Project Materials





Project Material Details
Pages: 75-90
Questionnaire: Yes
Chapters: 1 to 5
Reference and Abstract: Yes
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Every organisation relies heavily on the creation, development, and maintenance of positive buyer-seller relationships to ensure its survival. It is a technique and practice used by managers (management roles) to increase output and profitability inside an organisation. This research aims to investigate the nature and context of the buyer-seller relationship. How the relationship can be formed (initiation), developed, and maintained is emphasised in a more meaningful way. This work, organised into chapters, began with an introduction that identified the problems to be investigated, the objective, scope relevance, hypothesis, and study limitations. Chapter two is a survey of professional literature that is relevant to the subject topic and is cited suitably. The approach is explained in Chapter 3, and the findings are reported in Chapter 4. Finally, chapter five contains the work’s conclusion, summary, and suggestions, all of which are aimed at raising awareness about the importance of forming, developing, and maintaining positive buyer-supplier relationships. This workplace partnership faces a demanding and exciting future, requiring the greatest level of professional skill. This study endeavour is meant to contribute to the effectiveness. I hope the work meets its goal properly.


Chapter one


Organisations will be interested in conducting business in an atmosphere characterised by fragility and hostility. Furthermore, no organisation will appreciate taking the time to ignite business light only to lose it to other firms that will build and preserve it.

The more an organisation generates, develops, and maintains positive client relationships, the more profitable and easy-going its company operations become.

As a result, an organisation that generates and develops while also maintaining has a better chance of survival, growth, and profitability. These gave birth to this highly important topic: “the importance of creating, developing, and maintaining good buyer-supplier relationships, which can be beneficial or detrimental to an organisation.”

As a result, the requirement for effective buyer-supplier relationships has existed from the beginning of time. There has been evidence of this association as a motivating and fundamental factor for improved performance in all human pursuits.

In the Nigerian setting, one sees that friendliness between customers and suppliers goes a long way towards facilitating successful business transactions. This is particularly evident in organisations with low efficiency, and Unilever brother Plc is no exception.

In order for any organisation to continue production planning, the buyer must maintain a relationship with his supplier and use motivated aids to reach his goal. This strategy will help to raise the supplier’s awareness of the importance of the buyer’s organisation.

According to Baily and Farmer (1983), buyers and suppliers of commodities are exposed to serious risk of loss (as well as windfall profit) due to impracticable changes in buying procedures.

As previously stated, it becomes clear that an existing relationship can sustain the buyer when the supplier receives information about production stoppages, price increases, or changes that make it impossible for the buyer to purchase the materials.

1.1 Background of the Study

This study is based on Unilever Brother’s Nigeria Plc Aba, which is located in Nigeria. It was previously known as the Best Africa Soap Company Limited in 1923 before changing its name to Liver Brothers Nigeria Plc and then to Unilever Brothers Nigeria Plc in 1995. In 1947, the government first imported cold water detergent that was white with blue greenish glitter.

The company created omo blue detergent, which competed with cold water surf, resulting in increased demand and taste adjustments. The company began diversifying its manufacturing units, which led to the opening of a branch in Aba in 1949.

Initially, their manufacturing focus is on local palm oil. Unilever Brother strengthened its foothold and expanded into the drink market by merging with Lipton Nigeria Limited in July 1985, and then with Chesebrough Product Industries Limited in December 1988, to become a personal production giant.


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