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This chapter provides a summary of the system’s goals, objectives, background, and operating environment.

Background of the study

The certificate verification system is a small to medium-sized application. It is used by school administration to establish and manage student certificate numbers using a computerised system, allowing the school to create certificates for students, print certificates for students, and, most significantly, verify any student’s certificate.

This computerised solution eliminates the effort and worry associated with verifying any certificate. If the user is the registrar, they can create and keep all student certificates.

All of these modules enable the Registrar to manage all student certificates more conveniently and efficiently, as well as to verify student credentials in an easy and stress-free manner.


This section discusses the project’s goals and objectives that will be reached once the project is completed. The goals and objectives are as follows:

To overcome the issue of manual certificate verification.

To provide a login page from which the registrar can register and generate student certificates.

To allow the registrar to automatically produce a unique certificate code for each certificate added.

Students and employers may quickly authenticate the authenticity of any certificate.

Statement of the Problem

The challenges encountered during the verification of a student certificate were so severe that companies were forced to spend a large sum of money to verify the legitimacy of a certificate submitted to them during job interviews.

The lack of effectiveness in their procedures of keeping certificate records exacerbates the problem.

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study was to assist and benefit students, staff, school administration, and anyone who want to check the legitimacy of any school certificate.

The verification system would enhance the monitoring capabilities of people who maintain the system. Furthermore, the registrar would be considerably more guided when it comes to adding and generating the student’s certificates, allowing them to print them quickly and accurately.


This research will focus on registration, certificate addition, student administration, a list of all students who will receive certificates, and certificate printing.

The system also handles some requests, such as viewing all student information using S/N, Student Name, Faculty, Department, Certificate Code, and so on. The writer employs MySQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. This is a case from Springlight University.

Definition of Terms

Registration refers to keeping records acquired from management for future reference.

Certificate Number (Code): An Assign Numeric data is added to each certificate to identify it individually.

Management is the coordination of an organization’s resources through the processes of planning, organising, directing, and controlling.

System: The physical component of a computer that is utilised to complete a specific task.

Data: Numbers, text, or images in a format suitable for storage in or processing by a computer, even incomplete information.

Information: Meaningful material obtained from computer data by organising and interpreting it in a specific manner.

Input: Data fed into a computer for storage or processing.

Output: Information generated by a computer after processing.

An information system is a collection of interconnected components that gather (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to enable decision making and control within an organisation.

Computer: A computer is an electrical device that accepts data as input, processes it, and outputs information to the user.

Software:-Software is a collection of connected programmes built by the manufacturer to control the hardware and allow the computer to do a specific task.

Hardware: – Hardware is a physical component of a computer that can be touched, seen, or felt and is controlled by software to execute a specific task.

Database: A database is a collection of connected data in an organised format.

Programming: – programming is a set of coded instructions that computers comprehend and obey.

Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technological devices, as well as their interactions with life, society, and the environment, drawing on fields such as industrial art, engineering, applied science, and pure science.

Algorithm: A collection of logic rules developed during the design phase of a data matching programme. The ‘blueprint’ used to convert logic principles into computer instructions that specify which steps to do and in what order.

Application: The ultimate set of software and hardware that performs data matching.

A data matching database is a systematic collection of records or data maintained on a computer system.

Data integrity: The quality of correctness, completeness, and complaint with the goal of the data authors, i.e. ‘fit for purpose’
Password: This is a secret code that a user must enter to gain access to a computer or its programmes. This consists of numbers, letters, characters, or contributions from any of the preceding categories.

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (a recursive acronym) is a programming language used for server-side scripting. It was employed throughout the development of this software.

Identification is the process of recognising and naming someone or something.

A certificate is a document that serves as proof or written testimony, indicating the status of qualifications, privileges, or the veracity of anything.

Verification is evidence that proves or confirms the accuracy or truth of something.

Query language: A database query language and report writer allow users to interact with the database, analyse its data, and update it based on their data privileges. It also maintains database security.

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