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The primary goal of this study was to identify the factors influencing study habits and academic performance in university students. The study included 420 respondents who were University students at the National Open University (NOUN) study center. Students for the study were chosen using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. The main data collection instrument was a questionnaire called the Study Habits Inventory (SHI).

The questionnaire data was coded, classified, and analyzed using multiple regression and the independent samples t-test. The main findings revealed that, despite other aspects of study habits such as examination, homework and assignments, reading and note-taking, and concentration, only time management explains the majority of the variables that predict students’ study habits.

As a result, in order to achieve an excellent performance, students must develop good study habits in all other dimensions. Furthermore, male students use time management-related study habits more than female students. Based on the findings, it was suggested that all stakeholders encourage students in their respective areas of responsibility.

This will help to positively motivate the students toward their studies. Furthermore, it is critical to encourage female students whose studies are negatively influenced by femininity to work hard, as academic success is not limited to men.





How a student approaches his or her studies greatly influences his or her level of academic achievement. Students’ level of preparation and learning strategies developed and employed consciously have a significant impact on their academic performance. Thus, one of the most important students’ or learning factors that greatly influences students’ academic achievements is study habit.

If students at all levels, teachers, administrators, parents and guardians, school counselors, and the government continue to undermine students’ abysmal performance in both internal and external examinations, the trend and threat of students’ abysmal performance in both internal and external examinations will continue to grow and become more devastating and alarming.


According to Mark and Howard (2015), the most common challenge to student success in all ramifications is a lack of effective or positive (good) study habits. They also believe that if students develop a good study habit and maintain good discipline, they will perform exceptionally well in their academic pursuit.

According to Husain (2010), a critical study problem among students of all levels is a lack of effective or positive (good) study habits. Grace (2013) also maintains that the process of learning is still somewhat mysterious, but studies show that the most effective method of studying involves highly active behavior over time. To study effectively, one must read, draw, compare, memorize, and test themselves over time.

A study habit is the purchase of a dedicated scheduled and uninterrupted time to devote to the task of learning. Without it, one stagnates and becomes self-limiting in life. Study habits reveal how much a person intends to learn, how far he wishes to progress, and how much he wishes to earn. All of this can be determined by one’s study habits throughout one’s life.

According to Stella and Purtshothaman (2013), the researchers analyzed the pupils’ achievement with reference to the classification high, average, and low achievers, but study habits differ from person to person, so in order to help the learners progress by developing suitable study habits, we need a different set of parameters that take into account o

Academic achievement and a good study pattern are greatly influenced by one’s attitude toward studying. Successful students maintain a positive attitude toward their studies and do not waste time or energy worrying about what they need to do. If the learning experience is enjoyable, the learner’s attitude and motivation are usually positive; if the learning experience is unpleasant, the learner tends to avoid it.


“I study but can’t remember what I study,” or “the lessons are too long,” are examples of negative attitudes toward study. Attitude is a measure of how we think and feel about people, objects, and issues in our surroundings. According to Husain (2010), study attitude refers to the attitudes that students have developed toward private readings over time.

According to him, a positive study attitude opens up many opportunities for academic success. Students’ knowledge and application of effective study skills or techniques is referred to as their study method. Several effective study methods and skills that students could use depending on the learning environment have been identified (Husain, 2010).


According to Kelli (2015), in order for students to succeed in their studies, they must be able to assimilate course content, digest it, reflect on it, and articulate the information in written and/or oral form. What is essential is a student’s ability to develop effective study habits. Many students believe that the number of hours spent studying is the most important factor.

Students, on the other hand, can study for hours and retain very little. The better question is how students can study more effectively. It is critical to practice good time management skills. Students must understand that there is a time for class, a time for study, a time for family, a time to socialize, and a time to be alone. The critical issue is recognizing that an appropriate balance is required. Students should also be able to see.

A clearly articulated picture of the future they intend to create for themselves is critical to students’ academic success. This will foster enthusiasm for what they want to do. Passion is essential because it results in a strong interest, dedication, and commitment to achieving career goals and objectives.


According to Marc (2011), students with learning disabilities may still have inefficient and ineffective study habits and skills. Students will understand why they sometimes get frustrated with common study methods if they become aware of their own learning habits or styles. He believes that good study habits are critical to academic success because they contribute to a successful academic future.

Good study habits result in good grades, and good grades result in admission to better colleges and universities, possibly with a scholarship. This, in turn, will lead to a successful career. Marc believes that developing good study habits is critical for all students, regardless of their level of education. It improves students’ self-discipline, self-direction, and overall success in their degree programs.


The sooner a student begins practicing and developing good habits, the more likely he is to stick with them. Procrastination can be overcome with proper study habits, and the key to better studying is to improve one’s study habits. The most important aspects of assisting a child/student in developing good study habits for life are organization and homework routines.

Developing good study habits can help a student achieve success by allowing him to work more efficiently and with less stress. He goes on to say that having good study habits leads to a more efficient academic environment. As a student, planning your study schedule ahead of time and sticking to it saves time.

Students who practice good study habits are less stressed. Students who are anxious on exam day are usually the ones who procrastinate and arrive unprepared. Students who organize their lives and stick to their established study schedules are more confident and relaxed when it comes time to take tests (Marc, 2011).


According to Ashish (2013), if students want to ensure academic success throughout the year, they must abandon bad study habits and establish good ones. He also believes that, regardless of age or academic level, employing effective study strategies can mean the difference between acing a class, barely passing, or failing miserably. She admits that, despite her best efforts and intentions, many of today’s most popular study methods or habits can lead to utter disappointment.

According to Ashish (2013), the most powerful study tool of all is knowing exactly what works and does not work on a personal level, even tracking study patterns and correlating it with related grades, and then proactively creating a study plan and schedule around the proven effective methods.

Similarly, Bolling (2010) asserts that good study habits developed through planning assist students in preparing for what lies ahead and achieving their academic objectives. Thus, a lack of study habits clearly disadvantages students and is one of the primary reasons students require remedial classes, fall behind in coursework, and drop out of school.


There are numerous factors in Nigeria that influence students’ ability to cultivate effective and efficient study habits. Ozmert (2015) emphasized the significance of environmental influence in the development of students’ studying habits. In the same vein, Adetunji and Oladeji (2015) argue that most children’s environments are not conducive to learning; it is in light of this that some parents prefer their children to attend boarding school for proper discipline and to instill a better reading habit.



Due to the increasing nature of poor academic performance among students, many educationists blame the teaching methodology used by teachers and the government’s lack of funds to provide quality education. However, these may not be the primary reasons for poor student performance. All indications indicate that most students have poor study habits, which may lead to poor academic performance.



The study sought to identify the factors that influence study habits and academic performance at the National Open University study center. The study specifically sought to;

determine the relationship between students’ study habits and academic performance
investigate the impact of poor study habits on student academic performance
Examine the difficulties that students face in developing good study habits for improved academic performance.




What is the relationship between students’ study habits and their academic performance?
What is the impact of poor study habits on students’ academic performance?
iii. What are the difficulties students face in developing good study habits for improved academic performance?



Ho: There is no link between students’ study habits and their academic performance.

Ho2: Poor study habits have no effect on students’ academic performance.



This study will be extremely useful to other researchers who want to learn more about it, and it can also be used by non-researchers to supplement their own research. This study adds to knowledge and may serve as a model for future research.



This study focuses on the factors that influence study habits and academic performance at the National Open University study center.

Study limitations

Financial constraint: Inadequate funding tends to impede the researcher’s efficiency in locating relevant materials, literature, or information, as well as in the data collection process (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint: The researcher will conduct this study alongside other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


1.8 Terms Definition

Study Habit: Study habits are the behaviors used when studying or preparing for tests.

Academic Performance: The degree to which a student, teacher, or institution has met their short or long-term educational objectives.


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