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This study is intended to assess the impact of advertising techniques in the beverage business, with a focus on Cadbury Nig. Plc.

The purpose of the research is to determine whether advertising is an important instrument in beverage marketing efforts. The study’s overall goal is to assess whether advertising has a substantial impact on Bournvita sales in the Enugu city.

The research question will help us determine how advertising efforts increase awareness of Cadbury products. The significance of this study will reveal how much advertising has contributed to the sales of their items.

The project would solely look into the impact of advertising on beverage sales, with a focus on Cadbury Nig. Plc in Enugu Urban. In Chapter 2, the relevant literature, prior studies,

and techniques are reviewed. In chapters 3 and 4, strategies for data collection and presentation are addressed. Chapter 5 summarises the findings, recommendations, and conclusions.Chapter one

1.0 Introduction

Advertising is a powerful commercial communication strategy used by businesses to complete promotional tasks. It is an essential method of communicating or presenting goods, ideas, or services via paid media with open or identified sponsorship.

Advertising is the process by which a sponsor sends a message known as an advertisement through one or more mass media (radio, television, newspapers, and magazines) to reach a large number of potential product users or buyers. Advertising is an important marketing method for selling goods, services, images, and ideas through information and persuasion.

Many businesses believe advertising is a better promotional strategy than personal selling, sales promotion, or publicity. This is because advertising enables many presentations to large groups of individuals with a single message, whereas personal selling requires a unique contract with each prospect. Individual contracts are frequently required for sales promotions as well.

Although publicity, like advertising, allows for several simultaneous presentations, the corporation has little control over message content and placement. While advertising is given so much credit, it is critical to our understanding that we recognise the true role of advertising in marketing.

The “best advertisement” cannot sell a product that is not available, nor can it persuade people to buy things that they believe are of bad quality, too expensive, or below expectations. In fact, advertising is the most effective way to kill a lousy product.

Product sales are rarely made just through advertising. Advertising must interact with other variables in the promotion mix as well as other marketing concerns such as product development and research.

1.1 Background of the Study

Advertising is a word that captures people’s attention all across the world. The vital role it plays in product promotion, not only in Nigeria but around the world, cannot be overlooked.

Advertising has been defined differently by many authors. Despite their differences, all definitions share several fundamental features that define advertising.

The question now is, “What is advertising?” It is essentially any non-personal presentation and promotion of goods, ideas, or services that is paid for by a specific sponsor.

It could include manufacturers, dealers, distributors, retailers, wholesalers, and so on. Such representations of ideas, products, or services are created via mass media such as print, electronic, and billboards.

According to Stanton (1981:40), advertising includes all acts involved in presenting to a group a non-personal spoken or open message that is sponsored and relates to a product, idea, or service.

Kotler (2003: 590) defines advertising as any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identifiable sponsor.

Advertisers include not only businesses, but also museums, philanthropic organisations, and government bodies that direct messages to their intended audience. Advertising becomes publicity when it lacks a sponsor.

Nwokoye (1981:190) defines advertising as any form of non-personal communication via mass media that is paid for by a specific sponsor. All evidence point to the fact that no matter how advertising is watched, certain elements come to mind.

According to Adirika, Ebue, and Nnolin (1996:106), advertising is an impersonal type of communication or presentation of commodities, ideas, or services that takes place through paid media with open or identifiable sponsorship. Essentially, advertising is a method of disseminating information.

This study considers advertising to be extremely significant in company since it supports in informing the target audience about the presence of products and services.

Many manufacturers regard advertising as an important way to introduce their new products or services to potential customers. Advertising has an informational role during the early stages of a new product’s decline and saturation.

Advertising is critical at all phases because it keeps potential customers informed about the availability of a product or service. In other words, advertising aims to educate, inform, and remind the target audience about the product or service.

Manufacturers or dealers emphasise the product’s need, availability, application, and pricing. Advertising also notifies the audience about any changes or modifications to products or services, such as new designs.

Special offers, price changes, and promotions, among other things, help to create fresh demand for a product, hence boosting market share.

Advertising can also help to sustain established products in the market. It assists salespeople in obtaining sales leads, hence making their jobs easier.

Despite its promotional effect, advertising can also be used to remarket a product that has had a negative impact on customers. Cigarette makers, realising the harmful influence of nicotine on their product, always warn the public that “smokers are liable to die young.”

Advertising is also a low-cost technique of conveying messages, whether it is to increase brand preference for a specific product over the world or to encourage people in poor countries to consume a product more frequently.

This study will examine at the effectiveness of advertising in selling beverages in Enugu urban, with a focus on Cadbury Plc’s Bournvita product.

Cadbury Nigeria Limited was declared a public liability in 1976. The decision to go public was made prior to the Enterprise Promotion Decree of 1977.

The factory’s production has climbed from an average of 100 tonnes per week to a commendable 500 tonnes per week. The company’s worker strength is currently over 3000, with over 500 being management staff. Six of the company’s ten directors are Nigerian.

The company has branches across the country. It is performing well and has full sales demand. The researcher’s goal in this study is to look at the effectiveness of beverages in Enugu, namely Bournvita, which is made by Cadbury Nig Plc.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Advertising plays a significant role in marketing activity. The ultimate objective of advertising is to raise awareness. Many businesses struggle to attract new consumers because they do not use efficient advertising.

Some buyers find it difficult to make a repeat purchase of a product whose advertising is not appealing. Firm turnover has been poor at times, which could be attributed to inefficient use of advertising slogans.

Many clients do not buy a company’s product because they are unaware of its existence. Exaggeration in advertising creates a false impression in the eyes of consumers.

Cadbury is serious about advertising their products.

Thus, this study investigates Cadbury Nig. Plc’s efforts to increase the sales of Bournvita products in Enugu metropolitan areas through advertising.

1.3 Research Objectives

The overall goal of the study is to discover whether advertising has a substantial impact on Bournvita sales in Enugu city. Specific aims include:

i. Determine whether a customer’s preference for a specific food drink was influenced by advertising.

ii. Determine whether customers’ lack of knowledge about a certain product relates to their refusal to consume it.

iii. To determine whether Cadbury Plc’s use of advertising for Bournvita correlates with its turnover.

iv. To develop methods for attracting new target audiences in the beverage sector.

v. To give some recommendations that will be useful to various bodies involved in the advertising and marketing of Bournvita in Enugu in particular, and Nigeria in general.

vi. Determine whether Bournvita advertising is effective in raising customer awareness of the product.


1. Does Cadbury Nig Plc’s advertising effort for Bournvita boost customer awareness and consumption of the product?

2. How do advertising actions raise awareness of Bournvita?

3. Did Cadbury Nig Plc’s advertising operations boost the company’s profits?

4. What impact has advertising had on sales?

(a) Awareness creation

(b) Including customers.

(c) Increasing sales

(d) educate customers.

5. Is it expected that if product advertising is impossible, it will be declared?

(a) Yes

(b) No

6. How does advertising affect beverages?

(a) Increases sales.

(b) Lower sales.

(c) Moderate sales.

(d) No impact.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of this study cannot be overstated; hence, the findings will be extremely beneficial to both beverage makers, researchers, other students, and consumers. The study will reveal beverage manufacturers and marketers how much advertising contributes to product sales.

It will also identify areas where students may grow, broaden their academic understanding, and assist them in developing modern tactics for achieving the study’s significance. Researchers will also use this report as a resource for future research in the domains covered by the study.

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