This study looked into the methods and resources used to teach economics in senior secondary schools in a few selected schools on the Lagos mainland. For the study, five research questions were developed. The data collection instrument was a questionnaire that was administered on the spot.
The collected data was analyzed using a frequency percentage and chi-square statistical tool. A small number of secondary schools were chosen at random for the study. The study’s findings included, among other things, fairly adequate instructional materials, insufficient time, teachers’ working conditions, school environment, and proper motivation on the part of the teacher. The study’s educational implications were discussed, and recommendations were made.
1.0 The Study’s Background
Under the National Policy on Education, economics is one of the electives or group of subjects studied at the senior secondary school (SSS) level. The comparative education study and adaptation center (CESAC) created an economics curriculum to meet the needs of the new system.
The curriculum’s guiding principle is the need to provide SSS graduates with basic knowledge and skills that will allow them to better understand the nature of economic problems in any society.
The scope of economics thus entails determining which aspects of the various constituent contents would be most valuable for achieving the objectives of teaching economics.
It is self-evident that economics, by definition, has relevance in everyday life. As a result, an attempt has been made to integrate the subject’s theoretical foundations with their practical applications. In terms of content and methodology, the scope encompasses both the immediate and distant environment.
The transfer of knowledge necessitates the use of instructional strategies, and the curriculum has been designed as a teaching syllabus with an integrated teaching scheme and some suggested strategies to aid in the teaching and learning process.
This approach is expected to ensure that inexperienced or untrained teachers handle the subject effectively in the classroom while reinforcing the knowledge of teaching methods and resources of trained teachers.
However, the economics teacher must gain proficiency in the methods and resources used in senior secondary school economics instruction.
Content competence, competence in transmitting content to the learner, competence in the use of a variety of instructional materials, and competence in evaluating instruction are among these competencies. Some methods and resources for enhancing meaningful learning through the use of instructional resources are used in the teaching and learning process.
1.1 Problem Description:
The alarming decline in the use of various methods and resources for teaching economics in senior secondary school, which could be caused by dilapidated buildings, poor working conditions for teachers, insufficient instructional materials, a lack of proper motivation on the part of the teacher, and inadequacy of time allotted for economics teaching, is cause for concern.
The government’s various efforts, such as the organization of workshops, seminars, and conferences, appear to be yielding results, but not enough to solve the problem. A shift is unavoidable given that students, who are at the heart of the problem, account for a sizable proportion of the labor force in the society. For this country’s future to be secure, students must be properly guided, and resources must be harnessed for the benefit of humanity.
1.2 The Study’s Purpose
A study has been conducted to investigate the methods and resources used in the teaching of economics in senior secondary schools. As a result, it will investigate the methods and resources used in the process of teaching and learning economics in our secondary schools. The following will be determined specifically by the study:
i. Examine the school environment and how it affects the methods and resources used to teach economics.
ii. Determine whether the working conditions of teachers have an impact on the methods and resources used to teach economics.
iii. Examine the impact of inadequate and unavailable instructional materials on teaching methods and resources.
iv. Determine whether increasing teacher motivation would improve efficiency and effectiveness in economics teaching and learning.
v. Examine the appropriateness of the time allotted for economics instruction.
1.3. Research Issues:
The following research questions were addressed in this study:
i. To what extent does the school environment influence economics teaching methods and resources?
ii. Does the working conditions of teachers influence the methods and resources used to teach economics?
iii. What effect does the non-availability and inadequacy of instructional materials have on economics teaching methods and resources?
iv. Does a lack of proper motivation affect economics teaching methods and resources?
v. Does a lack of time affect the methods and resources used to teach economics?
1.4 Importance of the Study:
We are constantly reminded of the enormous benefit of education to humanity at every stage of its growth and development in Nigeria.
There is a need to apply economic knowledge to many areas of our life endeavor in order to benefit society; achieving these goals necessitates an understanding of the fundamental teachings of economics. As a result, our research is of great value to:
i. Labor employers by ensuring that school graduates are adequately trained and employable.
ii. Parents, by providing them with fulfillment as a result of their children’s and wards’ improved academic performance.
iii. Society, by reducing the threat of dropout and the social ills associated with failing education.
iv. The teachers, by advancing their quest for better working conditions, gain public admiration and respect.
v. Students by encouraging better interaction between teacher and student in order to improve students’ academic performance.
vi. Teachers, by drawing their attention to the importance of using more appropriate teaching methods.
vii. School administrators, by assisting in the development of better strategies for increasing teachers’ effectiveness and productivity in the school system.
viii. School owners, who recognize the importance of having the necessary instructional materials on hand.
1.5 The Study’s Scope and Limitations:
The research is limited to SS2 and SS3 students from a few selected secondary schools on the Lagos Mainland. This will improve the convenience, comprehensiveness, and quality of data derived from schools.
During the course of this work’s research, however, only a few limitations were discovered. Some respondents were hesitant to complete the questionnaire.
During the administration of the questionnaire, some students were unable to read and comprehend the questions. Because government schools were on strike at the time of this research, it was difficult to recruit students from them.
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