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Computer Awareness and Academic Attainment of Secondary School Students in Kaura Local Government Area in Kaduna State

Computer Awareness and Academic Attainment of Secondary School Students in Kaura Local Government Area in Kaduna State

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Computer Awareness and Academic Attainment of Secondary School Students in Kaura Local Government Area in Kaduna State



This study focused on computer knowledge and academic achievement among secondary school students in Kaura Local Government Area, Kaduna State. Three objectives were proposed: to determine the level of computer awareness among secondary school students, the extent to which secondary school students operate computers, and the percentage of secondary school students who are familiar with power point.

A total of 77 replies were received and validated from the enrolled participants, with all respondents coming from chosen secondary schools in Kaura local government area in Kaduna state. The hypothesis was investigated using the Chi-Square statistical program (SPSS).

Chapter one


1.1 Background of the Study

Computer literacy refers to a teacher’s awareness and proficiency with computers and other related technology at various levels. It can also refer to how comfortable a person feels when using computer and other device software, such as Microsoft Word, database management, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Adio (2003) defined computer literacy as a computer user’s ability to use the computer system and its add-ons to solve a given problem. According to Onasanya (2001), as the world enters the third millennium

it will be challenging to update people’s learning and teaching methods, keep up with technological breakthroughs, and apply computer literacy in Nigeria’s educational system.

Because computers have been proved to simplify all recognisable activities, their use is now prevalent in all areas of human activity. In many nations, employing computers in schools in some form has become rather fashionable (Haruun 2005).

The computerisation of technical training operations in industrialised countries can be copied in developing countries, particularly Nigeria, although such an objective will be difficult to achieve without a large pool of native trainers who are computer literate.

According to John Iloanusi’s (2008) contribution, computers are useful for storing information on crimes, offenders, and suspects. He suggested that both crime prevention and detection may gain substantially from it. Such a system is compatible with photo and fingerprint capture systems.

According to Okorie (2008), utilising a computer compresses data to a very small storage space. Information retrieval and storage are accelerated, and computer records can be easily changed when needed.

Today, students in our country are denied much-needed possibilities for multi-media learning due to a lack of computer science education facilities and a mainly computer illiterate populace (Akudolu 2001).

She believed that including computer studies into the curriculum would provide pupils with the tools they needed for both academic success and personal fulfilment.

According to Lawal (2000), including computer education into teacher education programs will better educate instructors on how to employ computer-driven techniques and facilities to improve classroom instruction while preparing them for real-world classroom scenarios.

When it comes to retraining employees to fit into jobs, providing entrepreneurial skill and development programs, and empowering individuals with knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will allow them to engage in productive work for the rest of their lives, computer science education is critical. It also makes quality work talents and skills available, which is critical for obtaining stable employment. Also comprehending the

The Federal Government has produced the National Policy on Computer Education, which includes the National Computer Education Curriculum, as part of its efforts to address the importance of computer literacy.

Computer use is still in its early stages in Nigeria. Nigerians are becoming increasingly computer-savvy and aware of the numerous benefits it offers.

According to Adekunle Adegbaje (2000), computers are the most recent additions to the nation. It has gained widespread acceptance throughout the economy. It is getting increasingly popular, and this trend will likely continue.

Some people have such severe cases of network neurosis, terminal panic, or computer shock that they avoid adopting computerised learning methods (Shineiderman, 2000). Bertino (2005) claimed that the target audience for computers has historically mistrusted and been terrified of computer technology. He claimed that the interfaces were confused, unclear, and frightening, causing students to become angry, restless, and even terrified.

Statement of the Problem

The growth of computer applications has ushered in the “computer age” and changed the world into a global village. Today, computers and software have had a substantial impact on many parts of human activity, including education, health care, the military, politics, agriculture, religion, and business.

This implies that computer literacy is a necessary prerequisite for anyone (students or any cooperative body) to function effectively and efficiently in any field of human endeavour today, particularly for science teachers and students to properly deliver in various fields of specialisation in the current computer age.

The objectives of the study

The study’s aims are:

To determine computer awareness among secondary school students.

To determine the extent to which secondary school students operate computers.

To determine the percentage of secondary school pupils who have knowledge of power point.

Research Hypotheses

H1: There is no computer awareness among high school students.

H2: Secondary school kids do not use computers to any significant amount.

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