Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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In the study, samples of Garri from the Ogbete market were tested for microbiological contamination. Four samples of Garri were obtained from diverse supply sources in Ogbete’s main market, Enugu Okwo, Nkalagu, Emene, and Abakaliki. The samples were extracted with an equal volume of sterile distilled water, serially diluted, and cultured for microbial growth. The growth was subsequently investigated using biochemical testing, with organisms isolated including Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perferingens, Clostridium botulinum, and Vibrio parahamolyticus. The test revealed that Abakaliki Garri has more microbial spores than other varieties. This could be due to the handler, the jute bag, or dampness, all of which contribute to an increase in microbial burden. This involved the microbiological examination of Garri produced from four key production sites: Nkalafi, Okwuo, Imene, and Aba, as well as collection from the principal marketing location, Ogbetet, Enugu. The sample digest was extracted with equal parts sterile distilled water, serially distilled, and cultured for microbial growth. The new growth will be subject to biochemical testing and characterisation for canisimatory diagnosis. Isolated organisms include Staphylococcus aureus, sodium peferefusu, Clostridian trotulium, and vibropara haemolylica.


Chapter one



Many Africans, particularly Nigerians, augment their diets with cassava products preserved in unique ways such as garri and fufu. It might be partially or entirely precooked and ready to eat and serve.

Food can become contaminated with bacteria during the preparation process. Unless the development and metabolism of this bacteria are managed, they can alter the state of food, resulting in food deterioration.

Microorganisms are organisms that cannot be seen by invaded eyes; their size ranges from (NM) micrometres to (nm) nanometres; and their activities on food produce food poisoning, which is an illness caused by the consumption of contaminated food containing toxin screted into it by contaminated microorganisms or contaminated by microorganisms when the body releases their toxin (Okoli, 1991).

Food poisoning was also defined by (Kay and Dennis 1986) as any substance applied to the body externally or consumed internally that can cause injury or death to any area of the body.

In Garri preparation, cassava is peeled, washed, and grated before being dehydrated under pressure, fried, packaged, and stored. If these processes are not handled in a suitable sanitary condition or environment, microorganisms will contaminate it, resulting in food that can kill many people, reducing the labour force and increasing poverty rates due to high healthcare expenses.

To avoid this situation, our study aims to identify the microbiological organisms of Garri in the Ogbete market. The microbiological organisms present will be analysed to determine whether they can cause food poisoning.

Based on the study, the list of microorganisms present or microorganism contamination on garri may be properly controlled, ensuring that our garri is safe to consume at any time.

Intoxication from nature occurs spontaneously in plants or animals (Frazien and Westhof, 1978). Bacterial intoxications are classified into two types: Clostridium botulinum intoxication and staphylococcal intoxication, which is induced by a toxin in food generated by Staphylococcus aureus.

Food production, such as garri fermentation, reduces the cyanile toxicity in cassava, which causes food poisoning when present in large quantities. Cassava processing can lead to contamination if not done correctly.

1.1 Aim and Objective of the Study

1. To analyse the microbiological organisms of garri in the Ogbete market.

2. To relate the item to personnel and environmental hygiene, characterise any microbial organisms found in Garri.

1.3 Statement of Problem

The sources of pollution may include:

1. Garri’s high moisture content before storage promotes mould formation.

2. Transportation during rainy weather led the packing bag to become moist, resulting in mould growth.

3. The seller is most likely a disease carrier in any classification. Some merchants have an ailment that is contagious and can contaminate the Garri for sale.

4. Open air exposure and selling time after manufacture. The microbial load in the air can rise over dangerous levels due to the presence of specific airborne organisms, and if Garri is kept in such an environment, it will get polluted.

5. Long-term storage may accelerate degradation. Keeping Garri in a storage room for an extended period of time will have an impact on its quality.

1.4 Hypothesis.

HO The Garri on sale in Ogbete market has no microbial lead.

Hi The Garri on sale at Ogbete market contains some germs.

15 Significance of the Study

This study is based on the idea that Garri, a basic diet for humans, may do significant harm to their lives. This is due to the unsanitary conditions in the environment during production, storage, and subsequent exposure to the market in which Garri is sold.

These microorganisms can cause food poisoning and other intoxications (ailments), resulting in loss of manpower and even death.

As a result, the purpose of this effort is to reverse a negative trend that may have an impact on our socioeconomic life by training those involved in the production, storage, and sale of garri about personnel hygiene on the product and how it should be stored.


The purpose of this study is to assess the microorganisms in Garri on ale at Ogbete market. The work has some limitations due to the school laboratory utilised, which is not up to grade, and the honesty of the seller at Ogbete market on the source of Garri given.


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