Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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Chapter one



There is a clear and widespread perception that the economics of this counting is inadequate. This has resulted in unprecedented economic misery for the public, unlike anything seen in Nigeria’s history since independence.

It is widely agreed that the global economy is currently experiencing a recession. This is particularly visible in third-world nations such as Nigeria. Nigeria is made up of thirty-six (36) states and Abuja as the federal capital territory (FTC), and she follows a mixed economic ideology system.

This is a heritage from her colonial masters. As a result, her economic structure was separated into sectors based on ownership of production factors. Prior to the start of the third commendable, the level of living was rather high, as was the purchasing power of our currency. The variables that contributed to the buoyancy were the continuous money generated from crude oil sales.

The second aspect was that the nation’s agricultural productivity was greater than what is available today. As a result of the high flow of cash from crude oil, individuals felt unwilling to work and expressed a strong resistance to continuing their agricultural and small-scale industrial operations.

As a result, productivity for products and services decreased. It resulted in a greater reliance on imported oil. Thus, there was a significant gap between our foreign exchange revenues and our expenditures, with the latter being bigger.

The emergence of the oil glut demonstrated that Nigeria’s economy is in balance. The Babangide administration responded to this predicament by implementing structural adjustment plans, also known as ‘SAP’. This was intended to help mould the rumblings economy.

The key objective here is to lower the demand for foreign goods, promote domestic output, and restructure the entire economy to run more independently of foreign influence. Effective management of financial, material, and human resources is thus an important means of achieving these economic goals.

The government is doing its best through credible policy plans and strategies to bring significant materials and financial resources into the two arms for production and ultimate economic stability.

On that note, it is critical to recognise that in order for economic growth to occur, full and effective consideration must be given to the well-being of individual workers who are required to carry out their particular duties in the economic system. When workers are cared for, productivity tends to grow.

If productivity rises, there will be a desire to generate more income (profit) from taxes to the government. Higher motivational programmes for individual workers can only achieve this if they have an impact on human resource management and other production aspects.

The study’s objectives are to investigate the extent to which successful motivational programmes can have a favourable effect on productivity in a unique semi-independent government sector known as prostates.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

An ‘Igbo’ saying states that ‘a cooperatively owned goat starves to death’. But why? This proverb explains the disparities in efficiency, effectiveness, and production that have existed between private and public sector enterprises.

The primary function of these parastatals is to provide a variety of services like as healthcare, information distribution, electricity delivery, and so on.

As a result, there is competition between these private organisations that provide similar services to parastatals and the parastatals themselves.

People appear to prefer private sectors over public sectors. The reasons for this are because private sectors that provide similar services are more efficient and offer them with a great interest.

Typical examples include people visiting privately owned hospitals. The question today is, “Why do people drift away from patronising public establishments.”

A forced interview corroborated certain major accusations by members of the public about the government hospital workers’ indifferent and non-chalet attitudes.

In contrast, a very close fact-finding study inside the workers supported these allegations. Further questioning as to why workers behave that way, offered the investigator these impressions, which include the following;

– High levels of frustration and stigma in the workplace.

– Improper timing in the administration of salaries, wages, and fringe benefits, as well as other afflictions that have befallen workers, including bribery, corruption, inefficiency, and, eventually, a drop in productivity that will continue until something is done to address these issues.


-Is motivation truly a technique of obtaining desired outcomes in an organisation?

– Does this suggest that the efficacy of production is determined by employee motivation?
– Has efficiency improved since a motivated system was implemented?

1.4 The Purpose and Significance Of the Study

The primary goal of this research is to determine the role that effective motivational programs have played in the ongoing decrease in productivity in government parastatals, despite the fact that the government has periodically invested significant financial, material, and human resources in them.

Furthermore, the goal of this research is to investigate the internal components of these human resources, with a particular focus on the motivational efforts made by management for the workers, which will eventually impact their behaviour and attitude towards work.

The efficient and effective use of thought and motivation. The laboratory is the most sensitive factor in production. It is human, and it requires significant financial, social, and spiritual support to live.

As a result, it is critical to monitor the successful and long-term survival of other production factors as well as the organisation itself.

The ultimate success of an organization’s goals and objectives is to maximise profit with the available lab while also providing them with the necessary tools to inspire them.


The primary rationale for doing this research in a broader context is the researcher’s concern about the widespread outcry among the country’s population about the current situation of the economy. In light of this, both individuals and governments are putting in various efforts and making sacrifices to revive the ailing economy.

Psychologically, people’s attitudes towards work, desire for personal advancement and achievement, and optimism in the future influence a country’s economic growth by determining what kind of attitude and motives people have and how these affect economic behaviour and status.

As a result, high productivity is a critical component of a developing economy, and all opportunities must be pursued to achieve this goal.

As a result, the necessity for the study grows, and the focus shifts to determining how and to what degree effective motivational programmes can help people boost their productivity.

1.5 Assumption of the Study

Low productivity can be attributed to a variety of economic factors, including workers’ laziness, which is caused by a lack of incentive. Hence, the researcher assumes the following:

– That these parastatals receive adequate financial resources through appropriate budgetary allocations and subsidies.

– That the government makes every effort to provide all of the material resources needed to keep these parastatals operating efficiently and effectively.

– That the lab, our -factor component of the parastatals, is informed, competent, and experienced enough, and that their job assignments are tailored to their individual potentials.

– That the public will be prepared to patronise these parastatals if they are certain that the services they receive are adequate and efficient in relation to the value of their income.


This study is conducted inside the geographical boundaries of Imo State, Nigeria. In a broader economic context, the topic of research is the public arm of the economy, owned and controlled by the government and known as ‘parastatals.’ Imo State Management Board is one of the parastatals chosen as a case study for this research.


1) MOTIVATION: This is an individual’s inner condition that causes them to act in a way that ensures the achievement of certain goals.

2) MANAGEMENT: The process of achieving organisational goals by collaborating with and through people and other organisational resources.

3) MOTIVATION STRENGTH: An individual’s level of desire to engage in a behaviour.

4) MOTIVATION FACTORS: These are the items that determine the level of job satisfaction.

5) ORGANISATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS: This is the degree to which an organisation achieves its goals.

6) Productivity This is the relationship between input, output, and flaw, whether the organisation is moving ahead or not.

7) EQUITY: This refers to an ordinary shareholder’s right to share in the organization’s profits.

8) RESEARCH: This is a section of the company’s activity that focusses on discovering new items and improving the technological aspects of existing ones.

9) HERARCHY OF NEEDS: Maslow’s’state of Human Needs‘ defined a hierarchy of needs as the arrangement of human wants in an order in which people normally attempt to satisfy themselves. And these needs are organised in a hierarchy of priority, as follows:

Physiological needs security, security requires social interaction, and social needs Esteem, and Esteem Needs Realisation of oneself.

10) ORGANISATION: This is the act of integrating and co-coordinating the efforts of various individuals, giving purpose to their efforts in terms of the goals to be achieved.


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