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Factors Influencing the Choice of Chemistry Education

Factors Influencing the Choice of Chemistry Education

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Factors Influencing the Choice of Chemistry Education


This study looked at the factors that influence the choice of Chemistry Education as a course of study among secondary school students in Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia State. Four objectives were raised, which included: determining the effects of the value of the Chemistry subject on students’ choices of the subject in Ikwuano L.G.A of Abia State

finding out the influence of the subject teacher on students’ choices of Chemistry subjects in Ikwuano L.G.A of Abia State, finding out the influence of gender differences on students’ choices of Chemistry subjects in Ikwuano L.G.A of Abia State, and investigating the role of parents and teachers.

A total of 77 replies were received and authenticated from enrolled participants, with all respondents coming from chosen secondary schools in Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia State. The hypothesis was investigated using the Chi-Square statistical program (SPSS).

Chapter 1 (Objectives of the Study)

The research was guided by the following precise objectives:

To investigate the influence of the value of the Chemistry subject on students’ choices of the subject in Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia State.

To determine the influence of the subject instructor on students’ choices of Chemistry subjects at Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia State.

To determine the impact of gender inequalities on students’ Chemistry subject selections at Ikwuano L.G.A., Abia State.

To explore the role of parents and instructors in students’ choices of Chemistry subjects in Ikwuano Local Government Area of Abia State.

Chapter 2: Literature Review (Students’ Attitudes Towards Chemistry)

A lot of studies have been conducted around the world on students’ attitudes towards various disciplines. Students’ attitudes towards certain subjects vary by country and even neighbourhood.

In Kenya, this is fairly common in many subjects. Wong, Young, and Fraser (1997) explored the relationship between students’ attitudes towards chemistry and their perceived laboratory conditions in Singapore high schools.

The study concluded that there is a favourable relationship between the characteristics of the laboratory classroom setting and students’ attitudes.

Chapter 3: Methodology (Sample Size Selection Technique and Procedure)

According to Nwana (2005), sampling techniques are procedures used to systematically choose a chosen sample in a predetermined manner under controlled conditions. This study used the convenience sample technique to pick respondents from the total population.

In this study, the researcher used the easy sampling approach to calculate the sample size. The researcher simply picked 80 participants from the total population of staffs at picked Secondary Schools in Ikwuanl Local Government, Abia State

as the sample size for this study. Torty (2021) defines a convenience sample as one in which items from the target population were chosen for their accessibility or convenience to the researcher.

Chapter 4: Data analysis.

This chapter includes an analysis of data obtained from the questionnaire and key informant interviews presented to respondents in the research region. The study’s findings provided the basis for the analysis and interpretation.

The data analysis illustrates the simple frequency and percentage of respondents, as well as the interpretation of the collected information.

A total of 80 questionnaires were distributed to respondents, of which only 77 were returned and validated. This was owing to irregular, incomplete, and improper responses to certain questionnaires. In this investigation, a total of 77 were validated for analysis.

Chapter 5: Conclusion and Summary

It is crucial to note that the purpose of this study was to identify factors influencing the choice of Chemistry Education as a course of study among secondary school students in Ikwuano L.G.A, Abia. In the prior chapter, the important data acquired for this investigation were presented, critically analysed, and interpreted appropriately.

In this chapter, certain recommendations are provided that, in the researcher’s opinion, will be beneficial in resolving the issues of factors influencing the choice of Chemistry Education as a course of study among secondary school students.

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