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Assessment Of Availability And Utilization Of Instructional Materials In Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools

Assessment Of Availability And Utilization Of Instructional Materials In Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools

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Assessment Of Availability And Utilization Of Instructional Materials In Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools


This study looked at the availability and use of instructional resources in primary schools in the Wamakko Local Government Area of Sokoto State. To investigate the availability of instructional resources, this study used a descriptive survey.

The population for the study was 881, and the sample size was 285 according to Research Advisor’s (2013) table for determining sample size. The data was obtained using the AUIMQ (Availability and Utilisation of Instructional Materials Questionnaire). The collected data was analysed with frequency and percentages.

The study found that there are insufficient educational tools in schools, and the few that are accessible are rarely used due to teachers’ incompetence to operate them or their misunderstanding of how to use the materials.

This research study discovered that teaching without instructional resources is unproductive, so teachers should try to use the available instructional materials for effective teaching and learning.

Chapter One:


1.1 Background of the Study

The concept of employing materials and equipment to improve efficacy in the educational process is as old as humanity; the good teacher will always use equipment or assistance in the form of instructional materials to help students understand and learn better. The lack of educational materials in our primary schools, as well as the limited or non-use of those that are there, has had an impact on children’s primary school performance.

In recent years, there have been discussions and disputes over the declining quality of education. The responsibility has transferred from one educational variable to another.

Teachers, parents, and students all bear responsibility for the deteriorating conditions in schools, but ministries of education are frequently held accountable. With this backdrop in mind, the researchers conducted research on the accessibility and use of instructional resources in Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools.


Instructional resources are unquestionably helpful tools, and when used correctly by a teacher, they help to enrich his teaching and instill in his students a desire to learn. However, instructional resources do not accomplish the given value on their own; their utility is determined by what the instructor produces of them.

Intelligent handling of these materials in the classroom is required. To make successful use of educational materials, teachers must learn how to use and regulate them. Unless the classroom teacher uses these gadgets and directs the students’ attention to what they should look for, the devices will not provide the intended learning experience.

To explain ideas, exhibit abstract ideas and processes, and highlight the relationship between ideas in a developing sequence, instructional materials must be used intelligently. It is almost necessary for the instructor to be familiar with the limitations of the chosen resources in order to assist their efficient use.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

To promote effective teaching and learning in schools, it’s important to assess the availability and utilisation of instructional materials. Against this backdrop, the current study examined the availability and use of instructional resources in Wamakko Local Government Area Primary Schools.

1.3 Objectives of the Study

Generally, the study sought to analyse the availability and use of teaching materials in Wamakko Primary Schools. The study aims to identify the availability of teaching materials in Wamakko Primary Schools.

ii) Determine if the available instructional materials are being used effectively in Wamakko Primary Schools.

iii) Determine how often the accessible instructional materials are used in Wamakko Primary Schools.

iv) To investigate the issues that impede the efficient use of instructional materials in Wamakko Primary Schools.


1.4 Research Questions.

To investigate the topic, the following research questions were raised: 1. What instructional materials are available for teaching and learning in Wamakko Local Government Area’s primary schools?

2. Are the available teaching materials being used effectively?

3. How frequently are the accessible training materials put to use?

4. What are the issues that prevent effective use of the current instructional materials?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The study provides a means of determining the situation regarding the availability and use of instructional resources in our schools. The findings are expected to help stakeholders, educational administrators, managers, and educational planners in the Wamakko Local Government Area of Sokoto State and the federal government as a whole improve their service to primary schools.

This would help them identify issues with teaching materials and make required modifications. Our young children’s future rests on the foundation we offer for them, and it is this foundation that will shape their development.

If the suggestions and recommendations made at the conclusion of this study are implemented, teachers and students will benefit tremendously and favourably. This is achievable when students’ needs, capabilities, unique interests, motivation, and teaching/learning styles are considered.

The recommendation would also, hopefully, change teachers’ attitudes towards teaching and inspire them to make the most use of the available materials on their own in order to fulfil their jobs as expert communicators.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the availability and use of instructional materials at Wamakko Local Government Primary School. This study only looks at the availability and use of instructional materials in Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools.


To identify the availability of instructional materials in Wamakko Primary Schools; to examine whether the available instructional materials are adequately used in Wamakko Primary Schools; to determine how frequently the available instructional materials are put to use in Wamakko Primary Schools; and to investigate the issues impeding the effective utilisation of instructional materials in Wamakko Primary Schools.

1.7 Operational Definition of Terms

– Accessibility: The ability to use a system or entity.

 Availability refers to having necessary materials or services on hand.

 Utilisation refers to the act or manner of using something.

 Instructional: Designed for instruction.

 Material: This refers to a physical object or its components, as well as important facts, jokes, or items used in a performer’s routine or to complete a task.

7. Instructional Materials: A teacher’s resources for explaining and elucidating a topic to students to ensure full comprehension.

 School: A location for learning and teaching (8).

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