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The importance of computers in our daily lives cannot be overstated. In truth, the computer is one of the greatest inventions in human history, and it should be regarded as a “revolution” rather than a mere invention.

One could wonder what the world would be like without computers and how we would survive without them. Prior to the introduction of computers in the early 1980s,

the majority of man’s duties were conducted physically and intellectually, which were laborious and demanding. Of course, these ways did not produce the expected results because the rate of productivity was relatively low.

However, we now have an unavoidable, non-living human assistant known as the computer, which reduces physical and mental procedures, improves efficient mass management of data and information, and allows for increased periodicity.

As the title suggests, “An evaluation of computers in the banking sector,” this research work focuses on the impact of computers in banking, using Access Bank Plc on Au Akilu Road in Kaduna as a case study.

Over the years, bankers have reaped the benefits of computerised banking, and many would testify that computers have done much good for the financial industry.

Banking services at Access Bank Plc have been upgraded, and clients may sense the usefulness of computers in the bank’s vast range of services.

It should be noted that computers improve not only banking services, but also Accounting, Agriculture, Education, Commerce, Medicine, Engineering, Communication, Aviation, and Military, to name a few.


Banking services were not always computer-based. In reality, these banks carried out their functions manually. In those days, a lot of effort had to be done by a small group of people to complete duties that a man-made equipment could have done in the “twinkle of an eye.”

Clearly, computers have assisted a bank like Access Bank Plc in employing less personnel and computers to undertake numerous activities that would have taken several staff days to complete.

Computer gives amazing solutions to the banking sector that help various institutions improve the services they provide to clients. This will be discussed more in the course of this project report.


Everyone, especially those in the financial industry, is aware that computers play an important role in their daily lives. However, at this point, it is necessary to clarify the inherent challenges linked with the invention of the computer.

In banking, specifically Access Bank Plc., the researcher discovered that computers perform the majority, if not all, of the labour performed in the bank.

This is wonderful because it speeds up our work, but the problem is that humans (i.e. computer users) have completely surrendered to computers, as if no work can be done without them.

Remember that these computers were created and configured by humans, so they should be returned to their proper place. It should be noted that over-reliance on computers leads to laziness on the part of an organization’s workforce.

Human effort is also impacted. Humans have handled the majority of computerised efforts in recent years. In banking, for example, many transactions or documents are now performed by computer rather than by men and women in the account area.

However, these people’s efforts are clearly unnecessary. As a result, the computer allows for more and does not allow humans to develop their cerebral and intellectual capacities.

There are so many issues with this study that it would be impossible to identify and debate them all. This is why the researcher has undertaken this project to highlight the crucial influence that computers play in the financial sector.


The overall goal of this study is to discuss the role that computers play in the banking sector. The study’s specific goals are as follows:

i. Look at why banks switched to computerised systems.

ii. Attempt to discover and analyse the impact of computers on Access Bank Plc.

iii. Explain to readers the function that computers play in bank operations.

iv. To assess the failure (if any) or weaknesses of Access Bank Plc’s computer.

v. To introduce industrial corporations and other financial organisations to the role that computers can play in the bank’s operations.

vi. Finally, to recommend to users specific computing processes that will allow for effective and efficient banking.


This work’s hypothesis will be:

Null Hypothesis (HO)

That the use of computers for banking purposes has not improved bank performance.

Hello there (Alternative Hypothesis).

That the use of computers for banking purposes has considerably improved bank performance


This study is significant because the following groups of people will benefit greatly from the findings presented in this research work:

a. For starters, it will inform other merchant and commercial banks who have not yet gone computerised about the value of computers and the benefits they would receive from using computerised systems.

b. It will assist in determining whether computer knowledge is required for banking operations and professional accountants alike.

c. It will also be very important for future and existing customers of Intercontinental Bank Plc. and other institutions to understand the significance of computer technology.

(d. The management and personnel of Access Bank Plc, allied organisations, and the general public would profit from this because they will understand what a computer is, how it works, and how much it has given to the banking sector. This study will also be useful to future researchers who can base their research efforts on it for the benefit of others.


This study focuses on the role of computers in the banking industry. The research is being conducted in the data room of Access Bank (Nig.) Plc Kaduna, which is located on Au Akilu Road, directly across from the Mobil filling station.

It discusses several practical applications of computers in this setting. As most of the fields of operations were computerised at the time of writing this project work,

a complete analysis of all departments in the study location will be conducted, as well as other relevant areas where we may obtain more information. This study’s findings will be mostly based on data gathered from the case study.


Access Bank Plc. was founded in March 1989 as a result of a collaboration between some visionary and dynamic Nigerian businesses to deliver innovative and customer-focused products and services to meet the public’s growing need for sophisticated financial services.

Since its inception as Nigerian Intercontinental Merchant Bank Limited, the bank has offered a diverse range of products and services that include investment banking, retail funds management, and credit management.

The bank is led by a vibrant, versatile, and results-oriented personnel, and it quickly rose to national prominence by becoming the most profitable merchant bank just five years after its inception.

With a diverse group structure spanning the numerous divisions of the financial service business, the bank has come to symbolise innovation, service quality, and professionalism over the years.

The group now includes three thriving commercial banks: Equity Bank of Nigeria Plc, Gateway Bank, and Global Bank, as well as a thriving insurance company, WAPIC Insurance Plc.

Access Capital Markets Limited (ICML) and two subsidiary companies: Access Securities Limited (ASSL) and Associated Discount House Limited (ADHL). Gateway Bank Plc was purchased by the discount house. And holds a controlling stake in Pioneer Sorting Company Limited, while Equity Bank has a stake in the company.

In July 1999, the bank became a commercial bank and eventually gained a universal banking licence, allowing it to serve many more customers with its unique and customised products and services and to tap into other market opportunities in the Nigerian economy.

Following a Board resolution in October 2001, the bank transitioned to a public limited liability company in June 2002, followed by an IPO in July of the same year.

The bank’s capitalization has since been increased with the proceeds of the lPO, and by mid-2004, the bank’s capitalization had reached N8 billion before the regulations mandated a new minimum capitalization of N25 billion.

Following that, the bank returned to the stock market and performed admirably, with its new capitalization exceeding N34.7 billion. The shares of the bank are traded on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE). The group reported in its most recent financial report

Profit before tax was N8.1 billion, and profit after tax was N6.1 billion. All of these factors have combined to make Access Bank the fourth largest bank in Nigeria.

Following the Central Bank of Nigeria’s determination to consolidate banking, the bank consolidated four banks (Intercontinental, Equity Gateway, and Global Banks) into a single business. On October 10, 2005, Access Bank Plc, a megabank, was established.

The megabank now has more than N50 billion in shareholder funds and a total asset of N354 billion. As of October 2005, the bank had about N216 billion in deposits, $182 million in foreign currency lines, and a total branch network of 174 branches.

Access Bank Plc provides a comprehensive product portfolio that spans the market. Access diamond Fund (IDF), Intercontinental valuable Yield Account (IVY), Access Premium savings account (IPSA), and Access Classic Current Account (I-CLASS) are among them.

The bank is also a direct agent for Western Union money transfer and a principal partner licenced by Master Card International to issue Master Card and Inter Switch Limited to issue debit cards in Nigeria.

Access Bank is a socially responsible organisation with a long history of corporate responsibility to the communities in which it operates. Annual social responsibility spending in the areas of public health and education has risen to N300 million.

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