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Effects Of Mother Tongue Interference In The Study Of English Language In Secondary Schools

Effects Of Mother Tongue Interference In The Study Of English Language In Secondary Schools

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Effects Of Mother Tongue Interference In The Study Of English Language In Secondary Schools


The study focusses on the effects of mother tongue on English language learning in secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. The goal is to determine how the mother tongue influences the study of English in secondary school, specifically in four schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State.

The study’s target population was 500, however data were collected by questionnaires. Questionnaires were delivered to four schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. The data was analysed using percentages. The following were the researchers’ findings. Teachers of English in Enugu North do not have instructional tools in the schools they visit.

The students are not fluent in English. Because the majority of English language teachers are unqualified, students rarely purchase English-language publications. Most kids have a poor comprehension of several English language vocabulary.

In light of the foregoing, the researcher suggests that instructors be trained to apply proper teaching methods while teaching English, and that mother tongue use be restricted, as required by the 4th edition of the national education policy.

That student should be taught and required to speak English at all times. Teachers of English should be required to ensure that at least one student is brought along in the classroom lesson. Qualified teachers should be employed.

Chapter one


Background of the Study.

Language is a creation with which every human being is bestowed or blessed; it is a one-of-a-kind gift that is naturally employed as one tool of expression, comprising of various sub abilities.

English is the official and native language of Britain, Ireland, North America, Australia, America, and the majority of the British possessions. It is typically divided into three periods: Anglo-Saxon, or old English (about 450-1100 BCE), Middle English (from 1100-15 BCE), and modern English (from 1500 to the present).

The mother tongue is one’s native language. A language, in addition to being the primary distinguishing feature between humans and other creatures, is undoubtedly the most enduring aspect of any people’s cultural history. It reflects the culture of a people and is inextricably linked with it.

Language is a valuable instrument that facilitates human communication and engagement. It is an important tool in the cultural transmission and maintenance of a community. It is fundamentally important to the preservation and propagation of the human species. An investigation of the linguistic content of a certain speech community can reveal information about a group’s lifestyle, occupation, and so on.

The English language, which is the national official language of the British colonies, including Nigeria, is our second language. Thus, our individual mother tongues existed prior to colonisation. This has demanded the teaching and studying of the English language, as well as its interference with our home tongue in numerous study centres across the nation.

It is clearly obvious that Nigeria is a linguistically complicated society simply because of its past. It is estimated that Nigeria has between 250 and 400 languages spoken.

This linguistic diversity encourages the continued use of English in Nigeria. Ethnologic includes English in its list of Nigerian languages, which is hardly surprising given the language’s wide and ubiquitous significance in Nigeria, particularly as a method of internal and international communication.

As a result of the negative impacts that the mother tongue had created, the study of English language on the educational structures of the endeavour to determine the influence of the usage of mother tongue on the teaching and learning process in secondary schools.

Statement of the Problem.

Before the arrival of British traders, missionaries, and colonialists, indigenous Nigerian language defined every aspect of the speech community, including religious, cultural, political, economic, and social aspects, as well as anything else that could be communicated effectively through the language. The introduction of the British, along with the English language, created a linguistic contact scenario and an attempt at a language shift in the people.

New ideas, concepts, and values were brought into the system where indigenous local languages had previously been self-sufficient, rendering them insufficient to deal with the new notions introduced by the British, particularly in the areas of formal education, Western law, and so on

As a result, English language invaded and influenced realms that were previously exclusive to indigenous languages, first subtly and then overtly.

The English language, which was introduced to Nigeria through colonialism and missionary efforts, is today widely spoken, thought, and learnt throughout the country.

English language sentences are typically delivered with pitch variation, which is known as intonation. This is frequently a source of difficulties for second-language English users who speak tonal language as their first language.

This is one of the most common challenges that English language learners face. Other problems found include sentence and word stresses, vowel sounds, and English suprasegmental pitch. The study sought to determine the impact of mother tongue on the study of English in senior secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State.


Significance of the Study:

This research will help to expose the multiple aspects that influence the interference of the study of English language by the mother tongue or native languages. It will also determine the effects of this interference on other study areas that rely on the English language for fundamental communication.

This study will help teachers identify English language issues. This study will also help students grasp how to use English words, particularly in terms of pronunciation, intonation, and phonetics. It will also allow teachers to conduct more research on the use of the English language.

Because English has been used as a second official and, in some cases, a foreign language in Nigeria for a long time and has the inescapable behaviour of language in contact, it is natural to expect it to have factors that can identify it as a genuine subject, dialect, variety, or idiom of world English.

These could be interpreted as research findings on interference, derintation, and inventiveness, as observed among speakers. In Nigeria. English is now referred to as Nigerian English to refer to the subject of English spoken or written by Nigerians.

It is widely acknowledged that the features of Nigerian English, like those of other new English, are essentially inherent, particularly in the early stages of learning, by the mother tongue.

The study aims to determine how much mother tongue can interfere with English language learning in secondary school.

2. Investigate the qualifications of English teachers in secondary schools in Enugu North.

3. To understand how teachers employ correct approaches in teaching English language in secondary schools in Enugu North.

Reasarch Question 1: Does learning English in high school conflict with mother tongue?

2. Are English language teachers at schools qualified?

3. Do English language teachers use proper teaching methods?


The mother tongue interferes with the learning of English.

Hello, mother tongue does not interfere with the study of English language.

Ho2 English language teachers employ the correct teaching style for teaching and learning the English language.

Ho2 English language teachers do not apply appropriate teaching methods.

The scope of the study.

This study examines the impact of mother tongue interference on the study of English among secondary school students in Enugu North Local Government Area.

It is based on the available results from continuous assessment and summative examinations conducted by schools such as the West African Examination Council, the National Examination Council, and the Examination Development Centre for Senior School Certificate Examination, all in English.

Definition of Terms:

It is critical to appropriately describe the terms that comprise the heading of the research issue being studied. This will help to provide direction for the research work.

This includes:

MOTHER TONGUE: The first language learnt is one’s native tongue.

INTERFERENCE: In this case, the interruption of one language by another, particularly in pronunciation and tone.

ANGLO-XASON: A person who descended from English ancestors. (2) An English person from the period preceding Norman conquest.

FUNDAMENTAL: Serious and significant, impacting the most central and important aspects of anything. (2) The foundation of reality.

HETEROGENEITY: The presence of many diverse types of persons or objects. (2) Uniformity or similarity.

ETHNOLOGICAL: Moral beliefs and attitudes that belong to a specific community or society. (2) specific to a race or nation.

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