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A descriptive research design was used for the study, which focused on teachers and students from five private and five public schools in the Yaba Local Government Education District. The study’s sample consists of 30 teachers and 70 students chosen at random from the schools. The questionnaire was used in the study to help collect data. The collected data was analyzed statistically using simple percentage, t-test, and chi-square methods.

The following are the study’s key findings:

Hypothesis one reveals that teachers’ attitudes toward business studies differ by gender.

The second hypothesis reveals that teachers’ attitudes influence their effectiveness in classroom interactions.

Hypothesis three reveals that students’ academic performance is sometimes influenced by the attitude of their teachers.”

Hypothesis four reveals that private and public school teachers have very different attitudes toward teaching and learning business studies in secondary schools.

Among other things, the study suggested the following.

Teachers should be sufficiently motivated and compensated. The government should provide adequate funds for schools to purchase necessary materials and equipment.

Teachers should be forced to follow the teaching profession’s moral principles and code of conduct.




A teacher is a significant figure in the school environment in which he works, and his attitude toward work has significant implications that cannot be dismissed with a wave of the hand if academic excellence is to be achieved in our educational institutions, where, while the teacher is the key player in the educational field, the child is at the center.

To achieve academic excellence in the twenty-first century and beyond, the role of the teacher, as reflected in the teacher’s attitude, cannot be overstated. The school environment, which has been described as “the child’s second most important social environment after family” (Bettencourt et al; 2003),

has demonstrated that teachers’ attitudes can be translated into behavior that can have negative consequences for students’ learning. Teaching is an art that requires the teacher’s dedication to the subject of knowledge. Any teaching program’s quality cannot exceed the quality of its teacher.

Teachers play an important role in classroom communication, classroom behavior management, and meeting teaching objectives. Classroom management settings that are effective and successful are bound to contribute to students’ success.

A great deal of research has been conducted to determine the characteristics of teachers and students through classroom management and teaching skills. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between teachers’ attitudes toward students and students’ academic performance.

A qualitative approach was used in the research because the influence of teacher attitudes inside and outside of the classroom on students’ academic performance was determined freely through student observation and student opinions.

The findings show that students perceive teachers’ classroom management styles, in-class and out-of-class attitudes, and teaching methods and strategies as having positive or negative effects on their academic success and participation in lessons.

The concept of attitude is concerned with an individual’s way of thinking, acting, and behaving. It has far-reaching consequences for the learner, the teacher, the learner’s immediate social group, and the entire school system. Attitudes develop as a result of various learning experiences.

They can also be learned by simply following a parent’s, teacher’s, or friend’s example or opinion. This is mimicry or imitation, which also plays a role in the teaching and learning process. In this regard, the learner draws on the disposition of his teachers to form his own attitude, which may affect his learning outcomes.

The concept of attitude is concerned with an individual’s way of thinking, acting, and behaving. It has far-reaching consequences for the learner, the teacher, the learner’s immediate social group, and the entire school system. Attitudes develop as a result of various learning experiences.

They can also be learned by simply following a parent’s, teacher’s, or friend’s example or opinion. This is mimicry or imitation, which also plays a role in the teaching and learning process. In this regard, the learner draws on the disposition of his teachers to form his own attitude, which may affect his learning outcomes.

Bandura (1971) demonstrated in his observational theory that attitude is acquired by observing another (the model, teacher, parent, mentor, and friend) perform the behavior. It is displayed by the model, and the learner observes and attempts to imitate it. Teachers are invariably role models for their students.

Students are easily influenced by your attitude. What teachers like or dislike, appreciate, and think about their own learning or studies can have a big impact on their students. Unfortunately, many teachers are unaware that how they teach, behave, and interact with students can be more important than what they teach. In a nutshell, teachers’ attitudes have a direct impact on students’ attitudes. Teachers’ attitudes are shaped by their culture and belief system.

Teachers’ attitudes toward their students in school must be positive enough to keep students on track.

The teacher’s attitude stems from a variety of sources. Some of these can be found in the classroom, but many more can be found outside of it.

Omoegun (2002) emphasized the importance of a teacher’s attitude toward work in influencing students, pupils, and society.

Business studies is a subject taught in primary schools. It enlightens the student on a variety of topics related to their personal day-to-day activities in their society; thus, this course makes them useful to themselves and the society in which they live.

Business studies is defined as a discipline involving business and clerical activities that investigates the methods and theories involved in all office transactions within a specific industry in order to make the organization more efficient and effective. It also includes subjects such as typewriting, shorthand, commerce, elementary accounting, and some economics. In other words, it allows them to participate in some economic activities in society (Greene, 1998).

As a result, the attitude of the teacher in business studies is very important because it helps to stimulate students’ interest in learning business studies. The attitude of a business studies teacher, among other things, will equip the teacher with the ability to boost his students’ confidence in their abilities.

Against this backdrop, these studies look into the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies in Yaba Local Government.


According to Lepper J. (1999), the extent to which age and gender, qualification, personal perception, and teacher attitude were predictors of students’ academic performance in business studies was observed.

While some teachers are extremely effective and have a positive attitude toward good teaching and learning. Teachers who are ineffective and have discouraged students are also included. The teacher’s attitude may be a reflection of their upbringing, training, and preparation (Lepper J. 1999),

Teachers’ attitudes can also be attributed to low pay, an unfavorable school environment, and leadership styles as perceived by such teachers. Because a negative attitude toward work does not result in effective performance, the teacher’s attitude as an intervening variable between students’ learning and academic performance should not be overlooked.

In this context, the study looks into the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies in the Yaba local government.


The primary goal of this research is to investigate the relationship between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies in some selected schools in Yabe local government. More specifically, the research will look into the following;

1. Determine what factors contribute to a teacher’s attitude.

2. Look into how business teachers’ attitudes affect their students’ learning performance in the subject.

3. Determine whether there is a link between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance.

4. Determine whether any teachers have negative attitudes toward business studies; and


In order to guide the study, the following questions would be answered;

1. What factors make up a teacher’s attitude in business studies?

2. What effect do teachers’ attitudes have on student performance?

3. Is there a link between teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies?

4. Is there a difference in the attitudes of male and female business education teachers?


The following hypotheses would be proposed to guide the research.

H0: There will be no significant difference in the attitudes of male and female business teachers.

H0: There will be no significant relationship between the attitude of teachers and the performance of students in business studies.

H1: There will be no significant differences in the attitudes of public and private school teachers toward the teaching and learning of business studies.


Based on the study’s findings, it is hoped that the following people will benefit from it.

Parents: It is hoped that the research will be beneficial to parents.

As it would reveal to them how they can improve the teacher’s positive attitude through frequent visits to the school and also through Parents Teachers Association (PTA) meetings, it would also reveal to them that child training is a joint task that should not be left to the teachers.

Teachers: The findings of this study would reveal to teachers the effect of a negative attitude on their effectiveness and student performance, and thus encourage them to always have a positive attitude toward their subject in order to portray a favorable model to their students.

Educational Authorities: The findings of this study will inform educational planners and administrations about the importance of motivation in improving job attitudes. However, it would aid in determining how to address the issue of teacher attrition and low productivity at the local, state, and national levels.

Finally, it is hoped that the findings of this study will contribute to a more balanced educational, individual, societal, and organizational growth by proposing to authorities concerned, ways of encouraging better academic performance of students, as well as adding to the vast amount of literature on teachers’ attitudes toward work.


The research focuses on teachers’ attitudes and students’ academic performance in business studies in secondary schools in Lagos State’s Yaba Local Government Area. Due to time and functional constraints, it will be limited to private and public junior secondary schools in Lagos State’s Mainland Local Education District Area.

As a result, five private and five public schools were chosen for the study. The expected outcome was to explain the situation of things from other schools in the state.


The following terms have operational definitions:

The ability of a teacher to provide agreed-upon effects in a given context is referred to as the teacher’s attitude; it does not refer to personality. It represents output rather than input, not so much what a teacher does as what he accomplishes (Amoo, 2002).

Johnson (1975) defines attitude as “a combination of concepts, information, and emotions that result in a predisposition to respond favorably or unfavorably to specific people, groups, ideas, events, or objects.”

Gender, according to Ahonsi (1994), is a social conception of the expectations and behavior that are considered appropriate for those who identify as male and female. It is the social interpretation of male and female gender.

According to Amoo (2002), teaching resources are a collection of materials, tools, and equipment that can be used effectively to improve teaching and learning.

Teacher: According to Olayinka (1991), a teacher is a professionally qualified person who has been trained, certified, and is well prepared to teach specific subjects in a school.

Teaching, according to Pollias and Young (1969), is a method of guiding students in securing the amount and quality of experience that will promote the optimum development of their human potential.

Learning is defined by Hilgard Bower (1975) as a complex process in which knowledge, skills, habits, facts, ideas, and principles are acquired, retained, and applied in order to adapt to one’s environment and to modify existing behaviors when necessary.

Private schools are tuition-paying schools owned by individuals or private institutions.

Public schools are those that are managed by the government and whose administration has been delegated to the state or local government. All decisions made in schools are government directives, and they are not fee-paying schools.

Learning strategies are the activities that are used to achieve learning. Reading aloud, copying notes, consulting peers, and asking the instructor for clarification are all examples of learning strategies.


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