Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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In this study, the incidence of candidatures was investigated utilising selected patients from the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital in Enugu who were tested for the presence of candida yeast infection. The specimens were cultivated on seaboards agar and blood agar, and the subcultures isolated were C. aibicans, C. tropicalis, C. knusei, C. pseudoizo, C. paraknusei, and C. stellatoides. The prevalence of candidatures among UNTH patients was assessed in terms of incidence and microbiological kind. Also, candidicesis infection was found in 40% of the samples studied.


Chapter one


Candeda: This is a yeast-like fungi numerous of which cause disease in man around 90% of infection are to candida albicans, which is normally present in the mouth, intestine, and veginal. It is responsible for the infection in the sites defence mechanisms (Carousal 1990). Candida abbacies often appears as oval yeast-like cells that multiply by budding in infected areas.

Filamentous hyphare and pseudolyphae (which are elongated yeast cells that remain connected to each other) can also be detected. The yeast is easily cultivated at 250c 40 37 0c on sabouraudis glucose agar, and when grown on cor a meal agar at 250c, the organism can create various characteristics.

thick walls chlamydospore Van leeuweuhoed (2,000) Candida albicans is measured about 2.5 to 4.0 wm in diameter and can give rise to pseudomycellun; in the body, it has no sexual form.

The body has no sexual form in poor medics. At a temperature of 2B0C, it develops a thick wall and resting cells are around 7 to 17 m in test positive in mammaliam serum. It can split urea. It is harmful to rabbits. Veroush causes abscesses in the kidneys of guinea pigs (Eleke, 2002).

Oral candidatures Oral candidatures, also known as oral thrush, occur most frequently in newborns and is most likely acquired during passage through an infected vagina.

The yeast appears as a creamy grade membrane covering the tongue and appears to be able to produce disease only because of the absence of their resident normal flora (Prescott et al; 1994).

If thrush has not occurred by the third day of life, it is likely that it will appear; however, it should occur and will normally vanish without therapy as other members of the normal flora are acquired.

Oral thrush in children or adults may arise as a result of endocrine imbalance or ceutaninosis (specifically, a lack of rib flauin as a symptom of diabetes, as a result of poor oral hygiene, or following the treatment of corticosteroids or autibutics).

Oral thrush can also occur in bottle-fed newborns, as seen by the magnification of my white patches covering red raw areas of mucous manbrance canals, vagines, and cendiasis. It is more common in women with diabetes, in women who reject pregnancy, or after extended antibiotic medication.

According to Atlas 199: 13), pregnant women are susceptible to vaginal thrush, which is characterised by the production of a yellow, milky discharge with a pH below 5.2.

Yeast cells and pseudo my cells can be found on the mucous membrane, and such infections can cause intense inflammation of the entire ingunal area.

Alimentary candidatures. Alimentary candidatures can develop in response to any of the predisposing circumstances outlined for adult oral thrush; however, the majority of cases occur as a result of prolonged wide spectrum antibiotic therapy, which destroys a considerable portion of the native flora of the intestine.

The organisms may also induce interse inflammation of the parinal region, the region around the arws, and spread to the and thing concurrently are systemic candidatures.

Candida infection of the skin frequently arises in individuals with metabolic diseases, in those whose obesity results in continually most tools of skin, or in people in which part of the body is kept moist under surgical dressings According to Prescott et al (1999, 18), systemic candidatures are uncommon, however in weakened people or those using immunosuppression medicines, Sandida albicans can cause urinary tract infection.

Endocarditis and Meningitis Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis is also a rare syndrome in which the skin, mucous membranes, hair, and nails become infected, such infections appear to occur in persons with T. cell defects manifested by their inability to respond to Candida certigens, in addition to vaging yeast infections

the acid environment of the veginal and the proliferation of normal vaginal bacterial limited its growth when the environment of the vegina changes, situations that change the Which frequently changes the vaginal pH or consuming bread spectrum cutibioties such as tertiary cline, which kills the typical vaginal bacteria In addition, patients with Aids and uncontrolled diabetes frequently suffer yeast infections.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

1. To assess the frequency of fugal infection among patients at UNTH Enugu

2. To assess the prevalence of fungal infection among single and married women of various age groups.

3. To identify the yeast type involved.

4. To identify the autimicrobial sensitivity pattern of isolates includes.


This study solely includes single and married women from various groups that visit the haematology laboratory at the university teaching hospital in Enugu. The experiment was carried out with the usage of the relevant material such as early morning pee and HVS swab samples that were acquired from those women’s vaginal


Carrying out the research task. It was quite difficult for me in terms of purchasing my materials. I used for my practices that were very costly,

I also went to different markets to get what I want, then in carrying out my particle, it was not easy for me, also the money I was asked for was not enough for due buying of books and transporting prices that are not consistent, and I found it very difficult to use the university teaching hospital Enugu library.

1.5 Statement of Problem

Candidiasis has generated a lot of problems in our cultures today because of the nature of the disease, such as the discomfort it brings to individuals, like itching, which causes a lot of embarrassment to people publically.

Secondary to candidiasis causing frequent urination, people suffering from the disease will find it difficult to stay in public for an extended period of time without being embarrassed by this infection.

Another issue with this infection is that if it remains in the body for an extended period of time, the person suffering from it will smell due to severe discharge.


The examination of this research topic will provide more constructor framework to formation or constructing a method of eradicating the infection (candidiasis). It also helps to educate people about the causes and consequences of infection candidacy.

It will also educate communities understand the risk of staring at something that causes people to contract the disease, as well as providing precautionary measures to help prevent infection.

Finally, this research will help to lower the high rate of disease occurrence and provide insight into our communities.

1.7 Hypothesis.

H0 The infection (candidiasis) is more common in unmarried women than married women.

H1 The infection (candidiasis) is more common in married women than unmarried ones.

H2 pregnancy is one of the causes that might cause pH changes, as does the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics.


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