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An investigation into the relationship between parental attitude and students’ academic performance in Langtang south LGA of plateau state

An investigation into the relationship between parental attitude and students’ academic performance in Langtang south LGA of plateau state

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An investigation into the relationship between parental attitude and students’ academic performance in Langtang south LGA of plateau state



This study looked into the relationship between parental attitudes and pupils’ academic achievement in Langtang South LGA, Plateau State.The study’s overall population is 200 staff members from chosen secondary schools in Langtang South LGA, Plateau State.

The researcher employed questionnaires to collect data. The descriptive survey research design was used for this investigation. The study used a total of 133 respondents, including principals, teachers, senior and junior personnel. The acquired data was organised into tables and analysed using simple percentages and frequencies.

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

A child’s development is heavily influenced by his family. For a youngster, the family is the first social and educational setting. As a result, the most crucial aspect of a child’s education is a solid foundation.

Families’ educational influences on children can present themselves directly or indirectly, through behaviour models supplied by family members and the family’s current psychosocial climate.

Family educational techniques, whether conscious or not, have a significant impact on children’s personality development and academic accomplishment.

The phrase attitude refers to a positive or negative evaluation of something or someone expressed by one’s beliefs, feelings, or intended behaviour. It is a social orientation, or an underlying tendency to react positively or negatively to something.

Parents’ attitudes towards education shape their involvement in educational concerns. Parental involvement in education is defined as parents’ participation in regular meaningful communication about student academic learning and other school activities, including ensuring that parents play an active role in their children’s learning at home and at school (Starkey & Kleir, 2000).

When parents fail to participate in their children’s education to the required levels, the law deems this paternal negligence. According to Kafas (2009), parental negligence is defined as a parent’s inability to meet a child’s basic, physical, or psychological needs, which is likely to have a negative impact on the child’s health and development.

According to Kafas (2009), if a parent fails to provide adequate food, shelter, and clothes, as well as protection for the child from bodily injury or danger, or to ensure access to necessary medical care or treatment, that parent has failed to fulfil his or her obligation. A parent should be able to address the educational, emotional, psychological, physical, material, social, and spiritual requirements of the kid under their care (Chrispell & River, 2001).

Furthermore, Hountenvilli and Conway (2008) did study on how parental participation affects academic performance. The findings indicated that parental involvement in school has a significant favourable impact on student accomplishment.

Hountenvilli and Conway (2008), located at the University of New Hampshire, discovered that improved academic achievement among students was attributed to parents spending more time talking to their children around dinner time to understand their concerns and fears.

The study found that the most successful kinds of parental participation involve parents working directly with their children on learning activities at home.

Hountenvilli and Conway (2008) conducted decades of research and discovered that when parents are fully involved in the educational process, students achieve higher grades, graduation rates are high, school attendance is improved, student motivation to self-driven academic orientation is increased, students have higher self-esteem, suspension rates are lower, drug and alcohol use is reduced, and there are fewer instances of violent behaviour.

Various studies have indicated that the majority of successful, high-achieving, and well-adjusted children come from families with a stable, wholesome relationship. So, it is home that shapes a child’s attitude towards people and society, promotes intellectual growth, and supports his dreams and successes.

Shasha and Shama (1984) found a highly substantial, positive link between academic achievement and family scores. Based on this backdrop, the researcher would like to explore the association between parental attitudes and students’ academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

Nowadays, the expectation is that everyone aspires to be an achiever, and one of the most important criteria for determining one’s level of potential and talents is scholastic academic performance. It has become an indicator of a child’s future, putting a lot of strain on the minds of both the youngster and their parents.

Academic achievement is influenced by both cognitive and non-cognitive aspects of personality, as well as economic, political, social, personal, and environmental factors.

As a result, the researcher wishes to explore the association between parental attitudes and pupils’ academic achievement in Langtang South LGA of Plateau State.

The objectives Of The study

The study’s aims are:

To determine whether parental attitude affects academic achievement of students in Langtang south LGA of plateau state.

To determine the extent of participation of parents in academic performance of students in Langtang South LGA of Plateau State.

To determine the association between poor parental participation in their children’s education and academic achievement of students in Langtang South LGA of Plateau State.

Research Hypotheses

1.H0: Parental attitudes do not effect academic achievement of students in Langtang south LGA of plateau state.

H1: Parental attitudes can influence academic performance of students in Langtang South LGA of Plateau State.

H0: There is no association between low parental involvement in their children’s education and academic achievement of students in Langtang South LGA, Plateau State.

H1: There is a link between poor parental involvement in their children’s education and academic achievement of students in Langtang South LGA of plateau state.

The significance of the study

The study will be extremely beneficial to students and the Ministry of Education. The study would provide a clear picture of an inquiry into the relationship between parental attitudes and pupils’ academic achievement in Langtang South LGA of Plateau State. The study will also serve as a reference for other researchers who would venture on the relevant topic.

Scope and limitations of the study

The scope and limitations of the study include An examination into the relationship between parental attitudes and pupils’ academic performance in the Langtang South LGA of the plateau state. The researcher faces various constraints that limit the scope of the investigation;

a) AVAILABILITY OF RESEARCH MATERIAL: The researcher has insufficient research material, which limits the investigation.

b) TIME: The study’s time frame does not allow for broader coverage because the researcher must balance other academic activities and examinations with the study.

Definition of Terms

Parental attitudes are the primary social influences that children face during their early years. These attitudes, along with the frustrations they impose, the strategies of control, and the provocatives they offer, serve as originative forces on the child’s behaviour, particularly throughout the formative years.

Academic performance, sometimes known as “academic achievement,” refers to how far a student, instructor, or institution has progressed towards their short or long-term educational goals.

Completing educational benchmarks, such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor’s degrees, represents academic achievement.

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