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Examining the issues with classroom management in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. of Edo State was the main goal of this study. The study’s descriptive survey research methodology was used to examine how teachers in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. in Edo State managed and controlled their classrooms.

The study is conducted in Edo State’s Egor L.G.A. 1500 people are included in the study. In Egor L.G.A. of Edo State, a proportionate sample method was employed to select 812. Out of the female teachers, the male teachers were chosen using a straightforward random sample procedure.

812 people make up the study’s entire sample. Structured questionnaires are the instrument used for data gathering. In order to analyse the data and respond to the study’s research question, the researcher employed the mean score and standard deviation.

The following suggestions were made in light of the findings: Teachers and school administrators should use various forms of communication to help children understand any information that is conveyed to them.

The administration and instructors of secondary schools should use a variety of techniques, including punishment, to instill discipline in their students.

Teachers and school administrators should always praise and encourage their kids by giving gifts to each student who performs well. The administration of secondary schools should deter teachers from spending more time than is necessary for a given class.

Each teacher will be able to plan and manage their time thanks to these. Institutions that train teachers should place a greater emphasis on teaching trainees effective classroom management techniques.

Principals of schools should keep a closer eye on what happens in the classroom to make sure that teachers’ shortcomings in classroom management are addressed.

The latest advancements in classroom management should be frequently introduced to instructors through conferences, workshops, seminars, and other in-service programmes.




The development of both the individual and the nation can benefit from education. For inhabitants of a nation to acquire the skills required for survival and self-development, particularly at the secondary school level, their education must be of high quality.

Building responsible citizens who can propel the economy of the country and successfully compete in today’s knowledge-based economy requires a quality education.

The effectiveness and efficiency of school administration, teaching, and learning are all impacted by educational quality (Ukwungwu, 2008). Application of classroom management skills by teachers is crucial for achieving this standard.

The declining performance of students in both the West African School Certificate and National Examination Council Examinations, along with the ongoing decline in the number of credit passes,

especially in core subjects like English language and mathematics, should cause great concern among all stakeholders about the quality of education provided in schools. In secondary education, quality assurance is necessary.

Concerns about quality are brought up among public and educational stakeholders by the outputs’ ongoing reduction in performance. The capacity to plan lessons and control student behaviour is the most important skill in a regular school environment.

Teachers are significant curriculum implementers because they are in charge of planning classroom activities and overseeing students’ behaviour in the classroom (Eze, 2009). Teachers play a significant role in the educational sector, either individually or collectively (Modebelu, 2008).

Since successful teaching and learning cannot be accomplished in a poorly managed classroom, they require specific classroom management controls to enable them to manage student behaviour and maintain the preservation of high standards in schools.

The setting where teaching and learning take place is the classroom. The teaching-learning process is perpetuated in the classroom, which is its centre of gravity (Wigwe, 2013).

It is a learning environment where all the elements necessary for learning are present, including physical sensory elements like lighting, colour, music, space, and furniture.

It does not always imply a vacant space; for example, it can refer to workshops and laboratories (Kanu, 2012). The goals and expectations of formal education are typically met in the classroom by adopting a carefully thought-out curriculum and good classroom management.

Every organisation must have good management. Management, according to Ogbonnaya (2014), is the coordination of an organization’s resources through the act of planning, organising, directing, and supervising all efforts geared towards accomplishing organisational goals.

The act of successfully handling or controlling the classroom activities is referred to as management in the classroom.

Both male and female teachers make efforts to build a setting that encourages and supports both academic and nonacademic learning.

It relies on both male and female teachers’ knowledge and level of classroom management abilities whether they can exert a reasonable amount of control over students’ actions in the classroom.

The use of any resources offered in schools by instructors to enhance teaching and learning is known as classroom management.

According to Everton and Weinstein (2006), classroom management is the process teachers use to establish a setting that fosters and supports both academic and social emotional learning.

A fruitful learning environment is fostered and established by the participation and cooperation of both male and female teachers in class activities. Based on this, Oboegbulem (2011) defined classroom management as the placement of students and the division of tasks into groups that facilitate efficient teaching and learning.

Alberto and Troutman (2009) described classroom management as the teacher’s capacity to collaboratively manage time, space, resources, student responsibilities, and behaviours in order to create an environment that promotes learning.

According to Duke (2009), classroom management refers to the measures and practises required to create and maintain a setting conducive to instruction and learning.

Certain abilities are necessary for efficient classroom management. The term “classroom management control” refers to these. These include self-control, drive, time management, and verbal and written communication.

The most specialised abilities a teacher needs for efficient teaching and classroom organisation are classroom management techniques.

To manage a classroom full of pupils requires a lot of work and talent. The instructor must be competent and educated in the material being taught, be able to manage a class, and uphold order and discipline in the classroom.

According to Browers and Tower (2010), instructors who struggle with classroom management are generally inefficient in the classroom and frequently experience high levels of stress and burnout-like symptoms.

Donovan and Cross (2012) assert that students’ poor academic performance is frequently caused by teachers’ incapacity to control classroom conduct.

This claim is supported by the argument that it is impossible to guarantee the quality of a teacher’s classroom management abilities because they are unable to control student behaviour.

This is because, among other things, how well students learn is influenced by the teachers’ abilities in the classroom. The use of these abilities guarantees high-quality instruction and learning in educational institutions.

The process of making sure that high standards are followed is known as quality assurance in teaching and learning in schools. Quality assurance, according to Mbaji, Ebirim, and Akwali (2012), is the setting of standards in numerous processes and activities that result in the achievement of quality results.

A planned strategy for promoting the attainment of excellent and high standards is quality assurance. To ensure that teachers uphold high standards in the classrooms and accomplish the desired educational outcomes, quality assurance is a practise.

According to Nwite (2012), maintaining best practises in institutional input and output in educational institutions requires rigorous management, monitoring, and assessment of techniques used to gauge students’ performance in the classroom.

In order to maintain quality with integrity, public responsibility, and continuous development, quality assurance methods comprise monitoring, assessing, and evaluating according to specified standards and reporting judgement obtained to all parties involved.

Infrastructural standards, curriculum or content standards, teaching and learning standards, quality including management and leadership standards, care, guidance support standards, and professional standards are only a few of the several aspects of educational standards that exist Nwite (2012).

The issue of quality assurance is all of these dimensions of standards. And all levels of the educational system, notably the secondary level, should sustain these.

One of the stages of the educational system in Nigeria is secondary school. According to the Federal Republic of Nigeria (FRN) (2013), secondary education is the stage of education that comes after primary school but before university education.

The basic idea is that secondary education should educate students for both higher education and practical living in society. Secondary education’s standards and goals are typically met in the classroom with a carefully planned curriculum and good classroom management techniques.

It is important to properly manage classrooms using the right classroom management techniques in order to maintain adequate standards in secondary education.

Given this, one may wonder if the secondary education standards and goals in Nigeria are being set by inexperienced teachers and poorly run classes.

As a result, the researcher became interested in looking into the issues with classroom management and control in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. in Edo State.


The core of any educational system is effective classroom management and control. There can be no curriculum planning without implementation, which is mostly done in the classroom. Everyone knows that teachers have the final say in the environment of the classroom.

They play a critical role in influencing pupils’ behaviours. Practical planning by teachers helps them deal with issues like disturbances, deviant behaviour, and student misbehaviour.

The nature of the instructor in this regard is crucial; for instance, various teachers have different methods of innately controlling the classroom environment and ways of setting up the classroom that are most effective for their objectives (Aly, 2009).

The main duty of a teacher is to run the classroom. Students’ attitudes towards learning will change depending on how their teacher runs the classroom.

In order for teaching and learning to be effective, these classroom management approaches pay attention to the behavioural management, instructional management, and leadership style used by the instructors and school administration.

To imbue the expected culture, norms, and values set by the educational authority, which promotes effective teaching and learning, behavioural management entails coordination of all education stakeholders.

The teaching tools required for each classroom to facilitate effective teaching and learning are called instructional management.

However, it doesn’t seem to be the case in our post-primary school, where a bad teaching-learning process and a lack of passion lead to poor classroom management.

The secondary school level serves as a transitional year between primary and tertiary education. No matter their sex, social standing, religious affiliation, or ethnic background, all primary school graduates should have the opportunity to pursue higher education.

Secondary schools should also provide a diversified curriculum to account for differences in students’ talents, opportunities, and future roles, among other things.

The achievement of these goals depends on a number of factors, including effective classroom management skills, qualified teachers,

the availability and effective use of teaching and learning resources, the physical infrastructure of the facility, and school inspection and monitoring.

All of these elements together make up quality benchmarks that, if rigorously followed, will guarantee high-quality secondary education.

Through the successful use of classroom management techniques, teachers play a crucial role in achieving quality education as the primary interpreters of the government’s educational policies and programmes.

The secondary school system still faces issues that could lower the level of education offered, despite efforts to provide high-quality instruction.

It is understandable that Ajayi (2012) bemoaned the fact that secondary education in Nigeria is plagued with problems of varied sizes and severity, including classroom overcrowding and student indiscipline, which together signal that the system is at a crossroads.

All interested parties should be extremely concerned about the standard of education provided to secondary school students.

The kids’ deteriorating performance in both the West African School Certificate and National Examination Council Examinations makes this more concerning.

The ongoing drop in the number of credits earned, particularly in key courses, seems to be an ongoing sign of the poor quality of the secondary education obtained.

Given this, one may wonder if the secondary education standards and goals in Nigeria are being set by inexperienced teachers and poorly run classes.

As a result, the researcher became interested in identifying the issues with classroom management and control in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. in Edo State.


Examining the issues with classroom management and control in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. in Edo State is the main goal of this study. The research will specifically ascertain:

The degree to which secondary school teachers in Egor L.G.A. of Edo State local government area use effective communication as classroom management and control;

Establish the degree to which secondary school instructors in the Egor L.G.A. of Edo State local government area implement effective discipline as classroom management and control;

Determine how well secondary school teachers in the Egor L.G.A. of Edo State local government area handle their time in the classroom;

Analyse the extent to which teachers in secondary schools in the Egor L.G.A. in Edo State local government area employ motivation to manage and control the classroom.


The study’s conclusions would be very helpful to teachers, students, school administrators (principals), the ministry of education, and the general public.

The administrators of the schools will gain from this study. The results of this study will aid school administrators in Edo state and elsewhere in gaining a better understanding of classroom management and control,

particularly classroom management techniques and strategies for enhancing classroom management for school quality assurance.

If the ministry of education organises workshops and seminars for school administrators as part of training initiatives, it will succeed.

The study’s findings will also be helpful to teachers because they will enable them to comprehend better classroom management techniques that support quality assurance in educational institutions.

To improve teachers’ view of classroom management and control, school administrators will organise workshops and seminars for instructors.

Secondary school students will benefit from the findings of this study because teachers will use these skills to improve teaching and learning,

helping students learn more and achieving their aspirations. These skills are necessary for ensuring quality teaching and learning in schools.

The study’s results should also shed light on some classroom management techniques that teachers can use to improve teaching and learning in our educational system, according to Ministry of Education officials.


The study’s focus is restricted to the instructors employed by the 16 public secondary schools in the Egor L.G.A. of Edo State local government area.

The goal of this study is to determine the extent to which teachers in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. of Edo State use effective communication, motivation, discipline, and time management as skills for classroom management and control. The study’s focus is on the issues with classroom management and control in those institutions.


The study was influenced by the following research inquiries;

How well do instructors in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. of Edo State manage and regulate their classrooms through effective communication?

How much do teachers in secondary schools in Egor L.G.A. of Edo State guarantee discipline as a means of managing and controlling the classroom?

How much do teachers in secondary schools in Egor LGA of Edo State assure time management as classroom management?

How much do instructors in secondary schools in Egor LGA of Edo State use incentive as a classroom management strategy to ensure quality?

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