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Any organization’s survival and growth are heavily dependent on marketing operations. Recently, marketing operations in the service industry have caused severe challenges for service operators.

This is due to the competitive nature and the growing number of service businesses. The purpose of this article is to investigate the use of marketing concepts in the banking business.

The research is based on data gathered from both primary and secondary sources. The study’s findings revealed that application plays a significant part in the banking industry. This study also demonstrated the importance and benefits of implementing marketing concepts in Nigeria’s banking industries.

As a result, the ability of any service industry to establish and implement an effective marketing plan will be critical to its survival. The study’s date analysis was simple, and the chi-square (X2) statistic was used to examine the results further in order to confirm the influence of applying marketing concepts in the Nigerian banking industry.

Chapter one


Background of the study

The marketing concept of providing the target’s need and want at a higher profit than competitors should not be overemphasised. Marketing can also refer to the action or business of promoting and selling products or services.

Although it was rarely used in the past by the service industry. The lagging attitude of service marketers in implementing this marketing concept might also be attributed to the inseparability of services.

Apparently, owing to the fundamental nature of banking services, it ought not to be handled in exactly the same way as other industrial firms.

Banking marketing must essentially fulfil two distinct tasks.

(i) It must attract deposit on the one hand.

(ii) It must attract borrowers and service customers, on the other hand.

Banking’s dualistic nature necessitates a more complex marking challenge than those seen in other businesses.

However, in recent years, they have been driven out of the market due to their inability to fulfil the N25 billion capital base.

The banking industry’s survival of the fittest has provided numerous competitive challenges for the survivors, both old and new generation banks, forcing the marketing concept and its application in order to compete advantageously and increase profits.

1.1 Historical Background of the Study

Zenith International Bank Limited was founded on May 30, 1990, with its headquarters in Lagos, Nigeria, as a private limited liability company. The bank was licenced to conduct banking operations in June 1990. The bank’s name was changed to Zenith Bank Plc on May 20, 2004, to reflect its status as a public Limited Liability Company.

The bank’s shares were listed on the Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE) on October 21, 2004, following a highly successful initial public offering (IPO). Nigerian institutions and individuals own over a million shares of the bank.

In Nigeria, the bank’s major service delivery channels are its business offices, which numbered over 330 branches and more than 218 cash offices as of 2011. These are located in important business and commercial centres throughout the federation, including the federal capital territory (FTC) in Abuja.

Within the first decade of operations, the bank established a dominant position in profitability and all other performance indicators, which it has maintained to this day.

1.2 Statement of Problems

Because the marketing concept and its application are still relatively new in contemporary corporate organisations, researchers have discovered that some organisations lag behind due to the following issues.

(1) Not acknowledging the consumer as king.

(2) Creating products or services from which buyers can choose.

(3) Not adapting to shifting marketing conditions.

(4) Incorrect use of marketing concept.

(5) Ignoring the good impact made by the adoption of marketing concepts.


This project is intended to address the following reach questions related to Zenith Bank of Nigeria Plc.

(1) To what extent did marketing concepts have an impact on the banking industry?

(2) Would a bank operate without using marketing concepts?

(3) Can anything be done to improve customer service?

1.4 Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses were developed to lead the investigation; the hypotheses will be examined at 0.5 alpha levels.

Hypothesis #1:

Ho: The marketing concept does not serve as a strategy for achieving position impact in the banking industry.

Hi: Marketing concepts are used as a technique to increase position effect in the banking industry.

Hypothesis #2:

Ho: The existence of Zenith Bank is not contingent on the implementation of marketing concepts.

Hello: The existence of Zenith Bank is heavily reliant on the use of marketing concepts.


The goal of this study is to evaluate Zenith Bank’s marketing department in order to determine the influence of marketing concepts and their application in their bakery operations. Specifically, they include:

(1) To investigate the impact of marketing concepts and their application in the banking business.

(2) Determine whether a lack of application of marketing concepts might actually contribute to business failure.

(3) To verify that the application is being processed by Zenith Bank Plc.

(4) Identify the issue that is impeding Zenith Bank of Nigeria’s effective application of marketing concepts.

(5) To recommend the expansion of bank services.

1.6 Significance of the Study

This study focuses on the application of marketing in the Nigerian banking business. It also assists the public, particularly depositors, in identifying “sound” banks so that they do not risk their hard-earned money with distressed banks, and investors in the industry will know where to direct their investments.

It is also a study to see whether a lack of application of marketing concepts might lead to business failure.

1.7 Scope of the Study

This study is reasonably limited to the influence of applying marketing concepts in the Nigerian banking business.

It was planned to carry all Nigerian banks, but due to several limits, Zenith Bank Plc has a limited number of branches.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Bank Age (Ag) is defined as the number of years a bank branch has existed.

According to Hart (1931:1), a bank or banker is defined as a person or corporation engaged in the business of receiving money and collecting drafts for customers, subject to the obligation of honouring cheques drawn on them from time to time by customers to the extent of the amount available on their current accounts.

Banking can be defined as the practice of receiving money or deposits from the public and making loans.

According to Kotler (1983), marketing is the management concept that holds the key task of an organisation, which is to determine the need, want, and adopt the organisation to deliver the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than its competitors. A human need is a state of depreciation in a person.

They include the basic physical need for knowledge and self-expression. According to Kotler (1980), went are desired for specific satisfaction of the needs as those separately identifiable, essentially intangible activities that produce want satisfaction and are not necessarily linked to the sale of produce or other services.

According to Kotler Philip (91999: 238), a product is anything that can be offered to a market or for attention, acquisition, user, or consumption, and which may satisfy a want or need.

Market: Any arrangement in which buyers and sellers get together to exchange goods and services.

Market segmentation is a marketing approach that involves breaking an international target market into subsets of consumers with wants and applications for relevant goods and services.

Services are market-based intangible offerings.

Marketing Mix: A word used to describe a business’s blend of methods for efficiently marketing its products or services to a certain target consumer group.

Marketing research can be described as any organised effort to gather knowledge about the market or clients.

A customer is defined as a person or group of people who are the final users of goods and services produced within a social system.

Advertising is any paid type of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, commodities, or services by an identifiable sponsor with the goal of raising awareness, informing, educating, and persuading their target audience to buy.

According to Kotler Philip (92002: 4-04), a brand is a name, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, that is meant to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and distinguish them from those of competitors.

Trade Market: A distinctive sign or indicator used by an individual, business organisation, or other legal entity to identify for consumers that the product or services on or with which the trademark appears are from unique sources designated for a specific market, as well as to distinguish its product or services from those of other entities.

Corporate identity can be defined as an extension of your bank that encompasses everything bearing your logo or contact information.

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