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Effectiveness of Teaching Styles in Early Childhood Education in Lagos State Primary Schools

Effectiveness of Teaching Styles in Early Childhood Education in Lagos State Primary Schools

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Effectiveness of Teaching Styles in Early Childhood Education in Lagos State Primary Schools


Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Education is a systematic process in which an individual is exposed to and given the opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that develop cumulatively with the goal of adequately preparing him to successfully integrate into society, pursue a career, and sharpen his quest for lifelong learning. Education entails teaching

which Encyclopaedia Americana (1995) defines broadly as the act of educating, instructing, disciplining, or giving knowledge to a pupil. According to Ekueme and Igwe (2007), it is the art and practice of teaching students skills, values, and norms that will benefit their overall growth.

There is no denying that the method(s) used by a teacher influences the learning outcomes of students or youngsters. Experienced and adequately trained teachers understand what and how to teach at the many levels of our educational system (pre-primary, primary, secondary, and tertiary levels). Because of the child’s immaturity at the pre-primary level, professional teachers must take care to use down-to-earth methods of instruction (Enoch, 2002).

According to Anyankanshi (2002), at the early childhood stage, teachers should employ teaching approaches that will help the child learn, rather than becoming confused and failing to understand what he or she should learn.

Anyakanshi proposed four sorts of teaching styles: play-way, gaming and stimulation, role-playing, and demonstrative techniques of teaching. He believes that the play-way approach provides abundant opportunities for the child to freely express himself in a play-way atmosphere, as youngsters enjoy playing spontaneously.

Concerning the gaming technique, Anyakanshi believes that the gaming and stimulation method, similar to the play-way method, is a good approach of educating children at an early age since it stimulates the child’s interest in what he or she is learning.

The role-playing technique of teaching also helps the youngster to put what is learnt in the classroom into practice. This is because the part a child plays in the classroom during instruction is imprinted in the child’s brain, but the group activity technique of teaching allows the child to learn from his or her peers. This strategy works well because it allows youngsters to exchange ideas and learn from one another in groups.

Recent study on teacher effectiveness has yielded some findings that should pique the curiosity of those who deal with young children, particularly in the primary grades. Although the findings of these studies are far from conclusive, and may never be, they do present a reasonably realistic picture of how good instructors work in their classrooms.

This statement implies that effective teachers (those whose classes consistently show gains in achievement) rely on traditional methods of instruction, at least for basic abilities. This is not to argue that open education and child-centered teaching methods are ineffective in early childhood education.

These methods are often required to achieve specific curriculum goals, but recent research suggests that it is wise to return to the basics in both teaching methods and content for early childhood education (Blaney, 2006).

According to Adegbiji (2007), teaching young children is both demanding and gratifying, and whatever technique or strategies a teacher uses to teach these young students will help them learn more effectively, hence the necessity to analyse the styles.

Evaluation is examining the strengths and weaknesses of programs, policies, persons, goods, methods, and organisations in order to improve their effectiveness. The fact that early infancy is special and valuable; bring about

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