2008).

The English language is the primary medium of human communication; it serves as a tool for transmitting and exchanging knowledge, ideas, and emotions. It is utilised to establish interpersonal, intergroup, and worldwide relationships. Effective communication when moving from one location to another is impossible without understanding of the English language (Lehamann 2007).

The significance of mathematics and English language cannot be overemphasised. Mathematics and English Language are obligatory subjects in both primary and secondary schools since they are highly valued. A credit pass is one of the conditions for admission to higher or tertiary institutions.

Many students who fail these two topics, mathematics and English language, are now despairing because they are unable to further their education and so contribute to the growth of our beautiful state, Enugu, Nigeria. Despite the significance of mathematics and English, secondary school students continue to score poorly, particularly in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination.

This unpleasant circumstance has caused the researchers great concern. The goal of this study is to discover the core causes of the large bad performance in these two courses, mathematics and English Language, and to propose remedies to improve the situation.

The goal of this study is to identify the causes that contributed to the student’s low performance in Mathematics and English Language in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in Enugu Education Zone and propose potential solutions.

The researchers sought to determine if professors of the two courses are qualified.

 Evaluate the impact of teachers’ instructional strategies on subject learning.

 Evaluate the use of teaching aids and resources to improve student comprehension.

Determine if students have a negative attitude towards these subjects.

Ensure the books recommended to students are appropriate.

 Evaluate the school environment for optimal teaching and learning conditions.

 Evaluate educational curriculum for effectiveness and quality.

Check if teachers conduct class exercises on these subjects to ensure particular objectives are met at the end of the lesson.

 Evaluate the government’s provision of teaching materials and facilities, such as computers and textbooks, to improve learning outcomes.

i) What are the challenges that mathematics and English language teachers face in their classrooms as a result of the current low performance in mathematics and English language in the West Africa School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in the Education zone?
ii) What role do instructional materials play in the teaching and learning of mathematics and English?
iii) What are the challenges that students of mathematics and English Language face in terms of teaching and learning in relation to their current poor performance in mathematics and English Language in (WASSCE)?

Research Hypothesis
1. Ho: Schools provide adequate and acceptable facilities for successful teaching and learning.

H1: Schools do not have adequate and acceptable facilities for efficient teaching and learning.

2. Ho: All mathematics and English language teachers are fully certified to teach.

H1: All mathematics and English language teachers lack professional qualifications.

3. Ho: Mathematics is such a difficult subject that people avoid it.

H1: Mathematics is not that difficult to study.

4. Ho: The recommended textbooks for the student are difficult to understand at their level.

H1: Recommended texts for students are easy to understand at their level.


The research on identifying and resolving the causes of students’ poor performance in mathematics and English language in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination will be extremely valuable and beneficial to everyone, particularly current secondary school students in the Enugu Education Zone, as well as secondary schools in other areas that may be experiencing similar issues.

Teachers, on the other hand, would learn from this research the best method to program their kids so that they are exposed to the art and science of mathematics and English language from an early age, as well as help the youngsters develop a passion for these topics.

As a result, students would perform exceptionally well in maths and English. This research would also help the government understand the necessity of equipping schools with instructional facilities such as computers, adequate textbooks, projectors in the classrooms, and so on.

Finally, the curriculum planners would use this study to identify specific areas of the curriculum that should be updated or improved.


The primary goal of the research is to identify and address the causes of students’ poor performance in mathematics and English language in the West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in the Education zone.

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