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Biology Teachers’ Access and Utilization of Virtual Laboratory in Secondary Schools in Okene Local Government Area

Biology Teachers’ Access and Utilization of Virtual Laboratory in Secondary Schools in Okene Local Government Area

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Biology Teachers’ Access and Utilization of Virtual Laboratory in Secondary Schools in Okene Local Government Area


This study focused on biology instructors’ access and use of virtual laboratories in secondary schools in the Okene local government region. Five objectives were proposed, including: determining biology teachers’ perceptions of access and utilisation of virtual laboratories in secondary schools in the Okene local government area, determining the effect of virtual laboratories on student biology performance, and determining the availability of virtual laboratory facilities in secondary schools in the Okene local government.

A total of 77 replies were received and validated from enrolled participants, with all respondents coming from chosen secondary schools in the Okene Local Government. The hypothesis was investigated using the Chi-Square statistical program (SPSS).


Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

The field of instructional technology is advancing quickly in this day and age. This has made it easier for many students to acquire their education from anywhere at any time.

It has enabled students to attend lectures and conduct experiments in locations remote from the lecturing venue. Furthermore, people can carry out scientific experiments that they missed using virtual laboratories.

In this approach, technology in education provides an area in which all students can get scientific and technological information to keep up with current advancements and acquire a variety of abilities that broaden their intellectual perceptions and knowledge. The use of instructional technology to execute virtual experiments has become a major concern.

Educational institutions should pay attention because it offers an ideal alternative to well-known laboratories. It provides pupils with experiences and skills. Furthermore, educational tools enable pupils to visualise numerous things that are difficult to imagine realistically. It provides pupils with an intriguing interactive environment in which they can gradually practise scientific experiments.

Virtual laboratories are defined as interactive e-learning and teaching environments in which scientific investigations can be conducted electronically or remotely (Keller and Keller, 2005). It simulates the experiment’s real-world applicability. The researcher defines the laboratories as a virtual learning environment.

It implements applied biological experiments that may not be available. It helps students to use their skills and strengthen their cognitive capacities by participating in step-by-step experiments and repeating them as many times as needed. The utilisation of a virtual laboratory enables synchronisation between the process of conveying theoretical concepts and scientific application.

The real scientific experiments follow a separate laboratory timetable from the theoretical lectures. As a result, the experiment can be performed as many times as necessary based on the students’ comprehension abilities, without the need for a watchdog that allows them to connect with others while doing the experiments.

This enhances students’ participation in the learning process. Many research on the usage of virtual laboratories have demonstrated its significance (Al-Bawi and Salem, 2017; Al-Dulaimi, 2018; Al-Da’ajah, 2018; Nael, 2018; Hussain and Aady, 2019; Babateen, 2011; Tatli and Ayas, 2013; Herga et al., 2014; Nikoonezhad et al., 2015; Sari and Yilmaz, 2015).

Based on the preceding considerations, the significance of using virtual laboratories to teach scientific content is presented. It helps students achieve optimal academic performance and educational achievements through both real-world and virtual practice.

Otherwise, in most situations, science teachers must purchase expensive equipment or increase the number of lessons to explain and apply it. As a result, it is critical to raise the level of knowledge among biology teachers about the significance of this technique in teaching biology.

Because of the significance of the issues covered, it is one of the most significant scientific materials for broadening students’ understanding and connecting that information to real-life experience.

Statement of the Problem

While physical laboratories are absent or underutilised in many schools due to the expensive cost of equipment and upkeep, virtual labs have been shown to alleviate financial restrictions associated with laboratory equipment, space, and maintenance (Fisher et al., 2012).

These potential benefits have piqued researchers’ interest, and numerous empirical studies on the effectiveness of virtual laboratories have been conducted (Breakey et al., 2008; Dyrberg et al., 2017; Muhamad et al., 2010, 2012; Pope et al., 2017; Radhamani et al., 2014; Ray et al., 2012; Triola & Holloway, 2011).

In this vein, various review studies on the influence of virtual laboratories in teaching sciences have been conducted (Brinson, 2015; De Jong et al., 2013; Ma & Nickerson, 2006; Smetana & Bell, 2012; Udin et al., 2020).

However, most reviews only addressed laboratory practices of many other disciplines, such as physics, chemistry, and engineering, with little review research on biology instructors’ access and utilisation of virtual laboratories in secondary schools.

The objectives of the study 

The following research theories are proposed:

To find out the viewpoint of Biology instructors on access and utilisation of virtual laboratories in secondary schools in the Okene local government region.

To find out the influence of virtual laboratory on student performance in biology.

To determine the availability of facilities for virtual laboratories in secondary schools in Okene local government.

Research Hypotheses

The following research theories are proposed:

H1: Biology teachers in the Okene local government region had no perceptions about the availability and use of virtual laboratories in secondary schools.

H2: There is no influence of the virtual laboratory on student performance in biology.

Significance of the Study

The study will be highly important for students, teachers, and the ministry of education. The study will provide a detailed picture of biology instructors’ access and use of virtual laboratories in secondary schools in the Okene local government region. The study will also act as a reference for other researchers who would engage on the similar issue.

Scope of the Study

The study focusses on biology teachers’ access to and use of virtual laboratories in secondary schools. The study will be limited to selected secondary schools within the Okene local government region.

Definition of Terms

Utilisation is an act or instance of making practical or profitable use of something.

Virtual labs are interactive digital simulations of activities that would normally take place in physical laboratory environments. Virtual laboratories replicate the instruments, equipment, tests, and methods used in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biology, and other fields.

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