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An Investigation On The Level Of Phonological Interference In The Speech Of Hausa-English Bilingual

An Investigation On The Level Of Phonological Interference In The Speech Of Hausa-English Bilingual

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An Investigation On The Level Of Phonological Interference In The Speech Of Hausa-English Bilingual


This research project is geared at doing “an investigation on the level of phonological interference in the speech of Hausa-English bilingual: A case study of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto.” It sought to identify the characteristics that distinguish the Hausa accent from the Received Pronunciation.

The recordings of ten selected Hausa native speakers were used. Students who were native Hausa speakers were sampled. A phonological approach was applied, with the snowball sampling technique.

It was determined that phonological elements of Hausa, such as replacement, under-differentiation, spelling pronunciation, epenthesis, and consonant cluster simplification, were common in the oral English samples. The samples’ English was influenced by their first language.

Chapter One: Introduction.

1.0 Introduction

To explore the extent of phonological interference in the speech of Hausa-English bilinguals, particularly Hausa English speakers, more effort and attention are required.

This is because it has been noticed that this difficulty is caused by linguistic traits found in their indigenous languages being transmitted to the English sound system. Their English phonetics are consistent with the structure of their mother tongue’s sound system (Osisanwo, 2009).

Phonology is the study of a language’s sounds. It is the study of the qualities of a particular language’s sound system. It is the systematic investigation of how speech sounds (Osisanwo, 2009).

According to Hyman (1975:1), as stated by Osisanwo (2009:3), the goal of phonology is to examine the qualities of the sound system that speakers must learn and internalise in order to use their language for communication.

According to Oyebade (1998:2), ‘phonology is the scientific study of the arbitrary vocal sign utilised in human speech and the pattern into which these symbols generate intelligent, meaningful utterances’.

To summarise, Akmajian et al. (2008:109) defined phonology as the study of the structure and patterning of sound in human language. Speakers of Nigerian English continue to have many pronunciation challenges as a result of their L1 influence on their spoken English (Alabi, 2007).

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