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Aspects Of Question Formation In Yiwom

Aspects Of Question Formation In Yiwom

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Aspects Of Question Formation In Yiwom

Chapter one

General Background.
The primary goal of this research is to investigate question formation (i.e. how questions are produced). According to Stockwell (19971), “to study syntax is to study an aspect of how sentences are formed and understood.”

Question formulation is a transformational process. Transformational rules are those that translate deep structure into surface structure. In other words, altered rules are utilised to convert input (deep structure) into output (surface structure).

According to Radford (1997:1), syntax is the way words can be paired to make phrases and sentences. In terms of syntax, no human language permits sentences to be constructed by arbitrarily putting words together. Every human language has a unique and consistent method for mixing words to produce sentences.

This chapter will discuss the historical history, socio-cultural character, genetic categorisation, and geographic location of the Yiwom language. This chapter also includes the scope and organisation of the study’s research methods, as well as a brief summary of the framework used.

1.1 Historical Background.

Yiwom people are the most dominant group in Miktang.

Plateau State’s Local Government Area. They are well known as Garkawa people.

The Yiwom are also referred to as Garkawa, Garkarchi Garka, and Gurka. They call their town Hiel-yiwom, although Fulani refer to it as Gerkawa. It is a unit in the south-east corner of the current miktang and local government region, bordered by the lantang section of Yergam in the north and east, the road to Damper in the south, Inshar in the south, and the Latin section of Montol in the west.

The Yiwom people have lived in their current location for more than 200 years. The piton arrived first and established a fortified settlement at Hakbap. The Rohta came in second and established at kie-hiel at Rohta Hills, north of Hiel Yiwom. Other families arrived in big detachments, one father leading the other, and took safety in Kiel- hiel. Rohta rock was fortified and able to withstand siege.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the families moved from their hill to their current residences. Yiwom was previously divided into two distinct sections: hill and plain. The former at Rohl Mountain claims they are from River Guinea in the hills, but the pitop claims they came from the earth.

The term Yiwom in Yiwom dialet means “leaves”. The comparison is that just as trees emerge from the ground, so do their ancestors. Fulani / Hausa traders named them Garkawa because of their intransigence. The name is derived from the word “Gagararru,” which eventually became “Garka” and “Bagarka.”

Finally, Garkawa folklore states that all of the families listed, who name themselves Yiwom or Garkawa of Jukum descent, migrated after the collapse of the Kwarrafa empire (west of Bukundi) and wandered until they landed in Garokawa town.

Geographical location. The Yiwom speaker’s home is located in the south-east of the current Miktang L.G.A., which was previously at Shedam and Long Tang. It is located at latitude 9000 North East. It covers an area of around 139km2, which is 285.3 square meters.

1.2 Sociocultural Profiles

Socio-cultural profile refers to the interaction between

society and culture. It has to do with how people live their lives. This includes work, ceremonies, belief in religion, and marriage.

Occupation: The basic occupation of Garkawa was and is

farming. They raise a variety of cereals, including guinea corn and millet. They also carry all agricultural items such as sugar cane, Irish potatoes, and onions.

They’re formidable warriors.

Food: the Garkawa people most likely have a variety of

Because they are farmers. They eat kukashi, which is made with ground guinea corn. Their greatest drink is “Buruku,” which is prepared with millet.

Religion: Garkawa practise all types of religion, including

Christianity, Islam, and Animism. However, the major religion in Garkawa town is Christianity.

Marriage: Garkawa custom has three modes of

There are three ways to contract a marriage: by cousin, by system of exchange, and by paying a little traditional bride price.

Marriage through coursing was referred to as the best kind of

Marriage in the sense that it keeps money in the family. The most essential reason is that divorce is not permitted and hence remains permanent. They are ruled by a “Niwo” chief, and God is referred to as “Na’an”.

Marriage through exchange: in this situation, the wife and

Her babies effectively became the husband’s property; however, this has faded with time.

Marriage with a tiny bride price: under the small

The bride price system made it possible for a lady to replace her husband.

The Garkawa people are not all about stealing, crime, and adultery.

a punishable offence. A person who practices witchcraft is burned alive. “In the past, the people were feared by all and conquered by none.”In 1931, Narhtable, a plateau province inhabitant, wrote in a moderate tone.

The Garkawa people do not have a tribal mark, except for personal

adornment. Male children are circumcised every year. It was viewed as a rebirth. Female children cannot be circumcised according to custom and tradition. Children are first taught their mother tongue in yiwom, goemai, and kukum languages.

1.3 Genetic classification

Genetic classification demonstrates how languages relate to one another. African languages are divided into four categories: Afrositic, Niger Kordofonism, Nilosahara, and Khoisan.

Yiwon language is part of the Chadic family, which in turn is part of

Afro-Asiatic family. Afro-asiatic languages number 353 in total, while Chadic languages number 200. Yiwom is one of the 200 Chadic languages.


Chadic Senitic Cushitic Ancient Egyptian Berber

Mandra Gudder Musgu Bana Sahel Western Bata-tera Gisila Daba.

Matakam is a group.


Hausa Ngizim Nargawa Bolewu Plateau

group, group, group, group Bolewa Subgroup Ron subgroup, plateau group. Angas Ankwe, Boroi Chip Dimuk. Gorom Jorto Kwalla. Mina Montol

Sura Tai Yiwom.

Derek Iraz and Patricia E. Scott’s 1997 book, A Genetic and Decimalised Classification for Bibliographic and General References, was published by G.K. Hall and Co. at 70 Lincoln Street in Boston.

1.4 Scope and Organisation of the Study

The first chapter of this project includes a general introduction, historical backdrop, socio-cultural profile, genetic classification, scope and organisation of the study research technique, and a quick overview of the chosen framework.

Chapter two covers one of the fundamental syntactic ideas, including a brief.

phonological analysis of the Yiwom language.

Lexical categories, phrase structure rules, basic word order,

Type your sentences.

Chapter three will reveal the research topic. Question

Formation will be described, using instances from the Yiwom language.

Chapter four will be a continuation of the types of questions we have.

Chapter five includes the conclusion, summary, and recommendation.

1.5 Research Methodology.

The data for this study was collected using the Ibadan 400 word list and frame methods method. The word list allows a researcher to gather both the phonetic and phonemic consonant and vowel systems of the language under investigation. It also provides information about lexical items in the language.

All of this is made feasible with the assistance of a language helper (a native speaker of the language). Language assistance is sometimes known as “informant”; these folks acted as informants for the collection of data required in Yiwom.

The data will be analysed using the frame methods method. Frame

The methods method makes it easy for the field researcher to determine the composition of the language used to collect data; sentences and phrases are written in English, and the equivalent is provided in that language by the language helper.

In this researcher work, every work will be done using the frame technique.

approach because the job is based on syntax, which is concerned with the organisation of words.

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