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Teachers Attitude Towards Field Games in Nursery School in Egor Local Govt Area

Teachers Attitude Towards Field Games in Nursery School in Egor Local Govt Area

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Teachers Attitude Towards Field Games in Nursery School in Egor Local Govt Area


Chapter one


1.1 Background for the Study

Play helps children develop and is essential for promoting their learning capabilities (Ginsburg, 2006). It is a vital component of early childhood, curricular, and pedagogical development.

In addition to serving as a vehicle for learning, play is described as a platform for children to exhibit their own learning while also scaffolding the learning of others. According to the United Nations High Commission for Human Rights (UNHCHR 2006), play is critical to optimum child development.


Education is the transfer of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values with the goal of integrating the individual into a specific society. Knowledge is founded on experience, hence play is the main method to learning.

Froebe (1887) understood this when he stated that “play is the first means of development of the human mind, its first effort to make acquaintance with the real world, to correct original experiences from things and facts, and to exercise the powers of body and mind” (Rueben 2006:1).


Some preschools do not provide play equipment to their students, and those that do are sometimes inadequate. Sarah Chepkemboi Mutai (2003:2) discovered that play activities were insufficient in preschools, and the necessary equipment was scarce.

According to Reuben (2006:1), Udofia’s 2003 study on nursery school participation in directed play in Itam Education Zone found that the school’s play equipment was very outdated and worn out, which could be harmful to the nursery school.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), Article 28, recognised the child’s right to an education. The state parties were advised to offer basic, compulsory, and free education for all. This would ensure that all people around the world have equal opportunities.

The convention also advocated for children’s right to play and recreation activities, which primarily involve play items that promote social-emotional development.

The World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien, 1990) endorses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Convention on the Rights of the Child likewise emphasises education as a right.

The meeting emphasised that all children, youth, and adults should have access to educational opportunities that address their basic learning needs.

According to Article 11 of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (1999), every child in Africa has the right to an education that promotes and develops the child’s personality, talents, mental and physical capacities to their full potential. Africa was deeply devoted to providing universal education in its states.


The Dakar Framework for Action (2000) was organised in Senegal to discuss educational concerns. It went on to reiterate the vision of the World Declaration on Education for All (Jomtien 1990).

All 193 UN member nations pledged to attain universal primary education as part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015. The worldwide community’s concern about education issues demonstrates a considerable gap in providing universal education for all.


Psychologists usually believe that the period of less than six years is crucial in human development. Theories of intellectual development suggest that certain concepts, abilities, and attitudes must be formed and nurtured at specific stages in a kid;

otherwise, the concepts may be stunted or overlooked entirely. Nigerian nursery school educators are increasingly concerned about the existing approach to early childhood education, which prioritises academics above other aspects of child development.

The observed overemphasis on cognitive development contradicts child development research findings that describe quality and relevance of ECE as catering for the child’s whole development (Kombo and Khalayi, 2011).


In Nigeria, the Ministry of Education syllabus designed for use in nursery schools emphasises the incorporation of field games within the teaching curriculum, as well as providing enough equipment and a conducive environment for such activities. The schools should give equal opportunities for girls, boys and children with special needs in all elements of field sports.

However, there is a lot of rot in the school environment, with a greater emphasis on academic accomplishment, depriving students of time to play. Evidence can be found in schools that organise weekend instruction, including nursery schools, although what is done is limited to classrooms.

The school policy should implement nursery school curricula that emphasise play and child-initiated activities, but both parents and teachers who value academic accomplishment oppose this.


1.2 Statement of the Problem.

According to Mwangi and Shigali (2009), children acquire knowledge through constructive play. In Egor, Edo state, each preschool’s field game activities are determined by the school based on the funding available.

Because of these differences, the use of field sports in fostering learning among nursery school children in Egor suffers. They do not receive uniform amounts of field game materials.

Participating in play activities that allow youngsters to interact improves their learning ability. Egor L.G.A. has a culture of educational accountability, no playtime, students attending school on weekends, students arriving early and departing late.

Furthermore, during this very delicate stage, there is a lot of rote learning, with a primary focus on the child’s cognitive growth. The drive to teach youngsters academic skills deprives them of field game time.

During playtime, when kids should be playing, they may be in class doing homework. Other factors may include a lack of field game resources, a lack of excellent playgrounds, teachers’ inexperience with play, and insufficient play time.


The difficulty is that, despite the government’s provision of preschool education through play, play has consistently fallen short of expectations. Not only is play infrequently employed in public nursery schools, but the quality of field games activities has often been restricted by several factors such as an inadequate playground, limited play resources and parental pressure on instructors to satisfy academic standards.

Play as a language learning medium is not often employed in preschools, which is why this study is based on this viewpoint. Against this backdrop, this study intended to determine teachers’ attitudes towards field games in nursery school.


1.3 Objectives of the Study 

The goal of this study was to determine teachers’ attitudes towards field games among nursery school children in Egor L.G.A., Edo state.


1.4 Research Objectives

The study was directed by the following research aims.

To identify the types of field games that improve nursery school children’s learning skills in Egor L.G.A., Edo state.

To determine the availability of field game materials for boosting nursery school children’s learning capabilities in Egor L.G.A., Edo state.

To investigate teachers’ attitudes towards field games in nursery school children’s learning abilities in Egor L.G.A., Edo state.

To identify the school’s policy on field games for boosting nursery school children’s learning skills in Egor L.G.A., Edo State.

1.5 Research Questions.

The study was directed by the research questions listed below.

What forms of field games can help nursery school children improve their learning skills in Egor L.G.A., Edo state?

What is the availability of field game materials to help nursery school children improve their learning skills in Egor L.G.A. Edo state?

What is the attitude of teachers towards field games in nursery school children’s learning skills in Egor L.G.A., Edo State?

What is the school’s policy on field games to improve nursery school children’s learning skills in Egor L.G.A., Edo state?


1.6 Significance of the Study

The study will be extremely useful to school administrators and instructors in ensuring that specialised play activities are integrated into the nursery school learning system in order to improve children’s learning outcomes. The findings will help school officials and nursery school teachers ensure that students have enough time to play.

The researcher expects that the study will serve as a foundation for future field game involvement in preschools in general, as well as generate new ideas for better and more efficient control of Nigeria’s early childhood institutions.


1.7 Limitations of the Study

The study did not control for other variables that could affect learning skill development, such as the environment and social economic activities.

In addition, the researcher was limited in time due to other academic obligations at school.

Finances were also a major problem in carrying out this project, particularly in terms of transit to the designated schools.


1.8 Scope of the Study

The study focused on public nursery schools in Egor L.G.A. The study’s respondents include principals, preschool teachers, and nursery school educators. The study focusses on language abilities such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The study used questionnaires, interview schedules, and observation checklists to obtain data from respondents. The study’s findings cannot be generalised to other sections of the country unless a similar study is conducted in locations with similar features.

1.9 Definition of Key Terms.

Development is the action or process of developing or being developed. Influence The ability to persuade someone to change his or her mind. Language A collection of specified rules that can be used to transmit thoughts, ideas, and instructions.


Learning skills are habits that you can apply throughout your life to finish jobs and communicate effectively.


Play: performing or doing an activity for pleasure, delight, or amusement.

Speaking abilities include the ability to generate a variable, suitable, and indefinite quantity of utterances in a certain language.


Pre-primary school, often known as play school, is an educational establishment or learning environment where children can attend nursery school before beginning compulsory education at primary school.


Skill refers to the ability, talent, or capability to do tasks.


Readiness is the level of development that a kid is required to reach before beginning the teaching and learning process.

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