Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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1.0 Background of the Study

Office technology and management is the art of learning the necessary abilities needed to perform the duties of an office technologist/manager in any firm.

The office technologist/manager profession or vocation is unique for its attraction to both men and women; it provides a difficult job after graduation and few other profession offers to graduates so wide a selection of professional fields in which to work.

Therefore, academic achievement of graduates in office technology and management are the grades and skills earned at the end of tier academic pursuit in a particular institution.

Example of these are Ordinary National Diploma (OND), Higher National Diploma (HND) with grades like Distinction, upper credit, Lower Credit e.t.c. and the skills are shorthand, typewriting, peoples communication skill, career development, information and communication technology with the introduction of M.S Word, Excel, Desktop publishing, Web page design, Entrepreneurship among others.

The phrase “career opportunity or opportunities” can refer to anything that is pursued with an eye towards more than just having fun. Office technology and management positions are available in almost any company.

Meetings, conferences, seminars, and workshops attracting individuals from diverse backgrounds cannot be successfully executed without the assistance of an office technologist.

This individual plays a vital and multi-faceted role in every organisation. Office technologists also work to improve the organization’s technical aspects. It is true that office technologists are crucial to the success of any country’s economy. An organization’s impact can be viewed via the eyes of the office technologist.

A professional office technologist will also proofread all allocated work and make any necessary edits or corrections to ensure that the final product is error-free.

Whether it’s before or after work, the office technologist is responsible for making their boss’s office more organised and efficient. One reason office technologists are in high demand is because they don’t have to worry about getting out of the office too quickly;

instead, they should take their time making sure everything is in order. Examining how office technologists’ academic performance affects their employment prospects is the driving force behind this study.

1.1 The Statement Of The Problem

The academic achievements of prospective managers are generally not given much weight when hiring managers. Poor academic achievement is another possible explanation for why some companies’ productivity is so low: the office managers who work there.

In addition, it is currently par for the course that companies value highly accomplished office technology and management graduates more than those with lower levels of education. But the point of this research is to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the facts regarding those issues are real.

1.2 Objectives Of The Study

The primary objective of this study is to include:

1. To emphasise the significance of academic accomplishments on the possibility of career progression.

2. to find out how much of an effect academic success has on training possibilities.

3. Thirdly, to conduct a poll on how academic attainment affects employment mobility.

4. Examine how academic performance affects earning potential.

1.3 The significance Of The Study

Graduates of office technology and management programs, as well as other groups, the public at large, and researchers in the future, will undoubtedly find this study useful. Because of this, the study’s overarching goal is to shed light on the importance of office technologists and the widespread ignorance surrounding the field.

Now that the study is underway, its goals include informing the public about office technologists—what they do, the opportunities available to them, and the attributes they possess—and gauging the importance of hiring recent graduates with degrees in office technology and management.

1.4 Research Questions

1. How does academic performance affect the likelihood of career advancement?

2. How does one’s level of academic achievement affect their access to training opportunities?

3. How does academic success affect the ability to move up the corporate ladder?

4. How does one’s level of education affect their ability to earn a living wage?

1.5 The Scope of the Study

Participants will only be employed Osun State residents who have a bachelor’s degree in office technology or management.

1.6 Limitations of the Study

The gathering of the material and data utilised in this study was fraught with numerous challenges. Material, time, and financial constraints were the most significant obstacles to completing this research. The researcher encountered difficulties due to time constraints and delays in questionnaire distribution and collecting.


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